Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 499 Visiting the Mu Family

Chapter 499 Visiting the Mu Family
Sure enough, it was configured by a master, and it is definitely not an ordinary drug.

"Yanyan, you're out for dinner, you've been here all morning, what are you doing?"

After lunch was ready, Meng Qingwan saw that Ye Mingyan had been in the laboratory all morning, so she came over to call for someone.

Meng Qingwan came over, saw Ye Mingyan put away her hand, and asked, "Is it done?"

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Yes! Auntie, take a look."

Looking at the result of the analysis, Meng Qingwan was taken aback, "This is a master!"

Ye Mingyan nodded and said: "It is indeed a master. Masters of this level are really rare. Does Auntie know?"

Meng Qingwan looked at it for a while, and then said: "This style looks like a master in traditional Chinese medicine. He can do the ultimate in drugs. It seems that he is a perfectionist."

Pursue perfectionism?

Meng Qingwan thinks that those who have the ultimate pursuit in this area are usually things that super masters can do, such as her, such as... those masters of the Qin family.

Ye Mingyan pursed his lips, "It's no wonder that such a formidable brother as Brother Qin regards him as the most difficult opponent to deal with. This King is really not an ordinary person."

Meng Qingwan had also heard of that person, and he was indeed very famous on the Tao.

She sighed, "There is no way, at the level of the Qin family, any opponent will not be an ordinary person, don't be afraid, we won't let him hurt you, go and have some lunch! Heng'er will take care of it. "

Ye Mingyan had already researched it, so he went to eat with Meng Qingwan.

The wedding is over, Tang Jingyun has officially become Ren Yuan's wife, and the media reports are overwhelming, Tang Jingyun's dowry was not officially announced until this time.

Only then did people realize that Tang Jingyun's dowry was so generous. Sure enough, marriages of wealthy families are not easy.

Immediately, the two names of Panacea and Zhengyan became household names in Hong Kong Island, and even began to gain popularity in the mainland and abroad.

After this wedding, overwhelming reports came out, and only then did the wealthy circles on Hong Kong Island finally understand the reason why Ren Yuan married Tang Jingyun.

Only then did I understand that Ren Yuan’s ambition to dominate the wealthy families on Hong Kong Island has not changed. Sino-Ocean Group’s assets doubled in a short period of time under his management before. A woman with three children seems to have lost all her money.

In this way, it must be sure.

As a result, more people inquired about the panacea.

After the wedding was over, Tang Jingyun and Ye Mingyan were preparing presents for New Year's greetings at Mu's house.

I promised to go to the old lady to pay New Year's greetings in the next year, but now that the wedding is over, it is natural to have to go.

The Mu family has a lot of children. The old lady has four sons in her life. All four sons got married early and gave birth to more than a dozen grandchildren.

Among them, the first wife of the third child died of illness at an early age, and later the third child married a daughter-in-law and gave birth to a child. Therefore, the third child has the most children.

It is worth mentioning that among all the biological children of the Mu family, there is no girl.

Although the current grandchildren of the Mu family have granddaughters, they are not biological, but adopted.

The reason is that in the early years, Mrs. Mu had been looking for her youngest daughter, and her grandson was born one after another, so she had no granddaughter. If the old lady wanted a girl, she had to find someone else.

As a result, the Mu family had excess yang energy.

There are many men in the Mu family, and all of them are outstanding. If things go on like this, it will be detrimental to the women in the family. Not only is there no female offspring, but it will even affect the fate of the wives and old ladies. Girls are needed to neutralize it.

There is indeed a daughter in the Mu family, and her fate is noble, and the girl born is even more born with a phoenix fate.

It's a pity that the noble fate carries with it a great calamity. Once it survives safely, it will be able to live a prosperous life and keep the Mu family prosperous for a hundred years.

But if you don't get over it, you will die.

After the old lady Mu knew this, she desperately searched for her daughter. Unfortunately, decades have passed, and there is still no news.

The Mu family was too angry and couldn't find a daughter, so they got advice from an expert to adopt a few girls and raise them as their own.

Although there is no blood relationship, no daughters and granddaughters with noble lives, it can also bring some good luck to the Mu family and ensure that the women in the family can live in peace.

So, the Mu family adopted several girls.

At present, they are raised under the names of several daughter-in-laws, and when adopting them, the Mu family was extremely careful. Some of them were orphans brought back by Mrs. Mu when she went to the mainland to find her daughter. There are too many abandoned baby girls in the mainland. Yes, such a girl will not have any troubles when she grows up after being adopted.

When adopting a girl, the son and daughter-in-law will disappear for a while, and when they come back, they will say that they are their own.

So at present, several granddaughters of the Mu family know that they are not their own, and the outside world has never heard of them.

There are too many gifts to bring for a door-to-door visit.

Tang Jingyun sighed, "There are too many people in the Mu family. There are dozens of people! There are so many children, and the key is that they are all well-educated. How do you do this?"

Grandma Ye smiled at the side, "What a kind person! The family is big and the business is great, the children and grandchildren are prosperous, and the more children, the more blessings!"

The elderly like to have more children and more blessings.

Meng Qingwan was also very envious beside her. If she could, she would also like to have more children.

The Qin family has such a large family business, but she has suffered from the lack of children. Just this precious son was calculated and lost in the early years, so that everyone is thinking about her family property.

If there are many children, who dares to worry about it?

Inexplicably, Meng Qingwan set her eyes on Ye Mingyan, thinking that there are still many advantages for her son to find such a young girl.

At least, young!

Time to have more children.

Meng Qingwan couldn't help thinking about the picture of herself holding a grandson in one hand, it felt so good.

Ye Mingyan was arranging the presents, but she didn't know that her future mother-in-law had already thought so far.

After hearing Tang Jingyun's words, Ye Mingyan smiled and said, "No matter how many people there are, how can there be as many people as our Ye family? There are hundreds of people in our Ye family!"

Tang Jingyun choked, "That's right!"

There are really many people in the Ye family. Most of the whole village is related to the Ye family. There are hundreds of people in total.

Mrs. Mu was already waiting at home.

This place was notified in advance, so the Mu family knew that Tang Jingyun and Ye Mingyan were coming today.

After the wedding, Mrs. Mu liked the little girl Ye Mingyan even more. She is young next year, but she can marry her mother into a wealthy family. Can you rely on your daughter?

When Tang Jingyun and Ye Mingyan arrived, the members of the Mu family were already waiting.

The Mu family's mansion is very large, and it is also a wealthy area on Hong Kong Island. The Mu family came to Hong Kong Island earlier in the past, and because they had enough money, they bought a large area.

The current old house was built by the Mu family itself, like a big manor, not smaller than Ren Yuan's manor at all.

(End of this chapter)

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