Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 581 Information

Chapter 581 Information
Qin Xiuheng glanced at Ouyang Lu, and was a bit at a loss as to what to tell him.

There is a secret in Yanyan, he knew this when she was very young, didn't he?
At that time in his hometown, he saw Yanyan make things disappear out of thin air.

At that time, what she took was the family property of the Ye family's ancestors, so those things definitely did not disappear out of thin air, but were hidden in some places by her, but he couldn't see them.

Now Yanyan can have a phone and a locator on her body, not because the other party didn't search her body, but because Yanyan hid those things in a place that no one else could see from the beginning.

"Maybe it's because Yanyan hid it well and the other party didn't find it, or maybe it was because Yanyan was smart and got it halfway? At that time, Shen Qinghe was kicked into the sea by her. Maybe Yanyan was hiding it on her body at that time." What's up?"

After hearing this, Ouyang Lv found it incredible, but he couldn't think of any other possibility.

No matter what, now Ye Mingyan is safe and can still communicate with them, which is great.

Facing King, they had another chance of winning.

Qin Xiuheng talked to Ye Mingyan for a while before hanging up the phone.

Ouyang Lu and Ye Mingyang were beside them. The three gathered together and spread out the map, with several red dots marked on it.

"Are you sure this is King's power? Or the main power?"

Qin Xiuheng nodded, "Sure, these yellow ones are uncertain, so I won't focus on this for now, and destroy as many of these red ones as possible."

With that said, Qin Xiuheng took out a stack of documents and put them on the table.

"This is the information. Everything I found is here. Take a look."

After Ouyang Lu and Ye Mingyang watched it, they were completely stunned!
"So detailed?"

Qin Xiuheng smiled and said: "It's just part of what I understand, and it's more detailed. There are still some forces that I haven't found out, so there's nothing I can do about it."

"However, getting rid of these is enough to cause heavy losses to King. This time the layout of Hong Kong Island failed, and if these are cleaned up, he will definitely be silent for a long time."

This is Qin Xiuheng's purpose this time.

Ever since he analyzed that behind King is a family of medical inheritance, Qin Xiuheng made up his mind that this must severely damage King's outside industry, and it is best to beat him back and let him return to the family.

In this way, maybe he is easier to deal with.

The matter on Hong Kong Island will end soon, and he will return to the capital soon. At that time, he will have the power of the entire Qin family at his disposal. If the other party is from a family of medicine, he will use the resources of the Qin family to deal with it together. A little more convenient.

What's more, there are people in the second room waiting for him.

So, on King's side, he really wasn't prepared to take too long.

After all, he was a deadly enemy in his previous life, so Qin Xiuheng naturally knew a lot, and he was fully prepared this time, so the other party must not be his opponent.

Ouyang Lv smiled and said: "It's easy to handle, I'll arrange it right away. This time, I must wipe out the main force of this guy."

Seeing Ouyang Lu happily leave, Ye Mingyang looked at Qin Xiuheng with some doubts, "Can it really destroy light?"

How powerful Qin Xiuheng is, he doesn't know all of it, but he has a general idea. It is estimated that Ouyang Lu didn't expect Qin Xiuheng to have so much power.

To be Qin Xiuheng's opponent, the opponent must not be easy, how can it be so easy to wipe out?

Qin Xiuheng looked at him and smiled, "Of course it's impossible to wipe out all the light, but it's enough for me."

"Ouyang Lu has a deep background! He is not only from the Ouyang family on Hong Kong Island, otherwise, why do you think he is so arrogant in Hong Kong Island?"

He didn't pay attention to the big giants. Of course, he dared to do this because he had enough power in the world.

Qin Xiuheng didn't say any more, and only said to Ye Mingyang: "Go and have a good rest, the people I sent out should be back soon, and when they bring back the overall situation of the building opposite, we will go and see for ourselves tonight .”

The building opposite should be where King will stay in the end. Qin Xiuheng will familiarize himself with the place before King comes back. This time, if King can be killed, that's the best. If not, he should be driven back to his hometown.

Ye Mingyang nodded, "OK!"

(End of this chapter)

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