Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 70 Sold for a lot of money

Chapter 70 Sold for a lot of money

Ye Mingyan was anxious, pulling Xie Chengcai's arm and begging him.

But how could Xie Chengcai still think about this at this time?
His mind was full of Ye Mingyan's words.

He is also the son of the Xie family. How much did he share?

My aunt wears new clothes every day, and my uncle must be richer in a big city.

Brother Wenkang screamed in pain and was not hospitalized.

He was immediately unhappy, right!He is also the son of the Xie family. He has a share of those things, so why not give it to him?

If he doesn't want it all the time, won't he be spent by the younger sister and younger brother in the future?

No, absolutely not!
"Go, go, what new clothes does a little girl wear? Go to work!"

Xie Chengcai pushed Ye Mingyan and yelled at her fiercely.

The little girl seemed to be frightened, stood aside aggrieved, did not dare to pull him any more, turned around and left.

Xie Cheng just couldn't sit still, hurriedly finished his meal, got up and ran home.

Ye Mingchuan said angrily: "Bai was eaten so much by him, and he didn't know how to give money."

Ye Mingyan looked at the direction he was leaving, and smiled meaningfully, "What is this thing? Don't take it to heart."

She knows Xie Chengcai too well. She likes gambling and drinking. She only knows the prodigal in her whole life. She is definitely a prodigal expert.

The Xie family had spent all the money of the Ye family for so many years, and she had said that she would definitely get it back.

But she didn't know where those things were, so she could only know where those things were if Xie Qinshan and Zhou Yun went to get them.

Bewitched Xie Cheng to go home and ask for money. Xie Cheng never thought of this before, and ran out without the most points of money, but this time, it will definitely be a lot.

Even if Zhou Yun doesn't give it, he will definitely find a way to steal all the money from the family. At that time, Xie Qinshan and Zhou Yun will have to go get those jewelry.

At this time, her chance to start is here!

Everyone packed up and prepared to go home.

Back at Ye's house, everyone washed their faces and hurried to rest.

Qin Xiuheng took Han Yue and Qin Yi and Qin Shi away. Before leaving, he said to Ye Mingyan: "The packaging paper bags for the dried fruits have arrived. You can rest for a while, and I will bring them to you in the evening."

Ye Mingyan raised his head and smiled sweetly at him, "Okay, thank you Brother Qin!"

Qin Xiuheng rubbed her little head and left with a smile.

After closing the courtyard door, Ye Mingyan began to count the money.

The eldest brother, the second brother, and the younger brother Ye Mingfeng are all at home, staring at her eagerly, waiting for her to count the money!

Ye Mingfeng was very excited, "Sister, are they all sold out today?"

Ye Mingyan smiled and said, "Yes, all are sold out."

She took out the money bag and started counting. The dried fruits sold by grandma were all sold out, and all the pickles were sold. Today, she made a lot of money.

I counted them all, and there were a little over 500 in total. This number scared the whole family dumbfounded.

Even Ye Mingyan was taken aback, this is simply unscientific.

In 87, 500 yuan!
It's too outrageous.

Before the comparison of dried fruit, I only brought [-] pounds today, and not many people bought this thing.

The most popular today are sour plum soup and pickled fish. The two bowls of sour plum soup are [-] cents a bowl. The two buckets are all sold out. Ye Mingchuan also came back to pick up ice once in the middle.

I have been using it on ice, it is cold and cold, and it is really easy to sell in this summer.

"This... so much?" Tang Jingyun couldn't calm down anymore. She is now a teacher, and she has a very good job in the eyes of others. Just like that, her monthly salary is less than 100 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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