Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 671 You can be my great-granddaughter at this age!

Chapter 671 You can be my great-granddaughter at this age!
Looking at the vicissitudes of his old father's face, Zhou Xing also felt that he was not doing enough as a son.

The elders in other families have grandchildren, and the juniors are always by their side. Only in their family, the old man has only one son, and he has been away for many years, leaving the old man at home alone.

Even if the old man has no shortage of people to take care of him, he is not his child after all, and his emotions are different after all.

Nowadays, it is rare that there are a few children who can meet the old man's eyes. Zhou Xing feels that it is fine to adopt or recognize a god-in-law. As long as the old man likes it, he doesn't mind using the Zhou family's ability to take care of the younger generation at all.

After hearing Zhou Xing's words, Mr. Zhou was a little moved, but he didn't tell Zhou Xing.

He still hoped that the two children belonged to his family.

Soon, Uncle Lin brought people over. Hearing the sound of the car, Mr. Zhou became excited, "Here, come, it must be those two children."

Old man Zhou couldn't bear it and went out to welcome him. Seeing that the old man was so excited, Zhou Xing also came out to have a look.

Before the two went out, they saw Uncle Lin bringing three young people with big bags and small bags. It felt like a child coming home to visit an old man.

Mr. Zhou's eyes fell on Ye Mingyan and Ye Mingyang, and his old face immediately burst into laughter, "Yanyan, Yangyang!"

Looking at the things in the hands of the two, Mr. Zhou smiled and said, "It would be great if you could come to visit Grandpa. Why do you still bring so many things?"

Ye Mingyang smiled gently, "They are all local products from my hometown, not expensive things."

"Grandpa Zhou!"

"Old man! Uncle Zhou!"

Ye Mingyan and Qin Xiuheng greeted the old man. Qin Xiuheng knew Zhou Xing, but Ye Mingyan didn't.

Mr. Zhou held Ye Mingyan with one hand and Ye Mingyang with a smile, and said to Zhou Xing, "How is it? Isn't it very similar? This is Yanyan and Yangyang. This is my youngest son. Just call him uncle."

Ye Mingyan greeted Ye Mingyang immediately, "Hello, Uncle Zhou!"

Seeing Ye Mingyan and Ye Mingyang, Zhou Xing was also shocked. Before the old man said that the two children were very similar to the old Zhou family, he thought the old father was exaggerating, but now seeing it with his own eyes, he was really shocked!

so similar!
It's really too similar!
"Hello! Hello!"

Qin Xiuheng has been forgotten, so helpless!
A group of people entered the living room of the Zhou family. The Zhou family did not have an old house like the Qin family. The house that Grandpa Zhou lived in was allocated because of his rank. This house was also very large, much larger than the small western-style buildings around it. , there is a yard at the back, which is very rare.

However, a family like the Zhou family looks much more simple. Although the decoration of the living room also has a Chinese style, it is full of grandeur, but there are not many expensive things. It is not as rich and powerful as the Qin family.

There are a lot of fruit snacks on the coffee table in the living room. The Zhou family has no children, and the old man is not too late. Now that there are so many, it is obviously specially prepared for Ye Mingyan and the others.

"Come, come, see what you like to eat, come and eat!"

Mr. Zhou asked everyone to eat snacks as if greeting children.

Qin Xiuheng said helplessly: "Grandpa Zhou, we are not children anymore."

Mr. Zhou stared, "In my eyes, you are just little dolls. Yanyan has just grown up. We got married early at that time, and Yanyan can be my great-granddaughter. Why aren't you a child?"

Qin Xiuheng: "..."

Mr. Zhou is over 80, he has a good family background, he got married early back then, he got married in his teens, and gave birth to his eldest son in his twenties. Ye Mingyan is really old enough to be his great-granddaughter.

(End of this chapter)

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