Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 502 What Mu Jinyan wants to eat with him, the little girl is the first!

Chapter 502 The little girl is the first one to eat with Mu Jinyan!
Lin Xiaoyue was overjoyed, the eldest young master cared about her, did he care about her?

Thinking of Ye Mingyan downstairs, Lin Xiaoyue felt complacent, and immediately put on a look of being bullied and aggrieved but dare not speak nonsense.

"'s nothing, I was just in a hurry to deliver medicine to the young master, and I accidentally bumped into Miss Ye who came to visit today. Miss Ye Mingyan is now a celebrity in Hong Kong Island, and Mr. Ren's stepdaughter! I was terrified I kowtowed to her, Ms. Ye didn't care about me."


Mu Jinyan frowned.

What era is this, do you still need a servant to kowtow?
The Mu family has a strict family style. Compared with some upstarts who like to abuse their servants to show their status, the Mu family is definitely a clean stream.

What is it that makes people kneel and kowtow when they accidentally bump into it?
"Is it the daughter Mrs. Ren gave birth to before?"

Mu Jinyan's tone was not very good, Lin Xiaoyue heard it, and was very happy.

As long as Mu Jinyan doesn't have a good impression of Ye Mingyan, it's fine.

Ye Mingyan is too beautiful and young, the typical young and beautiful type that men like.

Now that she followed her mother to Mu's house to curry favor with the old lady, who knew if she came here for Mu Jinyan?

So she acted first, so that Mu Jinyan had a bad impression of her before he met her.

The first impression of a person is very important, if you make it like this before you meet, even if Mu Jinyan sees the beautiful and beautiful Ye Mingyan later, he will not be moved.

Lin Xiaoyue said: "Yes! Miss Ye and Mrs. Ren came to pay New Year's greetings to the old lady, and they are downstairs now!"

Mu Jinyan didn't speak for a long time, and finally, he only said, "Stay away from her, my grandma probably won't like this kind of unruly young lady, and I won't meet her often in the future."

Lin Xiaoyue was so excited that she succeeded, and Mu Jinyan had a bad impression of Ye Mingyan before she met Ye Mingyan.

"I see, thank you, young master, for your concern."

Lin Xiaoyue looked at Mu Jinyan happily, as if she had seen the future that Mu Jinyan held her in the palm of his hand to protect.

"The medicine is almost on, young master, drink it quickly!"

Mu Jinyan frowned when he saw the medicine bowl beside him. He hated this medicine very much, and when he thought of his own body, he felt unspeakable.

How did he get this disease?
Mu Jinyan couldn't accept it in his heart, but he really had no choice but to drink the medicine obediently.

Downstairs, the more Mrs. Mu and Tang Jingyun got along with each other, the better their relationship became. Tang Jingyun and Ye Mingyan were left to have dinner at home at noon.

The Mu family has a large population, but not many people live in the old house.

Under normal circumstances, only the old man, the old lady and the Dafang family live here.

Nowadays, there are a lot of gatherings at the beginning and end of the year, and the Spring Festival is not celebrated abroad, so the elders of the Mu family, including the eldest son, are not at home. Except for Mu Jinyan, only Mrs. Mu and Mrs. Mu are currently at home.

The dishes on the dinner table are very rich, but it can be seen that they are all inland style.

It seems that the Mu family has been in Hong Kong Island for so many years, and they still retain the taste habits they used to have in the mainland.

Naturally, Mu Jinyan also went downstairs to eat. When he saw Ye Mingyan for the first time, he was stunned for a moment.

This was the first time he saw Ye Mingyan. Although the Mu family attended Ren Yuan's wedding, he didn't go because of work. So, this was the first time he saw Ye Mingyan.

There is a noble temperament in this gentle body, especially this heavenly appearance, which is really rare.

Even Mu Jinyan, who had seen all the beauties and thought he would never be fascinated by beauty, was amazed.

The bad impression brought about by the kneeling and kowtowing that Lin Xiaoyue said just now was relieved a lot. Mu Jinyan frowned, did he judge people by appearance?
Seeing Mu Jinyan staring at Ye Mingyan, Lin Xiaoyue stood aside very unwillingly, and quickly interrupted Mu Jinyan's thoughts, "Master, this is the tonic soup I made for you with my own hands, try it to see if it suits your appetite ?”

He is not in good health, in addition to drinking medicine, he also needs to drink some nourishing soup.

Lin Xiaoyue put the boiled soup in front of Mu Jinyan, and he stirred it with a spoon.

The hot soup just out of the pot was stirred, and the aroma spread, and Ye Mingyan, who had a sensitive nose, once again smelled the unusual smell inside.

Ye Ming hooked the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said, "This soup is delicious! Can you give me a taste?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, Tang Jingyun was a little dazed, her daughter would never do such a strange thing.

"Yanyan..." She reached out and pulled her daughter beside her.

Mu Jinyan also frowned and looked at her. This little girl is so good-looking, she doesn't have a clue how to do things?
It's too capricious.

However, looking into her bright eyes, there seemed to be a sense of clever slyness, as if, it wasn't that annoying.

Such a young age, not as big as his little sister.

Mu Jinyan is actually a sister-controller, but he is not particularly close to the younger sisters in the family, or he is inexplicably unable to get close.

Moreover, he is the eldest grandson, with a habitually serious face. He studied hard since he was a child, but was later sent abroad and didn't spend much time at home, so the younger sisters seemed a little afraid of him.

He used to try his best to get in touch with his younger sister, but her younger sister always looked nervous to death in front of him, as if he was a big villain and would eat them at any time. As time passed, Mu Jinyan felt bored, I'm not interested anymore.

After such a long time, this is the first time that a little girl dared to ask him for something to eat.

This thing is new!
Mr. Mu felt that this matter was very fresh, so he didn't care about it with the little girl. Instead, he placed the bowl in front of Ye Mingyan very abnormally, "Try it."

Lin Xiaoyue's eyes were straightened, and the sense of crisis at this moment reached its peak.

How could this be?
She clearly made Mu Jinyan hate Ye Mingyan, why didn't she say a word just now!Ye Mingyan asked him for his exclusive nourishing soup and he gave it in a good temper?

Are men really unable to resist the temptation of beauty?
Hasn't Mu Jinyan always kept himself clean?What's more, isn't he not interested in women now?
The soup bowl approached Ye Mingyan, Ye Mingyan brought the bowl over, drank a little with a spoon, and tasted it carefully.

Mu Jinyan asked, "How is it?"

Ye Mingyan raised her head and said honestly, "It's a bit bitter!"

Mu Jinyan suddenly smiled.

It was indeed bitter, and he didn't want to drink it at all, but there was nothing he could do.

"This is boiled with Chinese medicine, and the taste is really not very good."

Lin Xiaoyue's complexion was a bit ugly, but she did it herself, Ye Mingyan actually disliked suffering?

Ye Mingyan blinked, "This has added a lot of medicinal materials! Why are you drinking this? Are you sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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