Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 608 You are mine now!

Chapter 608 You are mine now!
Seeing her son's impatience, Meng Qingwan couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Look at him so stupid, he doesn't look like her son at all.

Feelings called her to come here just to mention it, or in other words, it was entirely because she was an elder and came here to be a tool person?

It's too big to stay!

The young master of the Qin family of her dignified medical family, the engagement banquet is going to Hong Kong Island, and she also wants to hold a splendid engagement banquet for her son in the Qin family!

It's all over now.

But her son had already agreed, and Meng Qingwan would not dismantle her son's position, as long as he liked it, the engagement banquet was on Hong Kong Island, and the wedding banquet must be in the capital, so there was nothing unacceptable.

Meng Qingwan smiled and said, "Then we will be in-laws from now on."

Then, she took out a brocade box containing Moyu, opened it and placed it on the table in front of her.

"Dear family, this is the family heirloom jade pendant of our Qin family. It can be regarded as a keepsake and handed over to Yanyan! When she and Heng'er get married, just bring it back."

"This jade pendant was handed down from the ancestors, and it has always been in the hands of the Patriarch. Heng'er is the young master of our Qin family. From now on, this jade pendant will belong to him and Yanyan."

When Ren Yuan and Tang Jingyun saw that the Qin family took out such an important jade pendant as a token, they were also very happy. The Qin family is quite kind.

In the past, Meng Qingwan was not stingy about expressing her satisfaction with Ye Mingyan, but it was in the past, after all, there was no actual expression.

But it's different now. Ren Yuan and Tang Jingyun are finally at ease when they are engaged at this time and can still take out such an important jade pendant as a token.

So, the marriage was finalized.

It went smoothly beyond Qin Xiuheng's imagination.

After the matter was settled, he happily took the box to find Ye Mingyan, and handed the jade pendant to her again.

"Uncle Ye asked me to bring it to you, and said that you can just keep it."

He hugged Ye Mingyan happily, his mouth nearly grinning to the base of his ears.

"Yanyan, we are getting engaged, you are mine!"

At this moment, Qin Xiuheng was really happy.

The regrets of the previous life can finally be made up for, and he finally has time to marry Yanyan back home.

There is no obstacle, no ups and downs, both parents and seniors are blessings, there will be an engagement banquet soon, and then there will be a wedding banquet, and he can finally watch his beloved girl marry him in a wedding dress.

I waited all my life in the previous life, and nine years in this life, and finally my wish came true.

At this moment, Qin Xiuheng was as happy as a child!

Ye Mingyan is also very happy. The wish she dreamed of in her previous life has been fulfilled in this life. It is so wonderful!
"Did Mom and Dad say nothing?"

Qin Xiuheng smiled and said, "No, we can do whatever we like with the engagement banquet. Your parents' only request is that the engagement banquet be held on Hong Kong Island, and I agree!"

"Our engagement banquet will be held on Hong Kong Island. When we get married in the future, we will hold it in Beijing. If you think it's not enough, then we can hold one in Beijing, one in Hong Kong Island, and another in Ye's hometown."

Ye Mingyan: "..."

"With so many shows, are you addicted to getting married?"

Qin Xiuheng, "So what? I've never been married in my previous life. What's wrong with having a few wedding banquets in my life?"

Ye Mingyan: "..."

She couldn't even refute.

Ye Mingyan put Mo Yu into the space, and asked: " the date set? Or wait until the uncle's business is over and return to Hong Kong Island?"

Qin Xiuheng hugged her and thought about it, "The specific date has not been set yet, and we still have to wait for news from your uncle. Uncle will leave it to Ouyang Lu to arrange with your elder brother, and I will arrange the engagement."

(End of this chapter)

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