Chapter 363

Ji Yufei shuddered, "Well, it's Yanyan and Brother Qin who are kind to you, not me, so you don't have to be so polite to me."

"Let's just get along as ordinary friends. My name is Ji Yufei. I'm 19 years old and still in school. What about you?"

Jiang Ye has a bit of a wild temper, so he likes such a straightforward girl.

"My name is Jiang Ye, a native of Shanghai, I am 26 this year, and I have graduated for two years."

Ji Yufei nodded, "You are a native of Shanghai! No wonder Brother Qin asked you to come and take me with you! Are there many interesting places in Shanghai?"

Jiang Ye thought for a while, "There must be a lot of fun, how long will you stay here? I can take you to play all over again, Shanghai has developed rapidly in recent years, and those who haven't come here for a few years, come back and see, I almost don’t know this place anymore.”

Ji Yufei nodded, "I have about a month's vacation, and I'm going to leave after the competition."

The two walked around and chatted.

"Game? What game?"

"The semi-finals and finals of the National Academy of Painting Competition were held in Shanghai."

Jiang Ye didn't pay much attention to this aspect, "Oh! Then I wish you a good ranking."

"That's a must!" Ji Yufei raised her chin, "I've learned from Yanyan for so long! If I can't even get a decent ranking, I won't even go back to see everyone."

Jiang Ye was taken aback, "Learned from sister-in-law? Sister-in-law can also draw?"

Ye Mingyan is so young, it doesn't matter if he is good at medicine, but he can also draw?

This Jiang Ye really didn't know.

Ji Yufei said: "It's not exactly that I learned from her. Yanyan had a special teacher with her when she was young, and I followed her. When I was young, my mother let me learn more. I spent the time at my grandmother's house, always by Yanyan's side."

As she said that, Ji Yufei shook her head, "Oh! Although I am two years older than Yanyan, I started learning to draw almost at the same time as Yanyan when I was a child. They were taught by the same teacher, but I just couldn't learn Yanyan. Yan, she learns everything quickly, so it's no wonder that such an outstanding person like Brother Qin likes Yanyan so much."

Jiang Ye didn't know that Ye Mingyan and Qin Xiuheng had so many things when they were young. Thinking about it, they should have been very happy at that time. They grew up together. How does it feel to watch his daughter-in-law grow up and take her to study together?
Jiang Ye was so envious, thinking why didn't he get a baby kiss back then?
But thinking of his family, Jiang Ye was depressed again.

Also doll pro!
What he remembered most when he was a child was the trouble his grandma had with his mother, trying his best to drive her away and push Shen Shuyun into his father's arms all day long.

For people like Ji Yufei and Ye Mingyan, they knew that when they were young, the children lived happily.

"Is there anyone selling painting tools here? I'm going to buy some painting tools."

Jiang Ye accompanied Ji Yufei to search for it in the mall for a while, and finally found it.

After buying painting utensils, they went to eat again. Jiang Ye found that Ji Yufei liked spicy food just like him, so the two of them went to eat hot pot.

After eating, it was almost nine o'clock.

Ji Yufei tilted her head and thought for a while, "I don't want to go back at this time, right? I don't know if Yanyan is at home at this time, I don't want to go back to make light bulbs."

Jiang Ye smiled, "Then play for a while, I will protect you, so you don't have to worry."

Ji Yufei glanced at Jiang Ye, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he didn't say anything.

protect her?
She doesn't need protection, she can hit it!
Ji Yufei thought for a while, "Let's go to the movies! There seems to be a good movie recently, I'll go see one, and I can just go home and sleep when I get out."

Jiang Ye hasn't watched a movie alone with a girl yet!Just stunned for a moment.

But I didn't think too much, so I went to the movies with Ji Yufei.

After watching the movie, it was past eleven o'clock, and Jiang Ye returned to his place after sending Ji Yufei back to Yangshan Villa.

When I went to the hospital the next day, Zhou Xun came to see Jiang Jinyue, and Jiang Ye talked about what happened yesterday.

Tao Wenying was taken aback, "Baby kiss? Don't tell me, you really have a baby kiss."

Jiang Ye was taken aback!
Even Zhou Xun was stunned, "It really is!"

Jiang Jinyue put the notebook in her hand aside, and asked curiously: "Mom, are you serious? Brother really has a baby kiss? Who is it?"

Tao Wenying smiled and said: "It's not exactly a baby kiss! If your brother hadn't mentioned it, I might not have told you this. After all, it has been so many years, and it was only a verbal talk back then, and there was no token. "

In this way, Jiang Ye was also very interested.

"It's okay, Mom, I'm just curious. What era is this? If the two of us don't like it, can we force others to do it? I'm just curious, tell me."

Tao Wenying smiled and said, "It's a good friend of your grandmother's. The two of them had a life-threatening relationship back then, and they both married and had children. When they were pregnant, they joked that if they had a man and a woman, they would marry as in-laws."

"But then both of them gave birth to daughters, so they had no choice but to smile and said that when the daughter grows up, the children born will be married again. It's just that the world was very chaotic back then, and your grandmother separated from them. Later, our family's life was relatively poor. It's difficult, I can't take care of myself, it seems that the last family of their family has gone to Hong Kong Island, and I don't know how the development is going."

"By the way, I remember your grandma said that the girl in that family seemed to be lost later. I don't know if I found it after so many years. If the girl is still alive, she should be only one year younger than me. I was born years ago. She was born in the next year, and we are only a few months apart."

"If that girl gave birth to a daughter, wouldn't it be a baby kiss to you?"

Jiang Ye: "..."

Zhou Xun: "..."

Jiang Jinyue: "..."

The three children looked at each other. If this is the baby kiss, then Jiang Ye's baby kiss is really too difficult.

Shen Shuyun and Shen Qinghe spent most of their time at Jiang's house during this period. Shen Shuyun had been very busy in the past, and apart from coming back to see Mrs. Jiang every year, she rarely spent time in Shanghai.

She has been in a laboratory abroad.

But this time, she stayed in Shanghai and did not leave.

The old lady Jiang smiled and said: "Shuyun will have to stay for a while this time. You are busy all year round, and it is very difficult to see you normally."

Shen Shuyun smiled and said: "I will stay for a while this time. Qinghe is going to compete. I have not been able to accompany this child since she was a child. Now that she has grown up, it is still such an important competition. I told me early After arranging the time, I promised her, this time I will naturally be here to accompany her after the game and then go back."

This competition is very important to Shen Qinghe, because Shen Shuyun plans to wait for Shen Qinghe to win the national championship, and then he can learn from Master Ming of the Painting Association.

The National Society is divided into the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Association of Calligraphy, the Association of Painting and the Association of Antiques.

This is a very tall circle in the capital, and several top masters in it are even more powerful, and each of them is a well-known figure.

Master Ming of the Painting Association is the Taishan Beidou of the painting circle. He is very famous in the capital. He can sell hundreds of millions of paintings with just one painting. With such a famous teacher, Shen Qinghe's status will naturally rise.

And the most important thing is that it is a well-known and high-level circle in the capital. Once Shen Qinghe enters, he will be able to enter the vision of the young master of the Qin family.

The Qin family is a family of medicine, and many people in the Chinese Medicine Association are from the Qin family, but Shen Qinghe didn't study Chinese medicine, so it was a bit difficult to get into this circle.

Even if you go in, you can't get into the core management.

So Shen Shuyun decided to find another way.

Many masters of the National Academy are good friends with each other. Master Ming has such a high prestige. Although Shen Qinghe joined the Painting Association, he is not far from the Chinese Medicine Association and from the Qin family.

After hearing her words, Mrs. Jiang smiled and said: "It should be, you should be a mother, you really should spend more money on our Qinghe, and thanks to this child who is sensible, he hasn't let you down since he was a child." How much do you worry, if someone else's child, you don't know what it will look like!"

Thinking of this, Mrs. Jiang became angry.

Shen Shuyun's child can be so outstanding, so well-behaved and sensible, with a famous demeanor without much teaching.

As for Tao Wenying, that slut's child, no matter how she teaches her, she will always be difficult to succeed.

That kid Jiang Ye has a very wild temper, he is not obedient at all, and he is still heartless. She raised her up with shit and urine, but his own mother was the best in the end.

Jiang Jinyue, that little slut, was more annoying than her mother, and she had a lot of evil thoughts. She dared to challenge her since she was a child, and she kept clamoring all day long to learn dancing, singing, and acting.

What are these things?

The Jiang family is a well-known family in Shanghai, but Jiang Jinyue doesn't look like a daughter in the slightest. She is really mad at her for trying to learn these unrecognizable things.

Later Jiang Jinyue was taken away by her parents, the old lady didn't care at all, she wished she would take her away and never come back, so as not to embarrass the Jiang family.

This time, Jiang Jinyue became ill with such a virtue, the old lady Jiang didn't feel bad at all, she didn't care about Jiang Jinyue's life or death.

If she dies, it's best to die quickly, lest other wealthy families in Shanghai know the cause of her death. Outsiders will gossip about such a terrible disease, which will affect the Jiang family's reputation.

If she doesn't die, then the greatest value is Shen Shuyun's rescue and treatment. Using this to make Tao Wenying and Jiang Kaiwen divorce, this is also the only value of the granddaughter Jiang's family has raised for so many years.

After being praised by Mrs. Jiang, Shen Qinghe said obediently: "Grandma, don't praise me. My mother is so busy with work. I should be obedient. Besides, I still have grandma, you love me! I How can it grow crooked?"

"Grandma likes talented girls, of course I have to study hard to repay grandma!"

The old lady Jiang couldn't be happier immediately, she just loves to listen to beautiful words, and likes to be coaxed by juniors, Shen Qinghe is even more filial than her own granddaughter.

The old lady Jiang patted Shen Qinghe's hand, "We Qinghe are good boys, it's not in vain that grandma loves you so much all these years, you! You are closer than grandma's granddaughters, you are destined to be a child of our Jiang family."

Shen Qinghe lowered her head and said shyly: "Grandma, don't praise me, your granddaughter is very filial...By the way, sister Yueyue has been in the hospital for several days. The last time I saw her so sick, Grandma, don't we go to see my sister?"

When mentioning what happened in the hospital that day, Mrs. Jiang became angry, and her face immediately changed.

"No, that damn girl doesn't know what to do, who let her have such a mother? She deserves it!"

Shen Shuyun glanced at Shen Qinghe, both mother and daughter had sarcasm in their eyes, but on the face, Shen Shuyun frowned and persuaded: "Aunt Jiang, Yueyue is your own granddaughter after all, Brother Kaiwen's own daughter, Brother Kaiwen is the most If he loves his child, let me go and have a look."

"Yueyue has treated so many doctors abroad, but none of them can be cured. It is estimated that there is no doctor who can cure it in China. It is not a solution to delay. We have so many special drugs in our laboratory. I will take a closer look. Look, maybe there is such a drug in our laboratory that can cure her?"

"If Yueyue is fine, Brother Kaiwen can rest assured."


Jiang Jinyue is Jiang Kaiwen's biological daughter, and even Shen Shuyun knows that Jiang Kaiwen will be sad if something happens to Jiang Jinyue, but Tao Wenying doesn't care.

She is also Jiang Jinyue's own mother!

They don't care.

He only wanted to plot against Shen Shuyun, and asked Shen Shuyun to do it himself. It was Shen Shuyun who should be cured. If it could not be cured, maybe he could put the blame on Shen Shuyun, make Jiang Kaiwen and Shen Shuyun divorced, and provoke the relationship between them .

If Shen Shuyun didn't take action to treat her, then she would have even more reason to go to Jiang Kaiwen to file a complaint, saying that Shen Shuyun did it on purpose, and she refused to save her even though she could be treated. No matter what, it was Shen Shuyun who was most unlucky.

This Tao Wenying is a scheming, slut, and the Jiang family married her, so the family is really unfortunate.

The old lady Jiang's face was livid with anger, "Don't worry, you can wait at ease, I will definitely ask that bitch to come and beg you."

After saying that, Mrs. Jiang went to call Jiang Kaiwen, only to find that Jiang Kaiwen's phone couldn't be reached at all.

Old lady Jiang was so angry that she called Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye's phone went through.

"Where's your dad? Now even your dad dare not answer my phone? Does he still think I'm a mother?"

Jiang Ye was stunned for a moment, his face was a little bad, "My father has gone abroad, there is a business problem over there, my father has to deal with it, there is a time difference between here and abroad, my father may be asleep, or he may be busy!"

Now, it was Mrs. Jiang's turn to be stunned.

She couldn't believe that Jiang Kaiwen had gone abroad?

His biological daughter is still in the hospital, but he just left?
This is not something that Jiang Kaiwen's temperament can do!

"Why did your father leave? You must be lying to me, okay! You have stayed outside for so many years and are not filial to my real mother, and now you still want to hide from me when you come back? Let your father answer the phone. "

Jiang Ye said speechlessly: "My father has really gone abroad. Foreign companies are so busy, he can't ignore it."

Mrs. Jiang frowned. Could it be that she really went abroad?
How can a good person go abroad?
Is that dead girl already dead?
"Where's your mother? She also left? Did they ignore Yueyue? Did she die?"

(End of this chapter)

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