Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 413 Live for many years

Chapter 413 Live for many years

Ren Yuan didn't speak for a while, the garden became quiet, the two just sat like this, neither of them said anything.

Originally, they were a family, he was the elder of the family, and he was the adopted son.

The two depended on each other for life, but now...

In the end, it was Mr. Ren who spoke first, "I saw the newspaper, and you didn't even tell me about such a big thing as your marriage? Who is this woman? Why have you never heard of it before? Aren't you with Bai Manting? "

Ren Yuan replied calmly, "Her name is Tang Jingyun, she is from the Mainland, and she is the owner of a small company."

"Then why did you marry her? Because she is young and beautiful?"

Ren Yuan suddenly laughed. Everyone was saying that Tang Jingyun was young and beautiful, so he was so proud!
"It's true that she's beautiful, but if you say she's young, it's a bit forced. She's only a few years younger than me. She's 39 this year."

"What?" Mr. Ren was stunned, and couldn't help but quickly took out the newspaper and read it again. The woman in the photo really didn't look like she was in her 30s at all. Mr. Ren thought that this girl was at most 28-[-].

Ren Yuan continued: "Not only is she not young, but she also has three children, the eldest is 19 years old."

Mr. Ren: "..."

Feeling a bit shattered.

Mr. Ren was smart all his life, and he never thought that Ren Yuan would find such a woman in the end.

It took him a while to find his voice.

"Then why is she? When did you meet?"

Ren Yuan didn't intend to hide it, "I met her in Shanghai, and she still has an identity. The old man must be very interested."


"Mother of Mrs. Qin's young lady, aunt of President Ye of Mingsheng Pharmaceutical."

Mr. Ren felt that his brain was not enough, "The young master of the Qin family? Qin Xiuheng, the young master of the Qin family in the capital?"

"That's right!"

The old man Ren looked at Ren Yuan with a strange look.

"The Qin family is not an ordinary family. How old is that little girl? Are you so sure that Young Master Qin will marry her?"

Ren Yuan smiled, with a sense of planning, "It may have been a little difficult before, but after I married Tang Jingyun, I have no children for the time being, so this girl is my Ren Yuan's child, and the daughter of the Sino-Ocean Group married into the Qin family. It doesn't count as humiliating the Qin family."

"Besides, old man, I came back this time and brought you some good news. Recently, a magic medicine has been released in the mainland. The panacea that Mingsheng Pharmaceutical is producing is being rushed by all hospitals. This medicine is similar to health care medicine. It is also equivalent to a life-saving medicine, which can increase people's vitality, not only can make the dying people more alive, but also can extend the life of terminally ill people to varying degrees."

"Old man, your health is not good. If you take this medicine, you will definitely live for many years."

Mr. Ren's eyes brightened, "Really?"

Ren Yuan: "Of course it's true. What's more, what you don't expect is that this medicine was developed by Yanyan. Tang Jingyun's children are all geniuses."

"The formula of the universal potion is in the hands of Ye Mingyan. Mingsheng Pharmaceutical is currently under the management of her eldest brother Ye Mingyang, plus the young master of the Qin family. I don't need to talk about these powers. You understand the old man."

Mr. Ren: "..."

After being silent for a long time, Mr. Ren said, "What about the Bai family? Is this the only way for the Bai family to forget?"

The old man has a grudge against the Bai family, and his daughter's death has absolutely something to do with Bai Manting.

Ren Yuan sneered, "Compared to the Qin family, what is the Bai family?"

"Besides, the development of Mingsheng Pharmaceutical is absolutely promising. This little girl, Yanyan, is a genius in the medical field. Don't say that she will be the young wife of the Qin family in the future. Even if she is not, she can still bring me benefits."

"The children in their family are very smart. Tang Jingyun's husband has been dead for many years. I don't know how many people are chasing her. It's just me. I saw the benefits of this, and took advantage of my status to act first."

"You know how much property Young Master Qin has in Hong Kong Island. If Tang Jingyun is discovered by these people in Hong Kong Island, she will definitely be able to enter a wealthy family."

Mr. Ren stopped talking.

The young master of the Qin family is really powerful. In the early years, no one knew that he had so many industries in Hong Kong Island. Huasheng Electronics is definitely the top mobile phone and computer manufacturer in China. There is also the JK consortium. The wealth in Hong Kong Island is even seven The rich and powerful should also be envious.

Who would have thought that the bosses of these two companies were the same person?
Still such a young person.

It's just that Young Master Qin has always kept a low profile, and few people have seen him in Hong Kong Island, and even many people don't know his existence, so the sense of presence is very low.

Being able to be Young Master Qin's father-in-law, if Tang Jingyun wants to marry into this rich family on Hong Kong Island, if they find out, there is no problem at all.

Mr. Ren sighed, "I know you have a big heart, but after all, you still haven't been able to stop you from developing the mainland market. Our Ren family has always been in Hong Kong Island. You are not familiar with the mainland, so it's not that easy."

"Besides, Young Master Qin, you may not be his opponent if you go to the mainland. At present, you seem to have a great chance of winning, but how much power is behind Young Master Qin, can you figure it out? The Qin family is a family that has been passed down for thousands of years. Our Ren family is simply incomparable, among the seven rich families on Hong Kong Island, none of them can compare to the Qin family."

Ren Yuan didn't change his face, "As long as I keep Tang Jingyun stable, Young Master Qin will only respect me as my father-in-law. Jingyun's daughter is a medical genius, but Young Master Qin was born into a medical family, but he doesn't know how to do medicine."

"In the future, Ye Mingyan will not let the Qin family attack me. After all, she still needs a strong family. We are mutually beneficial. You can rest assured, old man."

Old man Ren didn't speak anymore, he knew that he couldn't stop Ren Yuan anymore.

This person was once personally selected by him, but unfortunately, he was not his son.

Ren Yuan left, the old man was still sitting there alone, he looked up at the sky and sighed, "Why can't you give me a good son?"

After a long silence, Mr. Ren suddenly opened his eyes, "Come here!"

The butler hurried over, "Master!"

"Go and find out what's going on with that panacea? It's something from Shanghai Mingsheng Pharmaceutical, go quickly."


Mr. Ren suppressed the excitement in his heart, if this panacea is really what Ren Yuan said, then maybe he can live a few more years, everything, maybe there is still time.

On the Qin's side, Ren Yuan and Tang Jingyun ate together at the Qin's side.

At the dinner table, Ren Yuan received the news.

"The old man went to find the panacea, and he should be able to get it soon, oh yes, Yanyan, I have already told him clearly that you invented this medicine, I guess he will come to you, please personally Give him medicine, with the most suitable concentration, so that he can live as long as possible."

Ye Mingyan paused, "That's it! Then... did I get into trouble? This old man is really lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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