Chapter 484 Shocked
Seeing her frightened like this, Ye Mingyang smiled. He didn't want to scare her, but just kissed her forehead lightly. When the warm skin touched Tang Wei's whole body, she felt like she was getting an electric shock. She was very nervous. Clutching at his clothes, he dared not look at him.

Just at this time, the fireworks outside were set off in an instant, midnight was past, and the new year had arrived.

Ye Mingyang looked at the fireworks outside, then at the girl in his arms who dared not speak, and sighed, "Let's go! I'll take you back."

"Ah?" Tang Wei didn't react.

Ye Mingyang said: "I have kept you with me in the middle of the night, can my uncle and aunt agree to give you to me as my girlfriend?"

Tang Wei: "..."

Ye Mingyang took his coat and took Tang Wei downstairs.

There was heavy snow in the sky outside, and there were still many fireworks shining at the moment. It took only three to ten minutes to drive back to Tang's house.

Tang Wei was very nervous and didn't know what to say. After hesitating for a while, she said, "Well...I'll go down first, should drive carefully!"

Tang Wei opened the car door and was about to get off. Ye Mingyang grabbed her hand, and Tang Wei paused, "What...what's wrong?"

"Tomorrow is the first day of the new year, do you have time?"

Tang Wei was taken aback, "Yes... yes!"

"I'm bored by myself, can you come out and have a meal with me? There is also a gift for my family. They are all in Hong Kong Island. I have to go there in the second day of junior high school."

Tang Wei was overjoyed, Ye Mingyang took the initiative to ask her out!


Ye Mingyang twitched his lips, "I'll pick you up at nine tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

The two agreed, and Tang Wei got out of the car with a smile on her face, with obvious happiness on her face.

"Go in! I'll leave after you go in."

Tang Wei originally wanted to watch Ye Mingyang leave before entering, but after hearing what he said, she turned her head and walked away.

When he was about to enter the gate, Tang Wei turned her head and waved to him before going in.

Ye Mingyang sat in the car for a while, and then drove away after the light in the girl's upstairs bedroom came on.

The next day was the first day of junior high school, Tang Wei got up early to dress up, and accompanied Ye Mingyang to buy gifts for the family. There were quite a lot of people in the Ye family, so the two of them strolled around leisurely for a day.

On the second day of junior high school, I went to Hong Kong Island ahead of schedule.

Ye Mingyan and Ye Mingfeng went to pick up the plane.

Ye Mingyang is in his early twenties this year, but he hasn't seen him for a few months, and he feels that his temperament has changed a lot. A man of this age changes every day. As long as he keeps practicing, he will become more and more attractive.

"Brother, Weiwei!"

Ye Mingyan waved at them.

The Tang family also came along. Ye Mingyan's mother got married, so the Tang family naturally wanted to attend the wedding banquet.

Several people got together, said a few words and headed towards Ren Yuan's villa.

Tang Jianguo and Mrs. Tang came to Hong Kong Island for the first time, and they were very curious about it. They planned to spend a few days here this time.

I had lunch at Ren's house at noon, but Ren Yuan and Qin Xiuheng, two busy people, didn't come back.

Tang Jianguo and Mrs. Tang were shocked when they saw the Ren family's manor!

They all knew that Tang Jingyun married a super rich man in Hong Kong Island, but they didn't know how powerful this person was.

The data from the outside is always not as shocking as seeing it with your own eyes. Madam Tang swallowed her saliva as she looked at this luxurious manor.

"How much... how much does this cost?"

Tang Jianguo pursed his lips aside, he didn't know, he didn't dare to say.

Tang Wei was overwhelmed with envy.

Qin Xiuheng's Yangshan villa in Shanghai is already luxurious enough, and this one here is also so beautiful, the life of the rich is really wonderful.

She also wants to be a little rich woman.

He grabbed Ye Mingyan who was beside him, "Yanyan, I also want to live such a rich life, how many years will it take to achieve it?"

Ye Mingyan: "..."

She glanced at the elder brother beside her and smiled, " won't be long before the elder brother has a set."

"Huh?" Tang Wei was stunned.

Ye Mingyang was also stunned, "Me too?"

When did he buy a villa here?

Ye Mingyan smiled and said: "Father gave it to you! It's in this area, but the area is not as big. I will just live in Brother Qin's apartment in the future. I planned to buy another apartment for my second brother, but my second brother said The few of us are here now, so we don’t need this side, and replaced it with another rich area, where the environment is also good, we can all go there in the future to experience a different feeling!”

"As for the younger brother, since he is still young, Dad didn't buy it for him. He will just live in this house in the future. Anyway, this house is big enough to accommodate as many people as possible."

Ye Mingyang: "..."

He was silent for a while without speaking, and Tang Wei and Tang's parents were also stunned.

It is true that Ren Yuan is rich, but he is so kind to Tang Jingyun?
This large villa is not cheap. Is this a set for each of the Ye family's children?
Forget it for Tang Jingyun's child, but bought one for Ye Mingyang, which is too generous.

Ye Mingyang was also embarrassed, "No need, I'm already this old, and I can earn money to buy a house by myself."

Ye Mingyan shrugged, "Everyone of us has it! How could you be the only one missing? What you earn is what you earn, and what your father gives is what your father gives. Your set is not as big as this one, and many of the better ones are taken away. The top tycoons stole it all."

Even if it's not that big, it's definitely not small.

How could the houses in this place be worse?

"I..." Ye Mingyang still wanted to refuse.

"Oh!" Ye Mingyang tugged at his arm, "Why refuse! Dad gave it to us, so we can take it with peace of mind! My dad also bought me a lot of jewelry!"

How can that be the same?
It is not an exaggeration for Ren Yuan to buy anything for Ye Mingyan and his brothers and sisters. After all, they are their own children. They have missed the love of their father for a few years. Now they want to make up for it and want to give their children the best. It is human nature.

But he is different.

Although his father is missing, he still has his mother. He is not responsible for his uncle, it is his mother who is not responsible. This responsibility falls to the Ye family.

Ye Mingyang knew that this was his family telling him that he was also a child of the Ye family and that his father was gone, so Ren Yuan was his father and treated him like his own son.

Ye Mingyang sighed inwardly.

How unlucky he is, the boy's father disappeared, and he ran into such a mother again.

How lucky he was to meet such a family.

"Okay, then I'll accept it. When uncle comes back, I'll thank him."

Ye Mingyan laughed immediately, "That's right! Let's have dinner first, and I'll take you to see it after dinner."

"it is good!"

Ye Mingyang accepted it. Since his family loves him, he has nothing to worry about. He will repay in the future.

Tang Wei's family of three looked at it in a daze.

Ye Mingyan took Tang Wei's hand and said to Tang Jianguo and his wife, "Let's go, uncle and aunt, I will take you to the guest room."

Mrs. Tang hurriedly said: "No, no, Yanyan! Uncles and aunts don't live here, we'll just go to the hotel later, this time Weiwei has a holiday, so our family might as well come to Hong Kong Island for a trip, we just stay in the hotel .”

They were just friends from the woman's side, and they came here mainly because Tang Wei and Ye Mingyan had a good relationship.

Where can I live directly in the home of the newlyweds!
It is more convenient to live outside.

Tang Wei also said: "That's right, let's live outside. Your parents are newly married, so it's not good to have so many outsiders living in the house? I will stay in Hong Kong Island for a few days. After the wedding is over, let's go play together!"

Ye Mingyang said: "Why don't you stay with me! Can I live in the house my uncle gave me?"

The latter sentence was for Ye Mingyan.

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Yes! It's all renovated, and someone cleans it regularly. The elder brother is right, why don't you live in the elder brother's side, because there are no people there."

Finally, at Ye Mingyang's invitation, the Tang family lived in Ye Mingyang's side.

They had lunch together at noon, and in the afternoon, they took the Tang family and Ye Mingyang over there.

The location of that set is not as high as Ren Yuan's, nor is it as big as Qin Xiuheng's, but it is enough for daily living.

After making arrangements for the people in the Tang family, Ye Mingyan is going to go back. Tomorrow is the wedding, and he is still very busy.

"Brother, you can stay with us tonight! When Dad comes back, he has something to tell you!"

Ye Mingyang nodded, "Okay, I live there these days."

A family reunion is really good.

It will be more convenient for the Tang family to live here temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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