Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 644 Uncle Comes to Beijing

Chapter 644 Uncle Comes to Beijing
Ye Mingyan turned her head, and saw Feng Qian and Zhou Ke looking at her with bright eyes.

Although the chubby Feng Qian was a bit chubby, she was a very flexible fat man, and she rushed to Ye Mingyan's side immediately, "Student Ye, have you ever learned kung fu? That hand just now was so handsome!"

Sister Zhou Ke looked at her like a big girl, "Sister, you are a bit wild! I like it. Although you have a fiancé, I don't mind competing with him fairly."

Ye Mingyan: "..."

Ye Mingyan was a little funny, "Okay, stop joking, what's your name?"

"My name is Feng Qian!"

"Zhou Ke!"

"My name is Sun Li!"

"Lu Xue!"

The girls are all from the medical department, and they have a good impression of each other so far.

Ye Mingyan made the bed, and the girls had a meal near the school together, got to know each other well, and then separated.

When I got home, I just received a call from my uncle.


Ye Mingyan was a little surprised, he didn't expect his uncle to call her, "Uncle!"

"Have you signed up for your school? Have you eaten? I'm near your school. If you haven't eaten, go eat with your uncle."

Ye Mingyan was taken aback, "Uncle, have you come to the capital?"

"That's right! I went to Shanghai with your elder brother and looked around. It's actually pretty good there, but I would like to come to the capital to develop. In fact, there are some old friends of mine here. It will be more convenient for me to come here. "

In fact, Ye Mingyan has no idea where the uncle wants to develop. It doesn't matter whether it is Beijing, Shanghai, or Hong Kong Island.

At that time, the eldest brother chose to live in Shanghai more because of convenience.

"Where are you, uncle? I'll find you!"

Ye Weichang told her the location, and Ye Mingyan hurried out to find him.

In fact, it's not far away. After all, she doesn't live far from the school, and they are all nearby. After 15 minutes, Ye Mingyan saw her uncle.

Since the uncle came back, his temperament has changed day by day. He was trapped in that place before, and he needed to endure and hide. His body was full of depression, even a bit of depression.

Now it is different, he is free, and there is no need for him to be frightened at home. He has become more confident, confident, and more imposing.


Seeing Ye Mingyan, Ye Weichang laughed immediately, "You didn't come from school! Live outside?"

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Brother Qin has prepared a house nearby, but I will live on campus when school starts."

Ye Weichang nodded, "It's good to live on campus. You are still young, so study hard first."

Ye Mingyan suppressed a smile, and said obediently: "I know, I must study hard."

Ye Weichang asked Ye Mingyan to get into the car, "Come on, uncle will take you to eat something, and talk to you by the way."

Ye Mingyan raised her eyebrows, it seemed that the uncle had something to say to her!
She got into the car and followed Ye Weichang to a famous restaurant nearby.

The uncle hadn't eaten yet, but Ye Mingyan had already eaten, so he called for some food, Ye Weichang said while eating, and Ye Mingyan was drinking some drinks to accompany him.

"Yanyan, I know you are smart, and your father also told me that there are some things I can discuss with you. He has been in Hong Kong Island all these years, and he doesn't know much about the mainland, and he has been in the mall for so many years. changed."

"Your elder brother and second brother are very smart, they are still young, and there is still time for everything. I will discuss with your father not to let all the children in the family go into business."

Ye Mingyan was taken aback for a moment, "Uncle, do you want elder brother to enter politics?"

Ye Weichang nodded, "The ancestors of the Ye family were officials, and it seems that our family is not short of making money from business. Besides, at my age, I have already been delayed. Your eldest brother is still young, so there is still time. "

"One more thing, for a family like the Qin family, their status in the business world doesn't help them much. Your father is really good in Hong Kong Island, and you are also good enough in medicine, but in terms of family, marrying into the Qin family is also a tall order. In the short term, your relationship is good, and your medical skills can stabilize your position, but what about the long term? Who can guarantee what will happen in ten or twenty years?"

"At that time, if the Ye family is strong enough, at least it can prevent you from being bullied."

(End of this chapter)

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