Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 43 Still Brother Heng Can Talk About Chapter [-]

Chapter 43 Still Brother Heng Can Talk

Qin Xiuheng smiled, and said: "Whether you can find one with good conditions, let's not talk about it for now, let's just say that this old bachelor is almost 50 years old, and now he has a little money at home. What you are talking about is chicken and duck. There are still a lot of fields, and it sounds like the family is well-off, but all these things need to be worked, who in their family will do it?"

"Wang Xiaofang is a diligent person. She must have done the things of raising chickens, ducks and pigs when she married, and then she has housework to do. The most important thing is that she will have children when she is married, and she will have to give birth to children. With so many animals in the family, it’s no wonder that you don’t die of exhaustion.”

"Don't tell me that the old man will help him. Now I don't know who is raising these things in his family, but I think he is definitely not a diligent person. I can’t get along and run out to make a living, the family farms, and the hard-working and capable people will not marry a daughter-in-law at this age.”

Grandpa Wang nodded and said, "That's right, everyone knows that man in eight villages. He is notorious for being lazy and playing tricks. He ran out because he couldn't survive. Now that he came back, he heard that he made a fortune. I ask people to do everything at home, and I heard that it is quite generous."

The old bachelor Zhang stared at his granddaughter for a day or two. Grandpa Wang went to inquire about the person's current situation, so he knew some news.

Qin Xiuheng smiled, "That's right, he refused to work hard when he was poor, but now that he is rich, it is even more impossible to work. After Wang Xiaofang goes, maybe not only the family's affairs will fall On her, even those fields have to be planted by her, she will definitely not be able to do it alone, and she will no longer have the energy to take care of her parents' family."

"That old man is so tossed, and he has enough money to toss for a few years? He is not a capable person. If he goes out and gets money, maybe it is luck. If there is a way, he will not come back so soon, he is sure Will stay out and continue to make money.”

"He's almost fifty, married with a daughter-in-law and has a child. After spending a few years on the money, he will soon be sixty. An old man, he still expects him to go out and earn money to support his family?"

"At that time, Wang Xiaofang will not only have to take care of the family, but also raise the children to serve him, an old man with a corrupt character. The worst thing is that this person is likely to beat others. After all, he has a bad character. At that time, It is impossible for Wang Xiaofang to even get divorced and escape from him. He is so old, how could he marry another daughter-in-law if he has no money? Naturally, he will hold on to Wang Xiaofang. Besides, even if he is divorced, she is still alive after marrying an old man. After having children, it is estimated that no one dares to marry."

Grandma Wang was frightened and the whole person trembled, "Yes, yes! Can't marry! Absolutely can't marry! That old guy is not a good person at all, we can't marry Xiaofang and suffer."

Zhou Yunqi's face turned blue, but Qin Xiuheng was here, and she was reluctant to take her daughter away. With such a rich man here, she still wanted to let her daughter stay in front of him for a while longer!
But Ye Mingyan was present, she couldn't save face, she could only say angrily: "If the Zhang family is not good enough, then tell me, what kind of family can she find like this?"

Immediately, the Xie family looked at Qin Xiuheng with anticipation.

Qin Xiuheng paused for a while before speaking, "Actually, I think your family can make life better by themselves, or it is Wang Xiaofang's marriage to help this family."

(End of this chapter)

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