Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 490 A successful conclusion, 4 crises

Chapter 490 Successfully concluded, crisis everywhere

Fortunately, this Tang Jingyun is not an ugly old lady, although she is old, she looks young, otherwise, they all feel sorry for Ren Yuan.

Marrying Ren Yuan with so many shares, this matter must be supported!
In this case, it is useless for Mr. Ren to stop it, the group is no longer under his control.

When it was Tang Jingyun's turn, it was Grandma Ye who came on stage. Of course, she couldn't be Ren Yuan's mother at this time, so she could only come on stage as Tang Jingyun's mother-in-law.

In the eyes of everyone in the audience, this matter is quite strange. The former mother-in-law can come, and the key is to be able to go on stage. What does Ren Yuan think?

Seeing those strange eyes from the audience, Ren Yuan didn't care.

There is no way, this is his old mother, her son has been around for so many years, and finally made a name for himself, but she can't watch him get married as a mother, she can only do it in this way.

After Grandma Ye expressed her blessings to the couple, she took out the dowry she had prepared for Tang Jingyun.

At first glance, it looks like jewelry with a sense of age, and its value can no longer be simply measured as jewelry. This kind of antique-level jewelry cannot be sold without a certain heritage.

Although there are many wealthy families in Hong Kong Island with strong financial resources, there are really not many families that can produce relatively well-established jewelry.

At least when Grandma Ye took out these things and handed them over to Tang Jingyun, everyone in the audience was very surprised.

Grandma Ye took the things and handed them to Tang Jingyun.

"Take it, this is what you deserve, live a good life in the future, mother sincerely blesses you."

Her poor daughter-in-law finally made it through.

Tang Jingyun looked at the jewelry in front of her and was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

She had never seen these jewels before.

Ye Jiazu has savings, she knows this, when she was in the countryside, Grandma Ye once took some valuable old things for her to exchange for money, but they were all simple things, and they could only be exchanged for tens of thousands of dollars.

But these are not easy!


"Here, these were originally prepared for you, but they were inconvenient back then, so I kept them all the time. Now that you're married, it's time to give them to you."

Tang Jingyun's eyes were flushed. She also let Ren Yuan discuss with her daughter that in order to show her identity, she should give her shares, give her a dowry, and ask her mother-in-law to bring her some antiques to show her background, so that those famous ladies on Hong Kong Island will be more expensive. Women dare not underestimate her.

With so many shares, she really didn't expect her mother-in-law to give her such precious jewels now.

Fortunately, she married Ren Yuan, the biological son of the Ye family, otherwise, she would really be ashamed.

"Thank you mom!"

The people in the audience were shocked.

"Is this true? I don't think that thing is simple!"

The person next to him nodded, "It looks like an old item. I heard that the ancestors of the Ye family belonged to a big family. It is probably passed down from the ancestors."

"If it is really passed down from the ancestors, then it is indeed a big family, and ordinary people don't have such good things passed down."

"Since it's an ancestral treasure, how could it be given to Tang Jingyun? She's already married?"

"That's right! Even if it is given, shouldn't it be given to the grandson's daughter-in-law? What is this?"

"Tsk tsk tsk! This family is really strange. Ren Yuan treats the Ye family like a family, and the Ye family treats Ren Yuan like a family. It's really weird!"

Everyone: "..."

That's right, it doesn't look like the operation of a wealthy family at all.

The other person laughed, "What do you know? This is called strong alliance. Tang Jingyun married into the Ren family with a huge dowry. Her sons and daughters are not easy. Ren Yuan has no children anyway, and the children of the Ye family just need it." The backer, anyway, is going to be a show, so I just did enough, both parties are generous enough! It is worthy of being done by a big family with a lot of background, and it is really impossible for an ordinary small family to do this."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked at Ren Yuan and everyone in the Ye family, and they could only understand it in this way.

A wedding went smoothly. Later, the bride and groom toasted. Ren Yuan took Ye Mingyang and Ye Mingchuan to introduce many people, and the whole wedding county was very lively.

Bai Manting was very anxious on the sidelines. Tang Jingyun's wedding was very beautiful. There were many people at the scene today. All the big shots were there, and there were no reporters present.

But she knew that the reporters were all outside!

Ren Yuan will definitely announce it to the public. By then, she will really become the laughing stock of the whole Hong Kong Island.

The more time passed, the more anxious Bai Manting's face became, and she even began to look around uncontrollably. Seeing her like this, Ye Mingyan frowned. This woman must be thinking of bad ideas again.

In the end, the wedding ended successfully, and the guests began to leave one after another. Until this time, Tang Jingyun was safe and sound.

Bai Manting gritted her teeth, she was not reconciled, Lai stayed at the scene and did not leave.

In the end, everyone in the Bai family was about to leave. She had no choice but to leave.

It can be said that she was taken away forcefully by the old man of the Bai family, so she can't be ashamed to stay.

The guests have already left, Tang Jingyun went to the lounge to change her clothes, the women of the Ye family gathered in the lounge, Meng Qingwan was not here, she also had some friends in Hong Kong Island, went to meet friends went.

Ye Mingyan followed to the lounge, and Qin Xiuheng said to her, "I'll take care of some things, and I'll come pick you up later."

Ye Mingyan asked: "It's too quiet today, that Bai Manting didn't do anything at all, why do I feel something is wrong? Did you arrange something with Dad?"

Qin Xiuheng smiled and rubbed her head, "Of course we have to prepare, otherwise what if the wedding is ruined by them? Your father has been preparing for so long and meticulously prepared a luxurious wedding for your mother. How can someone ruin it?" Woolen cloth?"

"Originally this is what my uncle has to do, but he has too many guests to entertain, so I snatched this matter. As my son-in-law, in order to marry his daughter smoothly in the future, I always need more Show performance?"

Ye Mingyan: "..."

The smelly man is getting more and more glib.

"Then did you notice anything unusual? Did Bai Manting do anything?"

Qin Xiuheng nodded, "Two people were caught, and Qin Yi's side is interrogating, saying that they found something different, so I'll go and have a look."

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Okay! Then you go! I'll go to my mother's side, and I'll just go back with my parents later. If you're busy, you don't have to deliberately come back to pick me up."

Qin Xiuheng nodded, "Okay! But be careful, even though the wedding is over, the other party may not stop."

"I see!"

Qin Xiuheng left, and Ye Mingyan went to the lounge.

The wedding has come to a successful conclusion, and everyone is very relaxed, sitting and chatting together at the moment.

At this time, a woman in the uniform of a hotel waiter came in pushing a dining car.

(End of this chapter)

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