Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 324 Tang Wei is injured, Big Brother Ye: Hide behind me, don't come out!

Chapter 324 Tang Wei is injured, Big Brother Ye: Hide behind me, don't come out!

Only Ye Mingyang was the closest, rushing over to rescue the little girl from the clutches of the old lady, but the old lady Tang seemed to have gone crazy, probably because of the resentment that had been squeezed for many years, once she made a move at this moment, she didn't want to stop at all , She tightly grabbed Tang Wei's hair and did not let go.

Desperately trying to scratch Tang Wei's face, Ye Mingyang blocked her a lot so that Tang Wei would not be disfigured.

"Get out of the way, I hit my granddaughter, get out, get out!"

Mrs. Tang went crazy when she saw her daughter being beaten like this. As a mother, I don't want others to bully her children, especially the daughter she has cared for since she was a child.

"Stop, stop, Weiwei... let go..."

Mrs. Tang rushed forward, and when she was in a hurry, her actions were not serious, and she was not so polite to Mrs. Tang.

"Let go of my daughter..."

"Mom...Mom..." Tang Wei's hair was pulled off quite a bit, tears of pain came out, if Ye Mingyang hadn't been protecting her, she would have really suffered this time.

Mrs. Lin came out with someone, and when she saw Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Tang fighting, she immediately flirted with Lin Rong. Lin Rong screamed, "Mom, sister-in-law, how can you beat our mother? Let go!"

She rushed over to beat Mrs. Tang, and Mrs. Lin also went to help.

They have long disliked Mrs. Tang, and they have long wanted to punish this woman for not being able to give birth to a son and still playing prestige in the Tang family.

Really, only those who have a son have the right to be arrogant. What kind of thing is she?
With the three women and Mrs. Tang, it was too easy to beat Mrs. Tang and Tang Wei. Mrs. Tang had never fought anyone in her life. She was different from the Lin family. They would definitely suffer in this kind of thing.

Both Tang Jianguo and Ye Mingyang were dumbfounded. This is too crazy and outrageous.

"Stop! Stop!" Tang Jianguo was furious.

"Mom... ah... Mom..."

The people of the Lin family have a very clear goal. Compared with Mrs. Tang, they want to deal with Tang Wei and get rid of this loser, so Mrs. Tang will not be able to jump around.

Ye Mingyang saw that he couldn't deal with it anymore, so he broke away the hand holding Tang Wei's hair, and pulled Tang Wei behind him.

"Hide behind me, don't come out!"

Tang Wei's hair was finally rescued, and just hearing this sentence, she hid behind him, while the women in front were still barking their teeth and claws to beat her.

She was hurt and her face was burning with pain.

She hid behind him and was never hurt again, and those people never hit her again.

Ye Mingyang grabbed Lin Rong's wrist and pinched her acupuncture points. Lin Rong's arm went numb immediately, and she couldn't use any strength in her arm. Mrs. Tang seized the opportunity and slapped her a few times.

Old lady Lin rushed up, Ye Mingyang held her hand and pulled her to one side, and then pulled Lin Fang with the other hand, and then controlled the scene.

Tang Jianguo pulled his mother aside and yelled, "Stop it all, if you keep beating me, I'll drive you all out, stop it!"

Lin Fang was still restless after being pulled, and kicked Mrs. Tang. When Tang Jianguo saw it, he rushed up angrily and kicked Lin Fang.

This kick landed on the stomach, very hard.

Ye Mingyang let go of his hand, and Lin Fang fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and unable to get up.

Mrs. Tang was pressing Lin Rong to the ground and beating her. Tang Jianguo went to hug Mrs. Tang. Lin Rong got up and was about to rush up. Tang Jianguo grabbed her and pushed her to the ground.


Tang Yi rushed over, but he didn't dare to hit his uncle.

Tang Jianguo looked at Tang Yi, "What, you want to fight too?"

Tang Yi shrank his neck, he was a little afraid of his uncle, his grandmother doted on him, but he was always a little afraid of his uncle.


Mrs. Lin screamed and rushed to Lin Fang's side.

Tang Jianguo's kick was too hard, Lin Fang, a woman, couldn't bear it a little bit, her face turned pale, she broke out in cold sweat, unable to speak, she leaned pale in the arms of old lady Lin.

The old lady Tang was still screaming. Both of her hands were held by Ye Mingyang, and she couldn't break free. She could escape by kicking Ye Mingyang. He was tall and had long legs, so he stepped back. Old lady Tang had short legs. , Can't kick him at all.

"Let go! Let me go..."

Tang Wei was still behind Ye Mingyang, fortunately someone blocked her, otherwise, she would definitely be disfigured this time.

"Vivi, Weiwei..."

Mrs. Tang rushed over and saw that both of Tang Wei's cheeks were swollen. She was slapped by Mrs. Lin in the shopping mall before, and she was slapped by Mrs. Tang just after she came back, and then she was attacked again. There were still several scratch marks on his neck, and one part of his face was scratched, bleeding profusely.

Mrs. Tang cried in fright, "Weiwei, my Weiwei! What can I do? Will there be scars? Weiwei, does it hurt, my child..."

Tang Wei covered her face and leaned against Mrs. Tang's arms, "Mom..."

The 19-year-old girl has been well protected in the past. She has never seen or experienced such a scene of shrews fighting, and she can't cope with it at all.

Tang Jianguo trembled with anger, and said to the servants in the villa, "Tell me to hold these people down."

"You dare! Don't hurt them..." Mrs. Tang was still defending the Lin family while her hands were held.

The servants stopped immediately.

Tang Jianguo's face was livid, "Don't forget who paid you your wages, if you don't obey, you will all get out!"

When the servants heard this, they didn't hesitate anymore, and came up one after another to hold down the mother and daughter of the Lin family.

After restraining these people, Tang Jianguo came over to pick up Mrs. Tang who was still struggling.

As soon as Mrs. Tang got her freedom, she slapped Tang Jianguo on the face, "Trash, did you see your mother being beaten? Hurry up and hit this little bastard, hurry up!"

Tang Jianguo just stood there, looking at the ferocious mother in front of him, for the sake of the mother who didn't take his son seriously for the sake of outsiders.

Ye Mingyang: "I didn't beat her, I just didn't let her beat others."

"Little bastard, I will kill you!"

The old lady Tang rushed over again, Tang Jianguo pulled her back, "You go in for me, someone, send the old lady into the house, and don't let her come out."

The servants came up, but no one dared to pull Mrs. Tang.

"Let go, let go, Tang Jianguo, I am your mother, let go..."

Tang Jianguo had no choice but to send his old lady into the villa with his own hands, and locked her in the room to prevent her from coming out.

Lock the door from the outside, pull out the key, no matter how loud the old lady Tang was inside, Tang Jianguo turned and left.

When they came to the entrance of the villa, the mother and daughter of the Lin family were still controlled by the servants. Mrs. Lin stared at Tang Jianguo with resentful eyes, "Tang Jianguo, you can do it! How dare you hit us?"

This is the first time Mrs. Lin has received this kind of treatment in the Tang family. In the past, because of Tang Yi's relationship, Mrs. Lin has always been a guest at the Tang family.

Tang Jianguo didn't speak.

Over there, Mrs. Tang hugged Tang Wei and cried hard.

"My daughter! Weiwei..."

Mrs. Tang turned her head to Tang Jianguo and said, "This is the person you spend money to support every year. They came to your door and beat your daughter. You raised them!"

(End of this chapter)

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