Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 35 Marrying Qin Xiuheng, all the glory and wealth are here

Chapter 35 Marrying Qin Xiuheng, all the glory and wealth are here

Xie's yard is also quite big.

Xie Qinshan got a lot of money from Ye's family back then, so the family's house was repaired a lot.

The main house is three large tiled houses, and there are several rooms in the east and west.The Xie family is not divided, except for Xie Yuqiu, who has already married, the rest of the people live here.

Zhou Yunyi gave birth to six children in total, the eldest and the second are twin sons. It was with this pair of sons that Xie Qinshan at that time paid more and more attention to her.

The third is a daughter, Xie Yuqiu, who is married and has children.

The next one is a son, Xie Chengcai, who is not doing his job all day, drinking and gambling. He spent a lot of money in his early years to finally marry a daughter-in-law, but in the end he ran away, leaving behind a son, Xie Wenkang.

That is, the one who broke Ye Mingyan's head.

Next, there is a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, also old, only 19 years old this year.

The elder brother Xie Chengjin is now going to college outside, and the youngest daughter Xie Yujiao has been at home since graduating from high school, and she is not married yet.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything else, but this stomach is quite impressive.

In the past, there was a severe shortage of supplies, and medical conditions were very backward. Many newborn babies could not be fed. She was born with twins and twins, which was definitely a blessing in those days.

As soon as Zhou Yun came back, he went to the house of his youngest daughter Xie Yujiao.

At this time, Xie Yujiao was blowing an electric fan in the room, trying on the new clothes she just bought.

"Mom, look, does my new dress look good?"

She held a new dress in her hand, a white dress with a bow, which was very fashionable in this day and age.

Looking at his daughter who looked like jade, Zhou Yun's mood finally improved a little.

"We, Jiaojiao, look good in everything, Jiaojiao! Qin Xiuheng is back, put on new clothes quickly, look good, and hang out in front of him more, that kid has money and is a college student. In the future, you If you can marry him, you will never be able to enjoy the glory and wealth in your life."

Xie Yujiao paused, and her face immediately turned red.

Qin Xiuheng was tall and handsome, Xie Yujiao was the same age as him, so naturally he paid attention to him. When they were in high school, the two were in the same school.

At that time, Qin Xiuheng was praised by all teachers at school, and Xie Yujiao naturally liked it.

But at that time, Qin Xiuheng was still very poor. An orphan was adopted by Mr. Du, and there was no one at home to help him. There was still such an old man to support.

Xie Yujiao did not despise such a person.

Her mother had told her long ago that she was going to marry into the city to be a young grandmother.

But two years ago, Qin Xiuheng suddenly became prosperous. When he was recognized by the Qin family, the Qin family came to Qingshan Village to thank Grandpa Du.

At that time, those cars, how many were driven!
Those who came bought a large cart of gifts and dressed very decently. At first glance, they looked like very rich people.

Since then, Xie Yujiao has changed her mind towards Qin Xiuheng.

Knowing that Qin Xiuheng was back this time, she went to buy several new clothes, just for Qin Xiuheng to see.

"Mom, I know, I didn't buy new clothes on purpose!"

Qin Xiuheng was too tempting to them. The unpleasantness in Ye's yard a few days ago was completely ignored by them.

In their minds, as long as Qin Xiuheng likes her, nothing will be a problem.

Zhou Yun smiled, and sure enough, her daughter was smart.

(End of this chapter)

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