Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 469 The old lady killed four parties

Chapter 469
Ye Weifang was quite curious.

"Mom, are you so rich?"

The last time Grandma Ye was in Shanghai, she brought her a lot of valuable things. She was shocked when she saw that her mother was so rich.

Grandma Ye raised her chin, "That's necessary, don't you look at how comfortable your mother and I have been living these years, with so many properties in the family, your father and I have never been idle, plus a few children respecting me Well, Xiu Heng's child is the most filial, and the family has food and clothing, and I have money and have no place to spend it."

Ye Weifang: "..."

She is not as moist as an old lady.

Grandpa Du next to him smiled. Indeed, the old couple are very rich, and Qin Xiuheng would honor him every year. Originally, he didn't think it was necessary. After all, he had been working all these years and was not short of money.

But the child insisted on giving it, so he didn't refuse. All of it was stored in the card, and it was all given to Grandma Ye.

They have been living in their hometown all these years, they have everything at home, and all the food and vegetables they eat are grown by themselves. The money they have earned these years has not been spent much.

Ye Weifang was embarrassed, "No, I brought the money myself."

Ye Weifang is not short of money, and her family has a small company with tens of millions.

It's just that they can't compare with the Ye family's children.

Grandma Ye glared at her, and said with hatred: "Stupid! Women, if you are blessed, you can enjoy it. Why do you think so much? Haven't you had enough of the hard times?"

She approached her and whispered: "Your brother is so rich now, and you were the one who took care of me back then. What's the matter with spending some of his money now? Just spend it."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Tang Jingyun over again, "And you, you have been busy taking care of the children all these years, and now you have finally come to the end of the hard work, enjoy it for me, men make money to spend for women, you can buy whatever you like, and you have no money Just ask him, don't be shy."

"I suffered so much back then, now it's time to enjoy it, understand?"

Tang Jingyun pursed her lips and smiled, "I see, thank you Mom!"

Grandma Ye snorted arrogantly, and said with disgust, "Everyone is not as transparent as your mother."

Everyone: "..."

Grandma Ye and Grandma Qin looked at each other, "Let's go, let's go!"

The two old ladies tacitly agreed that they are not only rich, but they can also live on their laurels.

Grandma Ye doesn't need to move her money for the time being, and the money she earns is enough for her to spend.

Grandma Qin is really living on her laurels, but she doesn't care. She suffered enough when she was young, and she finally met Ye Mingyan and sent her to the countryside to support her. Those little days in the countryside were so nourishing.

When she is old, she doesn't want to make money anymore, so she grows vegetables, flowers and plants, raises dogs and cats, and rests on her laurels.

So, the next two old women started shopping in the shopping mall.

All kinds of food and drink, brand-name clothes, bags and cosmetics, buy what you fancy, regardless of the price at all.

Gradually, Tang Jingyun and Ye Weifang were also influenced by this atmosphere and joined in.

Ye Mingyan and Ji Yufei watched from the side, Ye Mingyan was alright, Ji Yufei looked at things on Hong Kong Island, she really liked it!
Many things here are better-looking than those in the mainland, and many big brands are not available in the mainland.

Grandma Ye saw it, and waved to the two little girls, "What are you two looking at? Don't such a beautiful little girl know how to buy clothes? Hurry up and try, I'll pay the bill."

Ji Yufei's eyes lit up, she couldn't hold back, and immediately rushed over.

Behind the men who had already carried bags, Ye Mingfeng looked at his second brother enviously, "Second brother, I am so happy to be a woman of our Ye family. Why wasn't I a girl back then?"

Ye Mingchuan: "..."

The youngest, Du Houze, stood there with his hands in his pockets, with a calm expression on his face, "No way, we don't have that kind of life to enjoy life."

Ye Mingfeng: "..."

"Uncle, you are the happiest, right? You are the elder, but you keep asking the younger generation for money. Your nephew and niece have spent a lot of money on you all these years."

Du Houze raised his chin, "Why? Are you not convinced? If you are capable, you want your nephew and niece to spend money for you!"

Ye Mingfeng: "..."

I can't afford it!

The richest people in the family, Ye Mingyan is his eldest niece, Qin Xiuheng is his eldest nephew, Ren Yuan is his second brother...

His parents are everyone's elders, and they hold everyone's filial piety!
This status... Tsk tsk!
A few men resigned themselves to following behind to help carry the bags.

Tang Jingyun is a celebrity in Hong Kong Island, and many employees in the store recognized her, but Grandma Ye didn't know, she was very generous, and she was not merciless in buying Tang Jingyun all kinds of things.

Ye Mingyan was wearing a mask, so everyone couldn't see his face.

When visiting the jewelry store, Grandma Ye took a fancy to a diamond necklace.

"This is not bad. Come here, Yanyan, the little girl looks good wearing this."

Ye Mingyan took a look and said with a smile: "Grandma, I have a lot, I really don't need it."

There are so many at home, and she has only one body, and she can't wear them at all.

Grandma Ye disapproved: "You little girl, how can you not like jewelry? Come and try, and Feifei, you can choose by yourself."

Ji Yufei shrugged at Ye Mingyan. Grandma is addicted to shopping. She probably fell in love with it after experiencing the fun of shopping in Shanghai last time.

I have been in my hometown for the past six months, and I am so suffocated!

Just as Ye Mingyan was about to come over to have a try, a voice came from beside him, "I want that necklace!"

Grandma Ye was taken aback, then turned her head to look, but she didn't recognize the little girl.

But Ye Mingyan knew, Miss Zheng, Zheng Yuanyuan!

She rolled her eyes, a little speechless.

Zheng Yuanyuan held a brand-name bag, looked at the Ye family with disgust, and said to the shopping guide: "I want this necklace, wrap it up for me."

The shopping guide immediately looked embarrassed.

This is how to do?
This side is obviously Tang Jingyun's family, and this side is Miss Zheng's family. Neither side seems to be offended.

"This...Miss Zheng, this old lady is looking at this necklace. Would you like to see what's new in our store? We just arrived here..."

"Did she pay the bill?"

The shopping guide was embarrassed, "Not...not yet!"

"If you don't have it, you haven't bought it yet. It's not hers. Why can't I buy it?"


The shopping guides were very embarrassed, this Zheng Yuanyuan obviously did it on purpose, they are just small people, so it is not easy to offend them!
Grandma Ye could also see that this little girl's identity should be unusual, otherwise the shopping guide wouldn't have such an attitude.

She glanced at Ye Mingyan.

Ye Mingyan smiled and said: "My father is one of the seven rich families on Hong Kong Island, and her family is also one of them, Miss Zheng, grandchildren!"

After Ye Mingyan finished explaining, Zheng Yuanyuan raised her chin proudly.

How dare these country bumpkins challenge her?
As soon as Grandma Ye and Grandma Qin heard this, they knew that the other party had nothing to offend.

A joke, the same wealthy status as her son, her son is the head of the Ren family, this girl is just a junior, what are you afraid of her?

Grandma Ye laughed immediately, "Is this the seven giants? The clothes on this body are too cheap."

Grandma Qin nodded, "The embroidery on her body is Jiangnan Su embroidery. Unfortunately, the craftsman is not good, not as good as mine."

(End of this chapter)

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