Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 480 Diligent Gao Qiang, This Child Has a Future

Chapter 480 Diligent Gao Qiang, This Child Has a Future

Wang Hui's eyes were red, "Auntie, you know that I have someone in my heart, how can I have a baby with someone else?"

Mrs. Du was about to die of anger from her.

"There is someone in your heart, and you just live yourself like this dead virtue to like the person in your heart? You never thought that if he was still alive, would you hate you seeing him like this?"

Wang Hui was taken aback!
Mrs. Du really wished she could wake her up with a slap.

"Yes, you like Xincheng in your heart, and you have been obsessed with it for so many years. This auntie is grateful to you, but auntie doesn't want to see you degenerate! Xincheng is no longer here, so auntie doesn't feel pain? But what can I do? I have to live well , to guard what belongs to him.”

"At the time when something happened in Xincheng, my aunt was too old to have another child. This has delayed me until now. If I was still young and could have children, I would definitely have another one. Could it be that if I have another child, I just don't love Xincheng?"

Du Xincheng is Mrs. Du's youngest son, who is also the person Wang Hui likes later.

It's a pity that Du Xincheng died early in a car accident, and the two had no results.

Everyone in Hong Kong knew that Zheng Botao liked Wang Hui back then, and in the end Wang Hui was forced by Xue Yaqin and the old lady of the Zheng family to marry the Yan family, but Wang Hui never liked Zheng Botao.

She likes Mrs. Du's son, Du Xincheng.

Wang Hui didn't speak.

Mrs. Du said helplessly: "Okay! If you really can't figure it out, I can't help it. You'd better think about your current situation! Ren Yuan's daughter, I don't think it's simple at all, but she's too young to be accepted by everyone. Just ignore it."

"What she did today can be regarded as a warning to you, otherwise she would not deliberately attract your attention, and she would not care whether you were bullied by those people today. They gave you a chance. If you are still stubborn, then don't blame her. someone else."

"The Ren family needs more strength to deal with the Bai family and the Zheng family. The Wang family and the Du family are the easiest to attack. If we refuse, they will definitely come to bully us."

Wang Hui frowned, "We have no grievances with them, I just don't want to..."

"Does the Bai family have any grudges against you? Does Xue Yaqin have any grudges against you? Did the people who mocked and ridiculed you at the banquet today have grudges against you? Don't they still bully you? Haven't you been suffering all these years? Why? Ren family bullying You, you think it shouldn't be?"

Wang Hui: "..."

Mrs. Du snorted coldly, "Ren Yuan has acted more openly and aboveboard. At least for so many years, the strength of the Sino-Ocean Group is real. He has never used despicable methods against any family behind his back."

Mrs. Du looked at Wang Hui, hating that iron could not be made into steel, "Anyway, my old lady is getting old, it doesn't matter how the Du family is, I just play with those enemies, I can play as much as I can, if I can't play, I will take away the Du family's property. Baiguang will be dead in the future, whether I will cooperate with Ren Yuan, whether Ren Yuan will take action against the Du family, it doesn't mean much to me."

"But you are different. You are still young. I don't even know what you have been insisting on all these years. If you really don't like the dead character of the Yan family, just divorce and drive you out. What can Xue Yaqin do to you? She has You have a family, a son, and a daughter. You have nothing behind you. If you are barefoot, you are not afraid of wearing shoes. If she still dares to plot against you, you will fight her with the entire Wang family's property."

"Look for her natal family, those children of her natal family, toss their property, let them see some blood and lose some money, and see if those brothers and sisters-in-law of her natal family will continue to unconditionally defend this disaster that brought them disaster people."

"Spend money to invite countless women to seduce Zheng Botao and her son. Anyway, they will do whatever they want, and then they will be exposed, and they will be embarrassed. Why do you suffer and be bullied by everyone? They can be bright and beautiful. Chasing after?"

"If her husband has raised countless mistresses and her son is trapped by love, let's see if she still has the strength to hold this tea party today to vent her anger for Bai Manting? You can't find something for her to do if you just eat and run. ?”

Mrs. Du talked so much that even she felt tired.

"That's all I've said. Anyway, my old lady enjoys herself in time, and she hasn't had a good life for a few years. If Ren Yuan comes to me and needs my help, if he doesn't help and suppresses me, then I will help. I will also help if I watch Ren Yuan torment them." Very happy."

"As for you, you can figure it out yourself!"

After Madam Du finished speaking, she got up and left.

I feel so sad, I don't want to stay here any longer.


Seeing that the New Year is coming, and the time of ten days has come.

Ouyang's house

When Ye Mingyan came over, he heard Ouyang Lu's excited voice like a child's in the room.

"I can finally go, great, son, dad will take you to play basketball in the future, okay?"

A beautiful little boy next to him clapped his hands excitedly, "Okay, okay! Dad, you can finally play with me."

The little boy is only five years old. He has a fat face and big round eyes. He is very cute.

Gao Qiang and Li Zijin are both here. Gao Qiang has been staying at Ouyang's house during this period of time. Li Zijin was surprised because Ye Mingyan said that Ouyang Lu would stand up within ten days, so he came to see it every day. How is Ouyang Lu's recovery?

Seeing Ye Mingyan approaching, Li Zijin immediately stood up and shouted respectfully, "Sister-in-law!"

Gao Qiang was sitting on the ground playing with the children with toys, but when he heard this, he jumped up like a conditioned reflex, and quickly wiped the sofa with his sleeve, "Miss Ye, please sit down, I'll make you some tea."

After finishing speaking, he rushed into the tea room like a gust of wind, making tea for Ye Mingyan devoutly.

The guy who used to drink tea never felt the difference, and drank it all at once like pouring water, now he can remember every step clearly, and he will never complain about the difference between brewing broken tea leaves?

Wouldn't it be enough to boil the water?
There is a tea room next to the living room of Ouyang's house, and there is a door made of glass. Ouyang Lu and Li Zijin stared at such a strong man in dumbfounded.

I feel like I almost don't recognize him.

After the tea was brewed, Gao Qiang brought it out and carefully placed it in front of Ye Mingyan, "Miss Ye, please drink tea!"

Li Zijin: "..."

Ouyang Lu: "..."

Are they too excited these days and have been paying attention to the movement of their legs, ignoring the existence of this guy?

Since when did he become like this?

Ye Mingyan curled his lips into a smile, "Thank you!"

After taking a sip of tea, she looked at Ouyang Lu, "How is it? How is your recovery?"

Ouyang Lv smiled and said: "Very well, I can walk now, but I haven't fully recovered to the previous state, not so flexible, and I can't walk or run for a long time."

"But now I can feel the changes in my body almost every day. With my recovery speed, I estimate that I will be back to normal in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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