Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 632 Private Investment

Chapter 632 Private Investment
This made it difficult for Ye Mingyan.

This is what she's struggling with right now.

"What I want to discuss with you is this. I definitely want to do high-end customization. After all, my craftsmanship is here. High-end clothes can show strength better, and it is easier to gain recognition. It can quickly improve brand reputation, but domestic In this environment, especially in the mainland, everyone prefers foreign brands and completely belittles domestic products, so I have no competitiveness at all.”

This is the 90s, the domestic economy has just risen, the worship of foreign countries is quite serious, the first batch of people who have become rich have appeared, these people have money, but their background has not kept up, and they are trying to wash off the mud on their legs , The way to use it is to use imported things.

In this era, no matter what is imported, it is synonymous with high-end, fashionable and tasteful.

If Ye Mingyan creates a high-end brand by herself, even if she is not inferior to foreign designers, she will still be despised by domestic people. When she sees that it is from her own country, she instinctively thinks it is cheap.

This is not what Ye Mingyan wants.

It takes a long, long time for a brand to accumulate its heritage. Foreign high-end brands have also been accumulated over the years. No matter how powerful Ye Mingyan is, he does not have the platform of others. In a short period of time, he will definitely not be able to compare with other brands. effect.

Ye Mingyan admits this, but it doesn't mean she can accept being labeled cheap and rustic from the very beginning!
After hearing this, Mu Jinyan quite agreed. Although he didn't know much about the Mainland, he also knew a little about this kind of atmosphere. Ye Mingyan would probably find it difficult to become a high-end brand.

But ordinary brands, that is, the clothes of the public, can't reflect much of the designer's ability, and won't make her famous quickly.

But making money is real.

Mu Jinyan thought for a while, then said: "Let's do this! The brand makes ordinary clothes, and you can open a special studio in Hong Kong Island to make high-end customization. You can use this freely. In the future, even if you go to the capital to study, You can still do it, and I will publicize it for you to ensure that you have an order."

Ye Mingyan raised her eyebrows, Mu Jin said that with this position, if he promotes for her and introduces orders to her, she will definitely have a lot of customers.

After thinking about it, Ye Mingyan agreed, "That's it. You are in charge of the specific operation. I'm still a designer, so I can just get paid. As for the promotion and management in the mainland, I will come up with ideas."

Mu Jinyan has long wanted to go to the mainland market, and now his little cousin also has this idea, so of course he will not refuse.

"How much are you going to invest in the early stage? I will be responsible for most of the funds, and I will give you half of the shares."

Ye Mingyan was taken aback for a moment. Hearing this tone, something seemed wrong?

"Are you...are you investing by yourself, or by the Mu family?"

Mu Jinyan answered very simply, "I am myself, at least, in the early stage, it is definitely me. Whether it will be merged into the Mu family in the later stage is a matter for the future."

Ye Mingyan didn't understand the management method of the Mu family, "What do you mean? The Mu family has always been like this? Your funds are your personal funds?"

Mu Jinyan said with a smile: "Of course, in fact, many members of the Mu family have their own properties. Our family looks rich, but in fact it is not just one person. Don't look at me as the heir, but many properties of the Mu family, I can't even be the master."

"You also know that rich families have no family ties. Among the wealthy families on Hong Kong Island, there are very few such harmonious and united families as the Mu family. Most of them are similar to the Bai family."

Ye Mingyan nodded, it was true.

Most people in the wealthy family are fighting to the death, it is rare that so many members of the Mu family can be so united.

Mu Jinyan said: "On the one hand, my grandparents taught me well. On the other hand, it is related to the family rules of the Mu family. The heirs of the main part of our family's foundation will be selected early. Normally, of course The eldest son and the eldest grandson will inherit, and the heir and the eldest family are all gone, so the family property will be divided equally according to the head, and the illegitimate children will not be counted. Girls who marry will get part of the dowry, and those who stay at home will share the family property equally."

Ye Mingyan opened his mouth in shock.

Mu Jinyan said with a smile: "This is currently set by grandparents. Let's talk about family rules! It's not that strict. It's just that they follow this distribution principle when they are alive. If the next generation of Patriarchs wants to change, it will be the next generation of patriarchs." It's up to you."

"Right now, it is customized for the current Mu family. The group's shares are now in the hands of my grandfather. My father has a little bit, and I have a little bit. This is the treatment as an heir. No, but every once in a while, grandparents will take part of the money to start a business and invest in the younger generation. After a certain scale is reached, they will hand over some shares of the family, and the rest will be all their own.”

"So! Although I am the heir, the current Mu family is not mine after all, so I naturally want to create some assets of my own!"

Ye Mingyan: "..."

The Mu family still has this rule!

She really doesn't know this.

But the rules set by others have nothing to do with her, and the Mu family's property does not have her share. Now Mu Jinyan wants to invest by herself, which is better for her. Will manage.

Ye Mingyan nodded, "That's how it is! I only need a small part of the shares, and you get the bulk. Of course, you also pay the bulk of the funds, so it's fine in proportion."

"In the early stage, we will open a few directly-operated stores first, and then it will be advertising. You will arrange these. I will pay 4000 million, accounting for 40.00% of the shares. You will come up with the rest. If the advertising costs are too high, we will add more later."

The most expensive thing is advertising. Although it is only [-], TV advertising still burns a lot of money.

Ye Mingyan handed over the plan to Mu Jinyan, which was arranged by herself, and Mu Jinyan had to arrange professional people to perfect the specific implementation.

"You can collect the franchise fee once you are famous. In the future, the brand will be responsible for the distribution of goods. This year's autumn clothing will not be able to keep up. Winter clothing is still available, and the speed must be fast."

Mu Jinyan flipped through it for a while, then made a decision, "Okay, I'll arrange someone to do it."

The little cousin was interested in this, so he invested some money in it to play with her.

"This is my private business. As for the group, I want to get into real estate. You just said that you want to point me to some places. What do you think is good?"

Ye Mingyan blinked, "Pudong!"

In [-], the new district had just been established for three years, and there was still a chance.

Qin Xiuheng definitely did not let go of the first wave of opportunities. The reason why he has so much money in Shanghai is because he seized this opportunity.

But at that time, the Mu family was busy with overseas markets, so there was no time.

(End of this chapter)

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