Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 382 Yanyan God Pit, 5 in hand 2

Chapter 382 Yanyan God Pit, 5000 in hand 2
Back then, the Shen family had a good family background, but they were not very rich.

After all, in the environment more than 20 years ago, all the good people were poor people, and those who had money in their ancestors were suffering at that time!

The Shen family just has a job and their family circumstances are better.

But the Shen family has a large population, and Shen Shuyun is just a girl, she just has some pocket money.

Later, she married into the Wang family. The Wang family practiced medicine, so they had more money. When the society opened up, the Wang family's money came in faster. During that time, Shen Shuyun really lived a good life as a young grandmother.

But later, Shen Shuyun saw that people around her made money by doing business, especially Jiang Kaiwen and Tao Wenying, those two were very good at doing business, they made more and more money, and soon lived a very rich life .

She was not convinced, so she made a lot of investments with her family's money, but all of them lost money.

Later, her husband managed to cover all the losses for her, and then the family members began to get sick. It didn't take long for the members of the Wang family to gradually die out.

So Shen Shuyun inherited all the property of the Wang family, but it was not too much.

Fortunately, following the members of the Wang family, her medical skills have improved a lot, and she has gradually become famous.

In the end, he passed the assessment and joined the medical organization after someone introduced him, and he has been mixed up to the present.

She has indeed earned some money over the years, and with the Shen family's supply, she has never been short of money to spend.

But in order to train Shen Qinghe, and she usually used famous brands, she didn't have much savings.

5000 million, which will cost most of her property.

Shen Shuyun said helplessly: "I also want to talk to her about the price, but she is very tough. There is no less than 5000 million yuan, and only two days are given."

Shen Qinghe was very reluctant, "But, 5000 million! Mom, this is most of our property. In the future, when I marry into the Qin family, I will need a large dowry. If there is not enough dowry, then... I will be in the Qin family in the future." How do you stand?"

Such a big family will definitely not be short of money after marrying in, but when she gets married, she can't be too shivering!

Shen Shuyun hesitated for a while, before saying: "Qinghe, even if all the 5000 million is used as a dowry for you, in fact, after arriving at the Qin family, nothing will change. You are still you, and 5000 million can't improve your status at all."

"How about, let's treat the 5000 million as an investment, buy the antidote, and let me analyze it. If I can analyze the complete formula, then I can be promoted to a core member in the laboratory. At that time, you identity will be different.”

Shen Qinghe couldn't bear such a temptation.

She is very clear that the most important thing among big families is birth, and the most important thing for a girl to marry is the status of her mother's family. If her mother can have enough status in the medical field, then her status will naturally rise, even if there is nothing at that time. If the substantial dowry is given to her, the Qin family will also give her enough money to spend.

At that time, it is really impossible to enjoy the glory and wealth.

"But... what if we fail to analyze the complete formula? Wouldn't 5000 million be wasted?"

Shen Shuyun said: "No, as long as the antidote is in our hands, it is impossible to waste money. Jiang Jinyue still needs treatment! Ye Mingyan said that she only has the last bottle in her hand. I don't know if it is true or not. "

Shen Qinghe frowned, "How can we believe such words? What if she still has it?"

Shen Shuyun stopped talking.

There is no way, they have no choice.

She has already seen that thing, although she doesn't know the specifics yet, but just by smelling it, she knows that it is definitely a good thing.

She has been doing medical research for so many years, and she has never seen such a good thing with such a strong vitality, which makes people feel shocked, never before.

If it can be used in medicine, this is definitely a treasure.

Shen Shuyun pondered for a long time, and then said: "We have no choice. We are seeking wealth and insurance, so we can only buy it. Even if Ye Mingyan still has it, even if I can't sell it to the Jiang family, as long as I get it, Analyze it, change it, take it back to the lab, it will definitely cause a sensation."

"Besides, no matter how bad it is, I will say that I accidentally encountered it and bought it with money, but I didn't research it thoroughly. It is also my credit to ask the laboratory for research."

"Ye Mingyan is just a little girl in China. She has nothing to do with the laboratory of the medical organization. In the future, I will use this to gain a powerful position. Even if the worst result is that she finds out, so what? Who would believe her?"

Shen Qinghe thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's right, mom, you are from the laboratory, and few people can enter that circle at all. Our status is here. Even if we say that we invented that thing, Ye Mingyan There is nothing we can do about it.”

After some discussion, the two mothers and daughters were still more eager to improve their status in the medical field. For this, they were willing to take risks.

If you want to attract the attention of the Qin family, you will have to pay a price.

So, the two mothers and daughters began to borrow money everywhere and sell jewelry. In the end, it was still not enough, so they could only take some properties to mortgage loans. After all, this is the fastest way to get money.

Two days later, Shen Shuyun found Ye Mingyan.

Ye Mingyan looked at the mother and daughter on the opposite side, and smiled, "Are you ready for the money?"

Shen Qinghe lifted his chin and turned his nostrils to the sky, "Of course, it's only 5000 million. For us, it's not a problem at all. Ye Mingyan, we're ready for 5000 million, but how can you guarantee that this is the last bottle? How can we Do you know if you have more in hand?"

"If you are afraid of being fooled, you don't have to buy it."

Shen Qinghe: "You..."

"We can also buy it, but you have to write us a guarantee letter, guarantee that this is the last bottle in your hand, and explain clearly how this thing came from, and we want the formula, you also have to write clearly, if there is a fake If so, you will pay us ten times the compensation."

Ye Mingyan chuckled, took out the glass bottle of light green liquid from his bag, and put it on the table.

"Just this bottle of medicine, 5000 million, do you want it?"

"Ye Mingyan..." Shen Qinghe was furious.

"Keep down, I can hear you." Ye Mingyan wasn't afraid of her at all, really, it was the other party who asked her for something, and she was so arrogant.

Seeing Ye Ming's vape oil and salt not getting in, Shen Shuyun's eyes darkened, "Qing He, stop talking."

She looked at Ye Mingyan, and took the medicine bottle in her hand, "We bought it, give me your account number, and I'll let the bank transfer the money."

Ye Mingyan reported a series of numbers, Shen Shuyun obviously made an agreement with the bank in advance, she made a phone call, and the money was transferred there immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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