Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 387 Arriving at Shen's house, scraping like crazy!

Chapter 387 Returning to Shen's House, Crazy Scrapping!
Shen Shuyun forced a smile, "Yes! There are so many researches in the laboratory, I finally came back to accompany Qinghe, but there is still a lot of work for me to do, there is no way, I can't leave, this This kind of job is not something that can be replaced by anyone.”

Shen Lin nodded. Over the years, he knew how hard this little girl worked and how much she contributed to the family.

"It's been hard work, go and have a good rest. I'll ask the kitchen to make some supplements for you. You've worked hard for so many years. After so many years of hard work, you finally come back to accompany your children and take a good rest."

Shen Shuyun smiled, "It should be, I am also a member of the Shen family. These young He spends most of his time in the country. I am so busy in the laboratory that I don't have time to take care of her. You are all taking care of her. I work for the Shen family. You should do more things.”

Saying that, Shen Shuyun pulled her daughter to sit down beside Shen Lin, and said with a smile: "But! If elder brother loves me, why don't you give Qinghe some pocket money and let her buy some clothes to attend the recent banquet! The child has worked so hard for so long, and has always wanted to join the painting association, and next week is the painting association's dinner, and there will be many exchange meetings in the future, Qing He has been worried about clothing recently."

Shen Lin was taken aback.

Shen Shuyun smiled and said, "Didn't I spend a lot of money on some medical materials recently? In addition, a good friend abroad borrowed money from me, and most of my funds were given to her."

"She has helped me a lot in foreign countries over the years, helped me get a lot of orders, and met a lot of customers. Now that she has encountered difficulties, and the capital turnover is difficult for a while, I lent it to her. The cooperation is so For many years, I have not given this kind of money, so I probably won’t be able to cooperate in the future.”

"So! Money is tight. I don't dare to buy those famous brands when I buy clothes for this little girl, but the clothes are not good enough. I am worried that she will be laughed at at such a banquet, so ah! Brother, if you If you love me, why don't you feel sorry for Qing He?"

Shen Lin smiled when he heard the words, "I thought it was something! It's simple, I'll ask the housekeeper to transfer some money to you, and buy what you like. The daughter of our Shen family, you can't be laughed at when you go out."

"By the way, go to my place to pick some more sets of jewelry. Uncle, I got some good sets of jewelry recently. Go and see if you like it."

Shen Qinghe was overjoyed, "Thank you uncle."

Shen Lin actually likes this well-behaved, sweet-talking and aggressive niece. Hearing this, she said playfully, "You girl, you're just stupid. If you don't have any money, don't you know if you want it from your uncle? By the way, I'll give you my second and third uncles." The fourth uncle called and asked them for money, and said that I said it, if you dare not give it to you, I will not give them the money next time."

Shen Qinghe was so excited that she almost jumped up, thanking Shen Lin repeatedly.

Having achieved her goal, Shen Shuyun stood up and said, "Brother, I'll go upstairs first."

Shen Lin nodded and let Shen Shuyun go up.

The housekeeper immediately notified the bank to transfer the money to Shen Qinghe, and 350 million yuan was soon in hand.

With this figure, Shen Qinghe was a little disappointed. Such a small amount of money was not enough for her to buy a few sets of limited edition dresses. The niche brands cost hundreds of thousands, and the good ones were even more expensive.

But something is better than nothing.

After transferring the money, the butler immediately came over and took Shen Qinghe to pick out jewelry.

Shen Shuyun went with Shen Qinghe.

Shen Lin is the head of the Shen family, and he is still very rich. In addition, he has a lot of women and children, so he often needs these jewelries to get rid of, so he has a lot of these things in his hand.

The housekeeper took the two of them to the room dedicated to jewelry and other collections, and took out some jewelry for the mother and daughter to choose.

The opportunity is rare, and the two of them are not polite.

Shen Shuyun took a set of shiny diamond jewelry, "This set is beautiful, it is best worn by little girls, and diamonds are the best for young people."

"And this one, this ruby ​​one is really beautiful. If you wear Qinghe, you will definitely be able to overwhelm the audience at the dinner party of the Painting Association. You will be No.1 at that time, and you will learn from Master Ming. You have successfully entered the high-end circle in the capital, and when the time comes, we will win glory for our Shen family, and it is best to develop the Shen family's industry to the capital."

The butler next to him originally wanted to stop it, but after hearing this, he hesitated again.

That set of diamonds costs more than 100 million yuan, and the ruby ​​set is more expensive, more than 300 million yuan!The owner just bought it back, and the total of these two sets is about 500 million.

Shen Shuyun picked out a few more sets and gestured to Shen Qinghe, "Oh, the jewelry here is still beautiful, Qinghe, you will develop well in the future, but don't forget your uncle, only when the Shen family is well, you will have confidence."

"After joining the painting association, choose one of the wealthy families in the capital to marry. Then, the Shen family's industry can be developed to the capital, and our Shen family can grow stronger."

Shen Qinghe smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry, the Shen family raised me, and I will definitely work for the Shen family."

So the mother and daughter picked out several more sets. This time, some were more expensive and some were cheaper.

There are two sets of 60 to [-] yuan, and the prices are not going up or down.

The butler wanted to talk, but he felt that it was not worth it. It would not be worthwhile if he offended the young lady.

Shen Qinghe said: "It's enough for me to have so many, Mom, you can choose two sets too!"

In the end, Shen Shuyun also picked two sets, one more expensive and one less expensive.

The mother and daughter returned to the room happily with the jewelry.

The butler looked at their backs and frowned.

Just now, the mother and daughter took tens of millions of jewelry and left.

Add in the 350 million transferred to Shen Qinghe's bank card, that's 350 million.

The housekeeper thought about it, and told Shen Lin about it.


Shen Lin was reading the newspaper in the living room, but when he saw the butler's expression, he got up and went to the study.

This butler is the person he trusts the most. He has been by his side all these years and has done many things for him.

When they arrived at the study, the housekeeper told the story.

Hearing that the other party took so much, Shen Lin frowned, "Did they take so much?"

Although Shen Lin was generous, he was not happy when he gave her money and so many jewels, which cost more than 1000 million in one go.

I have so many women and children to raise, of course I should raise my own children first.

The housekeeper frowned and said: "Patriarch, this is not what I am surprised about. It stands to reason that Ms. Shuyun and Ms. Qinghe have indeed made a lot of contributions to the Shen family over the years, and it is also appropriate to give them some jewelry. But recently, I It feels like there is something wrong with their mother and daughter."

Shen Lin paused and frowned, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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