Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 411: The Li Family Are All Wife-loving and Crazy Demons

Chapter 411: The Li Family Are All Wife-loving and Crazy Demons
The media on Hong Kong Island really know how to catch the attention of ordinary people.

The gossip about wealthy families is what the common people love to talk about most. As soon as these things come out, people in the whole Hong Kong Island pay attention.

There are seven recognized giants on Hong Kong Island.

Ren family, Bai family, Wang family, Li family, Du family, Zheng family, Mu family!

The Bai family, Li family, Zheng family, and Mu family are all thriving, but the Ren family, Wang family, and Du family are almost dying. If there is no good heir, they may be expelled from the seven wealthy families.

Although there are quite a few people in the Du family, they are all the illegitimate children of the visiting son-in-law, and it is estimated that the dynasty will change soon.

In addition, the situation of the Wang family is similar, they are all showing signs of fatigue, and it is estimated that they will fall behind soon.

There is only one Ren family, with a small population, but the scale of the industry has continued to expand, and the upward momentum has been strong in recent years.

Moreover, the head of the family, Ren Yuan, is a man, in his prime, as long as he finds a child, it is completely in time.

It's a pity that after so many years, there is no news that Ren Yuan is going to get married, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend.

Sino-Ocean Group with a market value of [-] billion!
To be a hostess is to enjoy the glory and wealth that can never be enjoyed in a lifetime.

Now, the sudden news that Ren Yuan is going to get married, can everyone not be surprised?
Li family
Li Zhen was used to reading the newspaper for a while in the morning, and he was not surprised when he saw the report on Ren Yuan on the front page.

Looking at such a grand occasion, looking at the necklace Tang Jingyun was wearing around his neck, and watching the media's hype, he curled his lips.

Next to him, his wife Julie came over, "What are you looking at? This expression?"

Li Zhen showed her the newspaper, "Hey, he's the only one, what's there to be proud of? When we got married back then, it was unprecedented grand! Isn't it just a [-] million Heart of the Ocean! I'll buy it for you too one!"

A happy smile suddenly appeared on Julie's face, and she reprimanded, "You can do it, you're an old couple, and you're still comparing this."

The Li family are all wife spoilers, especially Li Zhen, whose favorite thing to do is to dress up his wife in a rich and luxurious way, with famous brands, no one's wife can compare.

"Who compares? My wife is more beautiful than his wife, so of course I have to wear more expensive jewelry than his."

Julie looked at Tang Jingyun in the newspaper, and said enviously: "Hey, it's nice to be young! The photos are so beautiful. In fact, when I saw her in person last night, she looked even better than the one in this newspaper! Especially the skin, it's so beautiful. It's too juicy."

"We rich wives spend so much money on maintenance every year, and we have never seen a few skins that are better than hers."

Li Zhen didn't take it seriously, and continued to coax his wife, "That's because she is young. When she reaches your wife's age, she will definitely not be as beautiful as you. You were much prettier than her when you were young."

Julie was full of smiles when he praised her.

Li Zhen hasn't forgotten about the jewellery, "My wife, you can choose by yourself. What good jewellery do you have recently? I seem to have seen a good set of rubies two days ago. Let's buy rubies, which are brighter than his."

Julie burst out laughing.

"I want it too, I want it too." Li Zijin jumped down from upstairs, "Dad, I've taken a fancy to a sports car, it's so cool and stylish, buy it for me!"

Li Zhen suddenly looked disgusted, "Buy, buy, buy, you know what to buy. You are so old and still ask me for money. Can you not even support yourself?"

Li Zijin was quite innocent, "I can't afford a sports car for the rest of my life with this salary!"

"Don't drive if you can't afford it!"

Li Zijin refused to accept it, "Dad, you are too eccentric. You just wanted to buy jewelry for mom! The jewelry you bought for mom is almost filling up our villa. Why don't you buy me a sports car!"

Li Zhen stared, "Can you compare with your mother? Your mother waits on me every day, how about you? You brat knows how to annoy me, so I won't buy it for you. If you want a car, ask your elder brother for money."

"Oh, by the way, ask your elder brother to spend some money to buy some jewelry for your mother. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. There are many banquets every year and every year. Your mother has worn many of those jewelry. Hurry up and buy another batch. Otherwise, at the Chinese New Year banquet, your mother will be compared by those wives."

Li Zijin: "..."

This difference in treatment is too great!
When it was over, Li Zhen didn't forget to add, "You might as well let the boss's money be handed over to your mother in the future, anyway, that damn boy can't find a girlfriend at his age, and he doesn't have a girlfriend to spend money for him, let your mother flower."

Li Zijin: "..."

Li Zijin looked at his eldest brother who had just come down from upstairs, and immediately wanted to cry.

The elder brother doesn't have the pain of his father, at least he still has money, he can buy a sports car, he doesn't have the love of his father, he doesn't even have a sports car!

Li Zijin sat aside dejectedly.

Seeing the newspaper in his father's hand, and seeing the news that Ren Yuan is getting married, he was also taken aback.

"Uncle Ren is getting married?"

Julie nodded, "Yes! Your uncle Ren said it himself last night! We saw him at the concert."

Li Zijin sneered, "Heh, I knew that Uncle Ren's vision was not that bad, and he definitely wouldn't marry that haghat Bai Manting, hahahaha it really is!"

Li Zijin looked at Tang Jingyun's photo, "This aunt is still prettier, much prettier than Bai Manting, hey... why do I feel that aunt looks familiar! She looks like my sister-in-law!"

Li Zhen and Julie's eyes lit up immediately, "Your brother has a girlfriend? Who is it?"

Li Zijin hurriedly said: "No, it's my other buddy, that's Brother Qin! Did you forget the one who saved me back then?"

The couple were immediately disappointed.

Li Zhen: "I know he doesn't have that ability. He can't even handle a girlfriend. I think when I was your age, your brother knew how to make soy sauce!"

Li Zhen cast a disgusted look at his eldest son who was clueless.

The eldest son, Li Ziyu, ate breakfast calmly, and even glanced at Li Zijin.

Li Zijin was so frightened that he quickly changed the subject, "Dad, this aunt really looks like the sister-in-law of the Qin family! Could it be a sister? The sister-in-law also just came to Hong Kong Island!"

Li Zhen was not happy, "What you said is true? This Ren Yuan is too much, old cows eat tender grass!"

As he said that, he suddenly thought of, what, he was overjoyed, "Well, well, well, well, sister! The young master of the Qin family is your elder brother, and he is from your generation. If Ren Yuan married the sister of young master Qin's fiancée, then I am a generation with you, hahahaha I have grown up hahahaha!"

Li Zijin: "..."

Li Ziyu: "..."

Julie: "..."

Thinking of this, Li Zhen was so excited, "Are you sure! Are they really sisters? Do you have any contact information? Call to confirm. I will go to that guy Ren Yuan and send him a red envelope as an elder, hahahaha !"

Li Zijin looked at the content, and then said: "No, it shouldn't be. My sister-in-law's name is Ye Mingyan, her surname is Ye, and this one's name is Tang Jingyun, her surname is Tang! She must not be a sister."

Li Zhen laughed, and slapped his son on the back of the head, "After breakfast, hurry up and go to work. You don't make money every day to buy jewelry for your mother, and you dare to ask me for money?"

Li Zijin: "..."

 There will be another explosion at the beginning of next month!
  Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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