Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 394 A pot of hot soup poured over

Chapter 394 A pot of hot soup poured over

Wen Jing's cooking skills are not very good. She didn't know how to cook before, and the food she made was not delicious at all.

But recently, her father was sick, and she had to cook to send to the hospital. Gradually, she learned a little bit, and the food she cooked was not bad at all.

She just kept busy in the kitchen.

Zhou Yumei came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body. The marks on her shoulders and neck were so obvious that she was taken aback when she saw no one in the room!
"Shen Hang..."

When she came out to take a look, she saw the tranquility of the kitchen.

Zhou Yumei froze.

That figure was very calm. He didn't turn his head when he heard her shouting. He was still busy with the food in his hand, and he didn't look back at her at all.

Zhou Yumei couldn't tell what mood she was in, anyway, this dead girl didn't have one heart with her at all.

He went back to his room and changed his clothes before coming out.

"When did you come back?"

Wen Jing didn't speak.

Quiet stir fry, stew!

Zhou Yumei said angrily, "What are you talking about? Are you dumb?"

Wen Jing still didn't speak.

Zhou Yumei was so angry that she stepped forward and pulled Wen Jing's hair, "You damn girl, why are you pretending to be deep? I'm your mother, who made you pretend to be dumb? Talk to me."

Wen Jing's head was tilted to the side when her hair was pulled, she reacted instantly without any hesitation, picked up the pot in her hand and threw it at Zhou Yumei's head.


Inside the pot was a pot of soup that she was stewing, and it was already half boiled. The hot soup just poured all over Zhou Yumei's body, and the pot even knocked her head down.

The severe pain caused Zhou Yumei to scream, and the scream almost broke the roof. Zhou Yumei's burned body jumped up and down, shaking all the ribs off her body.


Fortunately, the soup hadn't boiled yet. Although Zhou Yumei's body was burned red, she was not disfigured.

It's just that the hair is all wet, the soup is all over the face, and the hair is all stuck to the face, looking very embarrassed.

Because of being scalded, she naturally didn't care about pulling Wen Jing's hair. Wen Jing stood aside, those black, cold, bottomless eyes, just staring at the scalded jumping Zhou Yumei.

Calm as if it wasn't her mother.

She ignored Zhou Yumei, went to the refrigerator to get the ribs again, cleaned up the stew again.

Zhou Yumei looked at Wen Jing like this, and said with trembling hands: "Okay! Very good, damn girl, you don't take my mother seriously at all, do you?"

At this moment, Wen Jing suddenly spoke.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take you as a mother seriously. After all, it's true that I was born by you, but I don't know which man is my father."

Zhou Yumei: "..."

She just stood there, looked at Wen Jing for a long time, and didn't speak.

Wen Jing cooked for Wen Yan there, and soon, two dishes and one soup were ready, she packed the food into a lunch box, and left with the lunch box.

When Zhou Yumei came to her senses, she realized that Wen Jing didn't leave any food for her at all.

"You took all the food away, what should I eat? Stop..."

Wen Jing went out and closed the door firmly. Zhou Yumei rushed over, but fortunately she braked in time, otherwise, she would have hit her nose directly.

When Wen Jing returned to the hospital, Wen Yan was still waiting. After seeing the food, he tasted it and knew it was made by his daughter.

"Didn't I just tell you to buy something? You have to put in the effort to make it yourself, little girls, don't you know that girls have to be pampered?"

Wen Jing just looked at her father like this, "Dad, you have been good enough to me since I was a child. I eat and use the best. Dad, can you take care of yourself? If you hadn't lived too hard , will you get sick this time?"

"If we hadn't been lucky enough to encounter this universal medicine and be researched, then I might not have a father at this time. Do you know how dangerous it is this time? People can figure it out."

"We met in Shanghai. It was lucky. It was even more lucky to meet before you were saved. Have you thought about what I would do if you were gone?"

Wen Yan paused, looking at the daughter in front of him, thinking about what he had done in the past, it seemed that he really felt sorry for her.

The family is so poor, he is a big man and he has to find a way to make money. He was used to hardship in that era, and he couldn't even eat. Now he has made money, bought several beautiful houses, and a good car, so that his daughter can eat well. Drink well, he is already very satisfied.

But he doesn't need it himself, he can eat and drink enough, and won't go hungry or cold, this is already a very good day for him.

When I was a child, I could only drink cold water when I was hungry, but when I grew up, it was heaven.

But it was such a night of hard work and not eating well, which made his health worse and worse.

Originally, someone in the family died of this disease, and he hadn't protected himself well.

During this time, did you scare the child?

Wen Yan touched Wen Jing's head, and said in a gentle voice: "Okay, Dad knows he was wrong, and he will definitely listen to you in the future, eat well, and never let himself get sick again, okay?"

Wen Jing nodded, and said, "It's okay if I don't get angry, but you promise me one thing."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"You get back all the money in your mother's hands now, and you are not allowed to give her any more money in the future, and don't give her any of the house and car at home."

Wen Yan paused, something flashed deep in his eyes, but Wen Jing didn't see it clearly.

He smiled and said to Wen Jing: "What's the matter? Did you quarrel with your mother?"

Wen Jing pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

Before her father was really sick, she was still afraid of the painful appearance, and she didn't dare to tell her father.

what about now?

Is it possible to say it?

Wen Jing said unhappily: "I don't care, you quickly take back all your property, it's best to transfer it all, and put it anywhere, just don't give it to mother, she doesn't do anything anyway, why do you need so much money?"

"After you get out of the hospital, go divorce your mother, don't give her a penny, and then find a younger girl to marry and have a son."

Wen Yan was eating, when he heard this, he frowned, "What's wrong with you kid? Why are you talking so politely?"

"Why are you looking for a young one? Why are you looking for a son? Your father is already my age, so why do you look for a young one? It is enough for me to have a daughter like you, why do you have to have a son?"

Wen Jing is very sad. Although her father loves her very much and has never disliked her as a girl, others have plotted against her.

(End of this chapter)

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