Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 587 No wonder he likes you so much!

Chapter 587 No wonder he likes you so much!
After everyone left the building, they went to meet Ouyang Lu.

"What's wrong? Where's Miss Ye?"

Qin Xiuheng said: "Being taken away, King was fully prepared. We eliminated so many of his forces before. I thought he would think that we hadn't rushed to this place yet, and we were all fighting against his forces outside. !"

"I didn't expect that he had prepared so well. He took Yanyan away as soon as he came back today. The location was left behind. This is one of his secret bases. This time, it is impossible to catch anyone by surprise. We can only attack by force." .”

Ouyang Lu glanced at the words on the note and sighed, but he could accept everything in front of him.

"There is nothing wrong with this result. King is not an ordinary person. He was beaten so badly by us before. It is because we prepared in advance that he suffered such a big loss. If it is so easy this time, let us catch him. Stop, then I really have to doubt whether this person is really him."

"Let's attack hard! After this time, it will be very difficult for us to find him again. If it weren't for the heavy losses this time, I think with King's style, he would not have confronted us head-on. I am so angry, Hong Kong Island lost, and the forces in the Middle East and Europe have been destroyed by us so much, they want to take revenge on us, so they deliberately let us pass."

Qin Xiuheng ordered Qin Yi to make preparations, and then said: "It's normal for him to want revenge. We have to go there as soon as possible. Even if we know it's a trap, I have to go. I'm worried that Yanyan will be in danger."

Ouyang Lv frowned, "Isn't it? Didn't you have been fine the past few days? Ms. Ye has a panacea in hand, so King probably wouldn't do anything to her easily."

Qin Xiuheng glanced at Ouyang Lu, and said coldly: "That means you don't know King very well. He looks gentle, but on the surface he is a very noble son. Sometimes he is more patient than you can imagine. .”

"But he is also a very strong person. He regards himself as an emperor, and no one can violate his will. This time we have destroyed so many of his forces, and his majesty has been challenged. If he becomes cruel, he may not Do it to Yanyan."

"Yanyan is new to the world, I am worried that she will be confused by King's appearance, this person is very dangerous."

Yanyan started too low in her previous life. Although the ancestors of the Ye family were very powerful, Yanyan did grow up in the countryside since she was a child, and the people she met were not particularly powerful. She was just an ordinary girl born in the countryside. Later, he followed Tang Jingyun back to the Tang family.

The Tang family is not considered a third-rate family in the capital. Although Yanyan was in contact with a lot of conspiracies and calculations at that time, it was not at the same level as King.

If you are not careful, Yanyan can easily be tricked by King.

Ouyang Lv stopped talking because he knew that what Qin Xiuheng said was true.

He himself was almost killed by King, didn't he?And almost lost his life, and couldn't figure out who King was?

Qin Xiuheng is so afraid of him, how can this kind of person be easy to deal with?
After Qin Yi rectified the crowd, everyone followed the address King left.

This is the edge of the desert, and there is an oasis next to it, a huge arched building, which looks like hemispheres from a distance.

The moon is very bright tonight. Even at night, the moonlight shines down, and the surrounding environment can be seen clearly.

Ye Mingyang frowned and said, "Is there anyone outside?"

Ouyang Lu cautiously said: "They should all be inside. The other party deliberately lured us here, and they definitely wouldn't stop us from the beginning. There are probably dragon pools and tiger dens waiting for us inside!"

No matter how dangerous it is, Qin Xiuheng must go.

After bringing people close quickly, the door was open, obviously letting them in on purpose.

Qin Xiuheng rushed in first.

The inside was very large and empty, and it was as dark as a maze. After searching for a while, I finally heard some sounds.

There were some figures flashing around, and Ouyang Lu immediately led people to chase them. There are not only organs here, but also some ancient formations.

Qin Xiuheng's eyes turned cold, "Follow me closely, Ouyang Lu, come back quickly!"

At this time, everyone discovered that the communicator had failed.

"Young master, all the signals have been blocked."

Everyone chased for a while to where Ouyang Lu left, but there was no one in sight.

At this time, the ground suddenly began to shake, and then, the floor under their feet suddenly opened, and everyone fell down.

After landing in the air for a while, Qin Xiuheng looked up and saw that the floor above his head had been closed, and he was the only one left around, and there was still a long passage in front of him.

He knew that this was specially prepared by King for him.

There was no switch anywhere, Qin Xiuheng knew that it would be impossible to go back and find Ye Mingyang, and hoped that he would be fine, otherwise he would not know how to go back and face the Ye family.

Qin Xiuheng walked forward along the passage, and found that this place was indeed like a maze. Occasionally, he could hear gunshots around him, but it was difficult to find anyone.

And after walking not far, some enemies appeared from time to time. He could only deal with these people while shuttling through this maze-like tunnel.

Gradually, there were more and more people, and the bullets in his hand were used up, so he could only grab other people's guns. Under the crowd tactics, the enemies around him fell one by one.

King stayed in front of the surveillance screen, watching everything Qin Xiuheng experienced in the surveillance, the corner of his mouth was cold, the chill was overwhelming!

Here is a huge vaulted hall with a huge glass room in the middle, where the King is.

Beside him, Ye Mingyan was lying on the ground, slowly opening his eyes.

There is a piece of glass above the head, and the blue and white light shines on it. At first, the eyes are a little uncomfortable.

King turned around and glanced at her, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still gentle, "Are you awake?"

Ye Mingyan moved with difficulty, his whole body was weak, his body was extremely limp, and there was still a strong heat rising in his body.

Realizing what it was, Ye Mingyan's complexion changed, and he looked at King in front of him warily.

Seeing her expression, the smile on the corner of King's mouth became bigger and bigger. He got up and slowly came to her and squatted down. He stretched out his hand to straighten her long hair, and said with a smile, "You are really smart, you know what's in your body so quickly. , are you curious how you got poisoned?"

Ye Mingyan looked at him with a cold face, "The house I live in is yours. If you really want to do something to me, it's useless for me to guard against it."

King was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha! Little girl, you are simply too smart. The more I understand why Qin Xiuheng, who has eyes above the top, likes you!"

King's eyes were full of admiration. He thought that Ye Mingyan would be very confused, and she would be confident in her medical skills, thinking that he couldn't poison her!
She didn't expect her to figure it out so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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