Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 385 Announcement of the panacea, Shen Shuyun was expelled 1

Chapter 385 Announcement of the panacea, Shen Shuyun was expelled 1
Ye Mingyan paused, "Have you seen this dress before?"

Shen Qinghe raised his chin, "Of course, but I don't like this dress, but it's only 60 yuan, which is too cheap."

Ye Mingyan: "..."

She looked at the dress in her hand, and then at Shen Qinghe.

60 is too cheap...

Ye Mingyan laughed, probably because he couldn't afford it, so he didn't want it!

"Are you going to attend some kind of banquet? Buy this kind of dress? This dress is not something you usually wear. With your status, you are just a little daughter. The Shen family is far from a rich family in Shanghai. You attended There should be no need to arrange such a dress for a banquet."

Shen Qinghe raised his chin, and sneered, "What do you know? Ye Mingyan, you are just a country bumpkin. You know what you did to get to where you are now. You can't compare with a daughter like us. "

"That dress was originally intended to be worn by me at the Painting Association's dinner next week. Do you know about the Painting Association? There are so many masters in the National Chinese Studies Association, but I am No. 1 in the preliminary round of this year's Painting Association competition in Shanghai. Just like you You country bumpkin, you will never have the chance to attend such a high-level banquet in your life."

Ye Mingyan and Ji Yufei looked at each other in surprise.

A dinner for the Painting Society?
Isn't that the same as what they want to participate in?
Ye Mingyan smiled, "Really? Then I'm looking forward to it. Ms. Shen's performance at the painting association's dinner party must be better and more expensive!"

After speaking, Ye Mingyan dragged Ji Yufei away.

Ji Yufei heard the difference in Ye Mingyan's tone, "What's the matter? Has this girl provoked you before? Do you know anything?"

Ye Mingyan smiled, "This is the daughter of the mother and daughter who gave me 5000 million. Jiang Ye investigated her before. I heard that 5000 million should be most of their mother and daughter's assets. She suddenly bought this dress No more, probably can’t afford it.”

Ji Yufei paused, "Just her?"

"That's right! She's pretty innocent, but unfortunately she's a bit too poisonous. Seeing how she and her mother came to negotiate with me, she seems to know about the virus. I guess her mother poisoned Jiang Jinyue. She knows too."

Ji Yufei frowned, "Why did the Painting Association produce such a femme fatale?"

Ye Mingyan smiled, "Then it's up to you, cousin. Compare her to her, and don't let her have a chance to gain a foothold in the painting association. This kind of person will definitely ruin a pot of porridge with a piece of mouse droppings."

Ji Yufei raised her eyebrows, "Okay, I'll work hard!"

After Shen Shuyun got the antidote, she went back to her own laboratory, trying to analyze all the substances in it, but unfortunately she was busy all day and night, but she couldn't find anything useful.

The activity is indeed very strong, but there is no substance she knows, which makes her feel that she has been cheated?
At this time, Hongqiao Hospital
Ye Mingyan finally sorted out all the data and announced the results of this research to the public. This is definitely a big event for the medical community.

Once this panacea is released, even cancer is no longer an incurable disease. For many people who are suffering from the disease, this is simply the hope of survival.

The dean is very happy today, "Miss Ye, the news has been announced. Now it has been reported in major newspapers and on TV. Our hospital's phone calls are going to be ringing off the hook, all asking if this panacea is right? Really? Countless people want to come to our hospital for treatment."

There are many cancer patients all over the country, and there are not such powerful communication channels in this era, but fortunately, newspapers and TV are still very fast at this time, and they have high credibility, so they immediately attracted people's attention.

"Arrange the seriously ill ones first. If the other hospitals are willing, let them mobilize a group of people to study. I will leave after a while. I don't have much time to stay here. You should hurry up."

The dean naturally agreed to Ye Mingyan's request, "Okay, okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

"By the way, don't disclose my information to the outside world. I don't want to be chased by those reporters. If other hospitals ask where to buy the panacea, you tell them to contact Mingsheng Pharmaceutical. I have already mass-produced it. "

Mingsheng Pharmaceutical is the pharmaceutical factory opened by Ye Mingyang in Shanghai. They did it abroad many years ago, but now they just moved to China. The first task is the universal medicine developed by Ye Mingyan.

The dean nodded, "Okay, I'll arrange this."

A large number of reporters surrounded the hospital, all of them came for this panacea, panacea!

This name is too arrogant, how can there be a panacea in medicine?

"Is this true or false? What is a panacea?"

"Can cancer really be cured? How can cancer be cured?"

"At the most advanced medical level in the world, I have never heard of a cure for cancer. Do you have any cured cases? Who developed this medicine? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Say it quickly! Tell me, everyone is waiting!"

Ye Mingyan didn't show up, and the dean came out to explain it himself.

"Everyone, first of all, let me declare that cancer is not a terminal illness, and some of them can be cured. As for the level of treatment, it depends on the specific situation."

"In addition, this panacea is true. It doesn't mean that it is omnipotent, but the principle of this potion is to enhance our vitality. No matter what disease you have, organ necrosis, serious internal injury, or serious trauma, When a person is injured to a certain extent, their vitality will decline.”

"And this medicine can enhance our vitality, make the organs in our body, or cells, stronger, and be able to defeat virus cells and resist virus cells."

"So strictly speaking, this is not a specific drug for a certain disease, but a first-aid method that can be used safely in many situations where it cannot be used. Cancer can also prolong life."

The reporters were a little confused, "What does this mean? That is to say, the disease has not been cured, but it has been alleviated?"

"That's right, it's alleviating, as much as possible, and no longer threatening your life."

"That is to say, if you have cancer and it is hopeless, drinking a little of this medicine can prolong your life, so you don't have to die?"

"Yes, yes! Did you have an accident suddenly, or you got a rare disease, and you will die if you can't treat it? If you take this medicine, you don't have to die, and you can prolong your life?"

The dean cautiously said: "Theoretically, this is the case, but whether life can be extended in time depends on the specific situation of the patient, so if everyone is dying, go to the hospital for treatment."

"The reason why we announced it to the public is that the hospital has already had successful cases. There were a group of cancer patients who could not be treated for a long time, but after the treatment of our hospital, they are much better now. They did not lose their lives. tenaciously survived."

"Everyone, we have released some of the most rigorous reports on the specific information about the panacea. If you want to know the specific information, you can go and have a look."

"In addition, people in need should come to the hospital for consultation as soon as possible. No matter what the disease is, the earliest treatment is the best."

After speaking, the dean left here under the protection of the security guards.

The reporters still wanted to follow up with questions.

"Dean... Dean..."

When Shen Shuyun saw this news, she immediately felt something was wrong.

"Qing He, is this a report that just came out today?"

Shen Qinghe was still worrying about the dress for the dinner, so she glanced at it, "Yes! Didn't this newspaper just come out today?"

Shen Shuyun was trembling all over.

"Isn't Hongqiao Hospital the hospital that cured Jiang Jinyue? I looked at the principle above, why is it so similar to the antidote in my hand?"

Shen Qinghe was taken aback, she also studied medicine, although she is as good as her mother, but this simple explanation is still understandable.

Take it over and take a look, sure enough, this so-called panacea is almost exactly the same as the antidote in their hands.

"This... Could this be the antidote in our hands? Mom? We spent 5000 million!"

Shen Shuyun immediately called Ye Mingyan, she was trembling with anger, and at the same time, very scared.

5000 million, this is most of their net worth, now they owe a lot of debts, relying on this to turn around!
Now that this thing has been announced, how can they turn around?

The call is connected.

"Hey! Ye Mingyan, what happened to the Hongqiao Hospital report? What the hell are you doing? I bought this thing for 5000 million yuan. Who asked you to publish it?"

Shen Shuyun was hysterical, unable to maintain her composure at all.

On the phone, Ye Mingyan's voice was very calm, which made Shen Shuyun afraid.

"Mrs. Shen, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all. You bought it for 5000 million. Isn't it the antidote for Jiang Jinyue? I gave it to you!"

Shen Shuyun: "..."

Looking at the newspaper in her hand, what else does Shen Shuyun not understand?
She was tricked, 5000 million, just bought such a bottle of medicine.

Shen Shuyun was trembling with anger, and said through gritted teeth: "Ye Mingyan, you are fine, I am not so easy to bully, just wait for me."

Ye Mingyan chuckled lightly, "Mrs. Shen, I think you know what you did yourself, oh yes, let me remind you, Jiang Jinyue has been cured, the Jiang family has a lot of time now, they will definitely Those who try their best to track down the person who killed their daughter, that person is probably going to be unlucky."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, I heard! This virus is a project that failed a few years ago in a certain laboratory. Tell me, why did it suddenly appear on Jiang Jinyue? Huh?"

"It's good to do it for yourself!"

Shen Shuyun was taken aback for a moment, then her whole body trembled even more.

"You...what do you mean? Hey...hey..."

The phone has been hung up, Shen Shuyun has never been so scared at this moment.

"Mom, what's the matter? What Ye Mingyan said just now, did she know?"

Before Shen Shuyun had time to speak, the phone rang again. Seeing this number, Shen Shuyun trembled even more, the soles of her feet kept getting cold, and her whole body was dripping with cold sweat.

The call from the lab is from the lab!

(End of this chapter)

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