Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 542 People in the family circle

Chapter 542 People in the family circle

Thinking of this, Young Master Qin became depressed.

Looking at the more and more beautiful face of his little daughter-in-law, thinking about the more and more knowledge in her little head, Yanyan might surpass his mother in medical achievements in the future, so what can he, an "old man", do? Is it good enough for her?

Good luck fooling people!
He is such a genius in business, why did Mao let him be born into a medical family?

Isn't it good to be born into a business family?
No matter how depressed Young Master Qin was, Ye Mingyan's little head would never stop studying, so she immediately called Meng Qingwan.

Then, the depressed Young Master Qin was next to her, listening to his beautiful little daughter-in-law popping out one thing after another that he didn't know. He seemed to have heard some names, but he didn't seem to have heard them. Anyway, in In front of these things, he has completely become a scumbag.

"Are you sure these were found in someone else's laboratory?"

On the phone, Meng Qingwan's tone was completely unbelievable.

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Yes! The other party left in a hurry, so I didn't have time to destroy everything. These things were found in her office. Auntie, do you know these prescriptions?"

"I do know. I know the specific origin of some of the prescriptions, and some, although I don't know the specific origin, but I can feel familiar when looking at the formula. The people behind the development must have a deep understanding of traditional medicine to formulate it. Here comes such a prescription."

"I know some of them. Those of the Qin family have them, and some are abroad. Back then, many things in the country were lost and flowed abroad. Except for the direct line of the Qin family, all of them went abroad. They are very powerful. They collected them for a while. After returning to the main family in China, these things were handed over and became the wealth of the Qin family, so I have seen them all."

"The other ones, the people behind them should also have inherited medical skills. There are not many people with this level in the world. What is the name of that person over there?"

"Bai Qiu, Bai Bai, Autumn Qiu, 36 years old, female!"

All this information was interrogated by other people in the laboratory, so Ye Mingyan knew it very well.

Meng Qingwan shook her head, "I don't have this person in my memory. Among the top medical circles, especially in the inheritance of ancient medical techniques, there are very few strong women. If there are powerful ones, I will probably know them."

"I've never heard of this name, but it doesn't prevent the apprentices of some hidden people who can develop..."

"No!" Ye Mingyan hurriedly interrupted her, "Auntie, Bai Qiu didn't develop this. I read her work records. She doesn't know much about ancient medical techniques. Things, these prescriptions are more like someone gave her, and then she did some research and studied it carefully."

Meng Qingwan paused, "That's it! Then it makes sense. This Bai Qiu shouldn't be considered a person. You can only check where she got this prescription. I can only tell you that the person who developed these prescriptions , most of them are people in our circle, who have inheritance, and the influence is not small."

Ye Mingyan pursed her lips, "I see, thank you, auntie!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Xiuheng asked, "What did my mother say?"

Ye Mingyan's face was a bit ugly, "Auntie said, the other party should be someone from a medical family. These are ancient prescriptions, and there is a high probability that people with inheritance can get these resources."

Qin Xiuheng stopped talking.

Ye Mingyan turned to look at him, "Tell me, could it be King? Didn't you say that there are many experts around him? He himself..."

"Who cares? You'll know if you catch that Bai Qiu. By the way, check it out. This is her office. Maybe you can find some ways to contact her."

Bai Qiu left in a hurry, so she might not have had time to contact the person behind her.

Communication in this era is not as developed as in later generations, and the possibility that the other party does not know is very high.

And at this time, Bai Qiu had already brought Shen Qinghe ashore not far from Hong Kong Island.

She didn't dare to go to the pier, she knew that the other party might send someone to wait for her here, so to be on the safe side, she took Shen Qinghe ashore a little further away, a little bit away.

Then, contact Bai Manting.

(End of this chapter)

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