Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 336 It's Still Ren Yuan

Chapter 336 It's Still Ren Yuan

Ren Yuan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain, but he couldn't control it, and countless pictures from the past emerged.

This is the place where he used to live. He made all these furniture by himself. When he got married in the village, he had to prepare some things. He and his eldest brother are very good at making money, and the family is not short of money. Even when they bought a house, they were not shabby when they got married.

In particular, he knew that Tang Jingyun was an educated youth who went to the countryside, and his living environment was very good in the past. He was reluctant to let this girl suffer with him, so he prepared a place for them to live after they got married early.

In the past, his house was painted with white walls, which looked very hasty, and the floor was made of cement, which was easy to clean.

There are many beds, wardrobes, tables, and boxes. That big wardrobe was envied by many women in the village at that time!
The room in front of them has not changed at all. It is the place where they lived for several years. Seeing this, Ren Yuan has been treated well. He remembered some things from the past. Now that they are stimulated, everything in his mind is finally coherent. .

The severe pain distorted his face, and Tang Jingyun was startled.

"A Jiang...A Jiang, what's the matter with you? Yanyan...Yanyan, come here...Yanyan..."

Ren Yuan sat on the ground with his head in pain. In those years, he went to the south to look for his brother. He did a small business and sent money to his home. Later, he heard that the goods on Hong Kong Island were particularly good, and the people there were very special. It is very easy to make money if you have money.

He also heard that his eldest brother had also passed by.

So, he went too.

In the beginning, it was really easy. He made a lot of money. He bought a house and a car in Yangcheng. Later, he transferred [-] yuan to his family at once.

Originally, when he was ready to stabilize, he took his wife and children over to play and enjoy the blessings. After all, the environment in big cities is much better than that in rural areas.

He even went to inquire about the school, and he wanted to arrange a good school for his children.

His business grew bigger and bigger, and he was very famous in that area. Later, he heard about his eldest brother and heard that he was going to sea, so he planned to take a risk and go to sea to find out.

It was that time when we went out to sea, something happened to the ship, someone on board was chasing and killing a wealthy businessman, and someone took the opportunity to rob, and many people died that night.

He kept avoiding carefully, and saved a rich man, and that man was Mr. Ren.

Later, they fell into the sea, and later, he woke up and saw a white light, and a person in a white coat was shaking in front of his eyes, talking a lot, and was gone!

The memory ends here.


"A Jiang..."

"Uncle Ye..."

All kinds of screams were heard, and when the sharp pain in his head passed, Ren Yuan let go of his hand, panting heavily, lowered his head, and remained silent.

In his mind, there are two memories.

One, just remembered, is his own.

The other is that he is the adopted son of the Ren family, has lived abroad, was injured, and some memories cannot be recalled.

After treatment for a long time, in a coma for a long time, ten years ago...

The time was deliberately changed by Mr. Ren, it wasn't ten years ago, it was eight years ago.

Ten years ago was the day when he left home. At the beginning, he lived a good life. He did business and made a lot of money. He inquired about the whereabouts of his elder brother and sent money home.


With his daughter's voice still beside him, Ren Yuan raised his head, stretched out his hand, and hugged his wife and children into his arms.

"It's okay, I remembered, it's okay!"

Everyone was stunned!
"Remember? A Jiang, you remember?" Grandma Ye grabbed Ren Yuan's arm excitedly.

Ren Yuan nodded, "Mom, it's okay, I remembered."

"Great, great, get up, Yanyan, help your father to rest for a while, take it easy."

Tang Jingyun burst into tears with excitement, "Yes, yes, don't worry, go back and have a rest, and talk slowly later."

Everyone helped Ren Yuan to the room on the second floor and asked him to relax. In the room, only Tang Jingyun was with her.

Grandma Ye was so excited that she didn't need to take a rest anymore. The motion sickness was gone, so she ran to the kitchen to cook.

"Create more today to celebrate. Xiaofeng is going to buy some drinks and beer. See if there is anything in the refrigerator?"

"I'm going right now."

When Ye Mingyan came down from upstairs, Qin Xiuheng took her hand and comforted her: "Don't worry, cook first, and have a good meal at noon. Uncle Ye's memories are probably not very good!"

They all knew that the Ren family must have deceived him. It was really hard to say what happened to Ren Yuan back then.

There must be conspiracy and suffering in it.

Ye Weijiang experienced it all himself.

How he became Ren Yuan, only he himself knows.

Ye Mingyan went to the kitchen to help cook, and Grandma Qin also came to help.

Today's Ye family is full of joy, but Grandma Qin's cooking is really not flattering.

Grandma Ye was in a good mood, but when she saw her like that, she couldn't help complaining, "Your level is too bad, are you going to blow up my kitchen?"

Grandma Qin looked at the appalling beans chopped by herself, she was silent and silent!

"Before I saw that you were very tasteful and good at eating, I thought you were very good! I didn't expect you could only talk!"

Grandma Qin said angrily: "Isn't this a bit ugly? It's not that you can't eat it."

She has been alone for so many years, and everything is fine, but she can't cook, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a kitchen killer.

In the past, Ye Mingyan cooked it for her to eat, and later, when she went to Yangshan Villa, there was a cook to do it. This is the first time she cooks in front of everyone.

A large table of dishes was cooked at noon, and the big round table of the Ye family almost couldn't sit down. Ren Yuan came down during the meal, and his mood had recovered.

"Ah Jiang, come quickly..." Grandma Ye happily beckoned her son to sit down.

Ren Yuan came to the table and sat down, everyone sat down one after another, Ren Yuan glanced at everyone, smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine, but there is one thing I want to tell you, my matter will be kept secret, in the future, I will It's still Ren Yuan, Mom, you can just call me A Yuan from now on."

"I still want to go back to Hong Kong Island. I will marry her, and marry her with Ren Yuan's identity. If someone asks about it in my hometown, tell them, Mom, that Jingyun has found a partner. You guys are going to Shanghai this time. You just met me, you guys married Jingyun, I will hold a wedding in my hometown, and then I will do it in Hong Kong Island."

Ye Mingyan and Qin Xiuheng were not surprised by this result.

Qin Xiuheng nodded and said: "This is the best result. Anyway, as long as Uncle Ye remembers everything, then everything will be fine. Ren Yuan's identity is more beneficial to Uncle Ye."

Ren Yuan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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