Chapter 4
About 20 square meters of black land, a medicine spring with a diameter of two meters on one side, around the medicine spring, there is a circle of exotic flowers and herbs, which should be medicinal herbs, but many of them are Ye Mingyan, who has studied Chinese medicine for more than [-] years in his previous life. People can't tell what species it is.

There is a three-story building next to it, which is full of various ancient medical books, prescriptions, and various ancient books.

What surprised Ye Mingyan the most was that there were even the cultivation rules of the ancient martial family.

Regarding Gu Wu, Ye Mingyan had only heard of it in his last life, but he had no way to contact him.

In the past, people who knew ancient martial arts were called a mystery in the capital, and their status could be high or high.

Finally, there are more than 30 boxes of antique calligraphy and paintings as well as gold and silver jewelry.

It should be left by the previous owner.

Looking at those gold and silver jewels, Ye Mingyan's eyes lit up, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rich, rich, rich!
Ye Mingyan rested at home for three days, and the injury on his forehead was almost healed.

In the past three days, she took the medicine obediently, and drank a lot of spiritual spring water in the space. This thing is simply a magic medicine, and Ye Mingyan's wound recovery is extremely fast.

In order not to arouse suspicion, she still had gauze wrapped around her head.

It was really boring today. In the evening, the weather was cooler, and she was going to go out for a walk.


The happiest time in her previous life was when she was in Qingshan Village when she was a child. Ye Mingyan took her younger brother Ye Mingfeng and went back to the mountain.

As a result, just halfway up the mountain, I met a group of children, the most conspicuous of which was Xie Wenkang who broke her head earlier.

Xie Wenkang is 13 years old this year, he is half a boy, and he is Ye Mingyan's cousin.

The ancestors of the Ye family were landlords, and once all the land in Qingshan Village belonged to the Ye family.

Grandpa Ye Qinshan was an orphan raised by the Ye family. Later, he was ashamed of being the landlord of the Ye family and changed his surname to Xie Qinshan.

Xie Wenkang is the grandson of Zhou Yun, the woman he later married.

Ye Mingyan's eyes froze, this stinky boy, you have not yet come to take revenge on you, but you have brought it to the door yourself.

The little Ye Mingfeng saw Xie Wenkang, his face tensed, "Sister, when the eldest brother and the second brother come back, I will definitely beat him up."

Their Ye family is only a little girl, the sister, and the whole family is very precious. This Xie Wenkang almost killed her sister, which is really hateful.

Ye Mingfeng wanted to rush up to beat him.

Ye Mingyan touched the wound on his forehead, sneered, and said to his younger brother, "Let's go, let's see how elder sister treats him."

The life of the Ye family was not bad. The mother was a junior high school teacher and was paid. In the early years, the uncle and her father were more able to make money, so the family was really living well.

She is the only female doll, and she is quite favored. She often has snacks such as candy cakes in her hand. Xie Wenkang often likes to grab her things.

Now it is 87, Ye Mingyan is nine years old this year, and Xie Wenkang is 13 years old this year, this time, seeing Ye Mingyan has toffee and apples in his hand, he wants to grab them.

If she didn't give it, he beat her and pushed her into the river and threatened to drown her.

She couldn't beat half the eldest boy alone, so she dragged him down angrily, and even pulled him back when she died.

As a result, her head was smashed by Xie Wenkang and almost drowned, but was finally rescued by Qin Xiuheng.

Xie Wenkang was held tightly by her and almost drowned. He was so frightened that he had a high fever.

Now that three days have passed, this guy is alive and kicking again.

 Good afternoon babies!The serialization starts today, every day at ten o'clock in the morning, ah!

(End of this chapter)

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