Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 349 Still the most powerful smoke 3

Chapter 349 Still the most powerful smoke 3
Jiang Jinyue nodded.

Ye Mingyan put away his medicine box, took Jiang Jinyue's blood sample, and said to everyone: "I'll go to the laboratory first, and let me know when Zhou Xun comes back."

"it is good!"

Jiang Ye and Jiang Kaiwen sent Ye Mingyan, the dean and others outside the door.

The laboratory of Hongqiao Hospital is well equipped and the instruments are very advanced. Ye Mingyan is very serious about Jiang Jinyue's condition.

The reason why it cannot be checked is not that there is no reason, but that the technology is not good enough.

She has seen many intractable diseases over the years, but this is the first time she has seen such a situation.

After reading those reports and taking Jiang Jinyue's pulse, she actually had some doubts in her heart, but she was not sure yet.

Four or ten minutes later, Zhou Xun came back with a lunch box. Ye Mingyan came over. It was still a bottle of milky white medicine, which had been diluted. She poured the medicine into the food and let Jiang Jinyue eat it.

"Try it and see how it tastes?"

Because Jiang Jinyue drank the bottle of medicine before, her mouth no longer rejected food as much as before. Even, smelling the aroma of food, she had the urge to eat for the first time in a long time.

Tao Wenying filled a bowl of soup and handed it to Jiang Jinyue.

Jiang Jinyue took a sip, and the deliciousness of the soup immediately filled her mouth. Her eyes lit up, and she immediately drank several sips.

"smell good!"

It's been a long time since she had this kind of delicious food. She drank the soup, started to eat the chicken, and even ate the rice and two other side dishes, all of which tasted delicious.

The little girl ate voraciously, her mouth was full.

Tao Wenying and Jiang Kaiwen were stunned. Jiang Ye and Zhou Xun didn't know about Jiang Jinyue's situation before, but their parents did. It's been three months since they saw their daughter wanting to eat so much for the first time.

The eye sockets of the two of them turned red immediately, Tao Wenying covered her mouth, tears kept falling, and cried out excitedly.

Soon, Jiang Jinyue was full, rubbed her stomach contentedly, and burped involuntarily.


Jiang Jinyue quickly covered her mouth and looked at everyone a little embarrassed.

She is a very well-bred young lady, such behavior is really disrespectful.

Ye Mingyan smiled, "It's okay, having a good appetite is more important than anything else, tell your mother what you want to eat next time."

Jiang Jinyue felt that the sister in front of her was very powerful, she looked about her age, and she could heal diseases.

"Thank you sister, you are amazing!"

Ye Mingyan smiled, "My name is Ye Mingyan, you can just call me Sister Ye from now on. I have studied medicine for many years, and I learned it since I was a child, so I am better than my peers."

Tao Wenying and Jiang Kaiwen stabilized their emotions, and quickly thanked Ye Mingyan, "Miss Ye, thank you so much, my daughter's it..."

Seeing the anticipation on the faces of the two, Ye Mingyan could only say: "Now some of my tests haven't come out, and I can't give you an accurate answer, but judging from Yueyue's eating situation, it hasn't been the worst yet. point."

"At least, the medicine in my hand works for her."

Although they didn't get an accurate answer, the couple still found some hope. Before they were abroad, they really didn't have any hope.

Jiang Ye was also very excited, "Sister-in-law, thank you so much, you are the best!"

Zhou Xun said with a smile: "No wonder big brother dotes on you so much, sister-in-law, big brother just found a treasure!"

Ye Mingyan smiled, "Okay, stop flattering me."

She glanced at the rest of the meal, and said to Jiang Kaiwen and his wife, "Don't waste this meal. It's good for your health if you add medicine. Eat it for your uncles and aunts! You have been taking care of Yueyue, and your body needs it too." Make up."

Jiang Jinyue's organs are exhausted and she has no vitality. Her spiritual spring water is the source of all things and is very energetic. Although there is no cure for the disease, adding the spiritual spring water will definitely be useful to her.

She added so much to the meal just now, so it can't be wasted.

The couple responded quickly, and Ye Mingyan turned around and went to the laboratory.

With hope, the atmosphere in the ward became much more relaxed. Jiang Kaiwen helped Tao Wenying to sit down, and comforted him: "I finally saw some hope. Although Miss Ye is young, it is not easy to look at. You Eat some too! Only after taking good care of yourself will you have the strength to take care of Yueyue."

Tao Wenying nodded, seeing Jiang Kaiwen serving soup for her, she took a sip of it.

Just after taking a sip, she suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Kaiwen asked.

Tao Wenying didn't have time to speak, she slurped the soup almost instinctively, Jiang Kaiwen was stunned, his daughter-in-law was well-educated, it was the first time she lost her composure like this, this...

He glanced at the chicken soup in the bowl, is it really so delicious?

Jiang Jinyue smiled and said: "Parents, brother, brother Zhou Xun, you all come over and try it, this food is really delicious."

Tao Wenying nodded, "Yes, yes, eat it quickly, don't waste it, it's really delicious!"

Jiang Kaiwen drank a little, his expression changed immediately, he didn't say anything, and immediately lowered his head to drink soup and eat.

Jiang Ye and Zhou Xun looked at each other in disbelief.

"Is it that magical?"

Zhou Xun said: "What is that thing my sister-in-law added? Didn't uncles and aunts say that Yueyue had no appetite at all before? Now Yueyue likes to eat so much, it seems that the taste is really good."

Jiang Ye was curious, so he went over to taste it, but in the end, he didn't even say a word, didn't greet Zhou Xun, and started to eat quickly by himself.

Zhou Xun: "..."

Soon, he joined them.

Fortunately, Zhou Xun bought a lot, but they were still eaten by these people, and there was not even a little soup left.

Jiang Jinyue giggled on the sidelines!
This afternoon, Jiang Jinyue's energy was much better, and she didn't sleep all afternoon, Jiang Kaiwen and Tao Wenying were very happy to watch.

At this time, the Jiang family.

After Jiang Ye's family left, Mrs. Jiang was waiting for Jiang Kaiwen to come back and beg her.

There was a problem with Jiang Kaiwen's foreign company, the account was frozen, the couple had no money, and Jiang Ye's bank card was suspended by her, and he couldn't even go to the hospital without money.

The old lady snorted angrily: "That bitch Tao Wenying is a bastard. This time, I will definitely let her divorce the boss. How dare she go against me in the Jiang family, hmph!"

Mrs. Jiang is a very old-fashioned old lady. She didn't like Tao Wenying at the beginning. Tao Wenying is a woman of the new era. She is more assertive, especially because she is not born high. The old lady has never liked her.

However, Jiang Kaiwen is not a soft persimmon, he must marry, the two of them got the certificate, and the old lady can't help it. Over the years, she has been trying to find a way to drive Tao Wenying out.

But with Jiang Kaiwen's protection and Tao Wenying's strength, the old lady has never been able to succeed. In the end, the couple took their children to go abroad directly, which made the old lady very angry.

Now, she finally found a chance.

"Grandma! I got No.1 in the exam!"

A sweet female voice came from outside, and a girl in a white dress and a pink coat ran in.

 Kawen has been stuck for a few days, and finally straightened out the outline, and I will add an update at noon tomorrow!mwah!Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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