Chapter 38
Han Yue stared at her, "How is that possible? You are a nine-year-old girl?"

Ye Mingyan blinked her eyes with a naive expression, "Why is it impossible? When my father was at home, he used to take me to the bookstore to read! Many things are mentioned in the books! My father used to make wine, and I was in Look around!"

"As for the candy, my father said that it is similar to the maltose that grandma boiled. I see that the maltose is boiled, and it will solidify when it cools! Those toffees sold on the street are sweetened with milk, boiled and put in a small container. Inside, it will become lumps when it cools down?"

Han Yue: "..."

Toffee is milk with sugar?

What would he say to a little girl?
The point is, he thinks, it seems to make sense, he doesn't know how toffee is made, anyway, he doesn't.

Ye Mingyan continued, "I can also make bacon and sausages. Grandma and mother can make them. The taste is good. Most of the aunts in the village can only make bacon, and bacon is not as delicious as bacon."

Han Yue: "..."

Ye Mingyan hurriedly ran to Qin Xiuheng's side, pulling his sleeves with anticipation on his face.

"Brother Qin, when my father was at home, he used to take me to and from the street, and he even took me to eat at a big restaurant in the city! The food cooked in the big restaurant is delicious! My father told me to cook In addition to paying attention to the heat, the most important thing is to put the seasoning, many people don't know so many ways, so the dishes they make are not so delicious."

"I think, if they can't make it, it doesn't mean that they won't eat it! If I make bacon, sausage, and some chicken, duck, geese, etc., marinate them with seasonings, dry them after they are delicious, and then Take it out and sell it, do you think you can sell it for money?"

Qin Xiuheng was really impressed by this little girl this time.

In the 90s, gold was everywhere in the hinterland. In this era, materials were extremely scarce and the market demand was huge. As long as many things were made, they could be sold.

Besides, what this little girl did, no matter what, he would help her sell it.

Qin Xiuheng smiled, "Yes, absolutely, and it can make a lot of money."

No matter how much you make, I can sell it to you.

Ye Mingyan immediately smiled, "Then let's hurry up and collect peaches! I'll make some canned food for you to taste."

Ye Mingyan took his arm and walked out.

"Do you know who has it?"

"Of course, I have already inquired about it, Wang Xiaofang's family has it."

Ye Mingyan has not been idle for the past two days. She has inquired a little about the situation in the village, especially if there are fruit trees at home.

Wang Xiaofang has it at home, just to help her family.

Qin Xiuheng smiled, remembering how this little girl fooled Wang Xiaofang that night, so cute!

"I'm going, I'm going too!" Han Yue stood up and raised his feet to follow.

Qin Xiuheng said, "You wash the dishes at home."

Han Yue: "..."

He looked at Ye Mingfeng, who was still gnawing on his bones, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

At this time, the atmosphere of the Wang family was not very good.

There were a lot of people sitting in front of Grandma Wang's hospital bed.

Wang Xiaofang, her younger sister Wang Xiaohong, and her younger brother Wang Xiaoxuan were all there. Grandma Wang on the hospital bed looked unsightly, while Grandpa Wang sat on the side with her head lowered, her face a bit miserable.

Zhou Yun was sitting on the side nibbling on melon seeds, and the shells of the melon seeds were all over the place, and beside her sat Xie Yujiao in a white dress.

Zhou Yun is persuading the Wang family to marry Wang Xiaofang to the old bachelor Zhang.

(End of this chapter)

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