Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 647 Cousin Sending Flowers

Chapter 647 Cousin Sending Flowers
Coming out of Professor Lu's office, Ye Mingyan took all the books Professor Lu gave him to the library.

She stayed in the library until noon and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, but she received a call from her cousin asking her to go out for a while.

When Ye Mingyan arrived at the school gate, Mu Jinyan was really waiting. As soon as she arrived at the school gate, Mu Jinyan saw her, got off the car and waved to her, Ye Mingyan saw his cousin.

On a hot day, he was still wearing a suit, but the suit jacket should be in the car. He was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, revealing a part of his arm. He wore a black watch on his wrist, and his eyes were deep under the gold-rimmed glasses. And mysterious, a bit of a noble son, and a bit of a gentle scum!

Ye Mingyan smiled, walked over to look at the car he was driving, a black Bentley.

"Cousin, did you buy it or rent it?"

He was on Hong Kong Island before, so there should be no cars in the Mainland, right?The car looks like new.

It was too hot outside, and the two of them got into the car directly. Mu Jinyan started the car and left, saying, "I bought it. I may come to the mainland often in the future, so I bought one and put it here. By the way, I even bought a house. , I will live there when I come to the capital in the future, is there any class in the afternoon? I will take you to identify the door later."

Ye Mingyan nodded, "Okay! I have one class in the afternoon, if I have time."

Leaving Beijing University in the car, just happened to be seen by Su Yuexi, who was leaving the school. She had a deep impression of Ye Mingyan. Now that she saw her in such a good car, the man driving the key was not Qin Xiuheng. I feel like I've found something big.

She quickly called and told Zhou Ying that Zhou Ying was having dinner with friends in a restaurant, and when she heard the news, she immediately exploded.

"Are you serious? Did she really get into another man's car? Or a luxury car?"

Su Yuexi's voice was also very excited, "It's true, sister Zhou Ying, I saw it with my own eyes, a black Bentley, the other party must be a rich man, and he just drove away from the school gate."

"Do you have a picture? Take a picture!"

Su Yuexi woke up suddenly, "Oh, I forgot just now, they just stood in front of the car and went in. I didn't take a picture, but I wrote down the license plate number."

Su Yuexi quickly reported the license plate number to Zhou Ying, and Zhou Ying immediately wrote it down.

In the car, Ye Mingyan was still chatting with Mu Jinyan, "It's okay to buy more houses in the capital. The price will definitely increase in the future. You can buy it now."

"By the way, cousin, are you interested in that kind of ancient courtyard house? Grandpa and grandma should like that kind of courtyard, right? This kind of building will definitely become less and less in the future, and the price increase is inevitable. It is estimated that there will be no market in the future. .”

"Brother Qin and I both bought several sets. My grandparents also like it, and I bought one set for my uncle in the future! Do you want to buy one too?"


The investment is definitely a big profit, Ye Mingyan definitely wants to help relatives.

Mu Jinyan thought for a while, "Is it that kind of antique courtyard?"

"That's right! With the development of urbanization in the future, there will definitely be fewer and fewer yards like this."

Mu Jinyan nodded, "Then I'll buy two sets too! One is bigger and the other is smaller. I will save the big one if my grandparents come to the capital to live in the future. I will live in the small one. You Is there a channel? Ask me where I can sell it."

Ye Mingyan thought of Yan Luo, and said with a smile: "I really know someone who has better news, okay, let me handle this matter, and I will tell you when I have news."

The two chatted all the way and went to the restaurant to eat together.

Mu Jinyan came to her this time, mainly about the establishment of a clothing brand, and still chose to establish it in Hong Kong Island. In this era when everything is on par with foreign countries, Hong Kong Island’s brands also have a filter for mainlanders , Ye Mingyan's design draft is almost ready.

While eating, the two of them said everything they needed to say. After dinner, they went back to get the design draft, and then went to the house Mu Jinyan bought to identify the door. After that, Ye Mingyan went back to school, and the time was just right.

After Zhou Ying finished eating with her friends, she came out of the restaurant and happened to see a luxury car at the entrance of the restaurant. She just instinctively took a second look at the valuable car, but when she saw the license plate number, her eyes widened.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and looked at the license plate number he had recorded. This was obviously the car Ye Mingyan was on!

Zhou Ying was overwhelmed with excitement, and quickly greeted her friend, "Go back first, I have something to do and wait here for a while."

The friends didn't know the situation, so they left first.

Zhou Ying waited nearby, getting ready to take photos.

Ye Mingyan and Mu Jinyan came out after eating, Ye Mingyan went to the bathroom, Mu Jinyan went to pay the bill and waited for her, just at this time, a young girl came over with a big flower basket, only a dozen or so He looks like a student.

The girl still had a green smile on her face, and looked at such a handsome man as Mu Jinyan, her face was a little red, "Sir, your girlfriend is so beautiful, why don't you buy some flowers for him?"

When Ye Mingyan stood with him just now, he was so eye-catching.

Mu Jinyan glanced at the back of Ye Mingyan leaving, and said with a smile: "I want all your flowers, so you can pack them."

There was only one kind of flower in her basket, all pink roses.

The flowers are still very fresh, juicy and juicy, the varieties are very good, the flowers are very large and very delicate.

Girls must like this kind of flowers, Mu Jinyan was in a good mood, so he bought them all.

The girl was taken aback for a moment, and when she came back she was overwhelmed with surprise, "Okay, okay, just wait a moment, I'll take care of it."

Her flowers have always been very good, and she often encounters rich men who buy them all as gifts for their girlfriends. She is not surprised by this kind of thing. She has the flower paper for the packaging in her hand, so she quickly arranges the flowers wrap up.

Her words are expensive because they are fresh enough, and they were only cut out this morning from the ones they raised at home. If they are temporarily packaged like this, they will definitely not look as good as those made by flower shops, but the flowers are good!

There are more than 100 flowers in total, wrapped in a big bouquet.

Mu Jinyan paid the money and asked the little girl to go back without asking for change.

When Ye Mingyan came out, she saw her cousin standing there holding a large bouquet of flowers.

"Where did you buy it?"

Mu Jinyan handed the flowers to Ye Mingyan, "Hey! It's for you. A little girl came to sell it just now and regarded you as my girlfriend, but she was very good at talking and praised you for being beautiful, so I bought it casually. "

Ye Mingyan hugged a large bouquet of flowers, dumbfounded!
Just because people praised her for being pretty, my cousin bought such a big bunch?
"How many flowers is this? This bag is too ugly!"

Mu Jinyan smiled and said: "No, I want everything in her basket. I took it back and put it in a vase. I didn't ask her to tidy it up. It's just wrapped in paper to prevent the thorns on the flower from hurting you."

(End of this chapter)

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