Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 704 Passing Signals

Chapter 704 Passing Signals

She moved and opened her eyes. This action startled the two people who were about to pull her.

"Boss, she's awake!"

Chen Yingjie came over to take a look, Ye Mingyan was really awake.

Ye Mingyan opened his eyes, and saw himself lying on an old van, the chairs in the back of the van were pulled out, the back was empty, and he fell into the car.

He sat up slowly, and outside the car door were Chen Yingjie and his subordinates.

"Who are you? How dare you arrest me?"

There was no fear in Ye Mingyan's tone, but a little arrogant.

This performance, in Chen Yingjie's eyes, felt that what Tang Xinran said was true. This stinky girl was kidnapped and still so arrogant, which shows how lawless she is usually.

Chen Yingjie was immediately disgusted, "Bring her in."

The two subordinates immediately came over and pulled Ye Mingyan into a wooden house not far away.

The house is very simple, with simple brick and tile structure, and some are mixed with wood. Most of the floor is covered with wooden boards, and there are a lot of straw piled inside.

There are also several thatched cottages.

The house is very simple, and at first glance it is just a temporary stronghold.

"Go in!"

The two pushed Ye Mingyan into a room. The floor was a patchwork of planks with straw piled on it. There were more than [-] little boys and girls in their teens and early twenties around them. With his hands and feet tied, he hid in a corner and shivered.

Ye Mingyan's eyes froze, they were all boys and young girls.

Boys, of course, because they favor boys over girls, and girls, of course, because they want to have boys.

It's really courageous that there are so many people.

Ye Mingyan turned her head and said angrily, "Who are you guys? Why did you arrest me? Do you know who I am?"

She had prepared for it a long time ago, and today she specially wore a loose coat with slightly long sleeves. If she didn't do it deliberately, her hands were usually half-hidden in the sleeves.

At this time, I took out a small locator that had been prepared in the space and held it in the palm of my hand, the signal was sent out, and soon, Qin Xiuheng received the signal.

The location and recording appeared on the computer at the same time, and Ye Mingyan's voice could be heard clearly in Zhou's study.


Ye Mingyang was startled, "Is this the location?"

He pointed to the red dot on the computer screen and asked Qin Xiuheng.

Qin Xiuheng nodded, left one of the computers for them, got up and said, "I'll take someone over there, and leave this one for you, so you can hear the conversation over there."

"I will go with you."

Ye Mingyang left with Qin Xiuheng, Zhou Xing and Mrs. Zhou stayed in the study, and the voices from there were still coming from the computer.

The person on the other side smiled arrogantly, "I don't care who you are? Little girl, don't care who you were before, once you are in our hands, you just obey me. Have you seen these girls? They have a family background It’s also very good! But when you come to our place, you can be obedient after being trained a lot!”

The other person is chubby and looks a little simple and honest. If you don't know it, you will never believe that he would do such a heartless thing.

The simple and honest fat man showed his true face this time, that sinister smile matched with his simple and honest face, it was a little scary to think.

"Little girl, uncle told you that it is not a good thing to have a good family background when you come to our place. After all, if your family has some background, it is even more impossible for us to let you go. Otherwise, if you go back and file a complaint, your family will let you go." past us?"

Ye Mingyan sneered, very arrogantly, "If you let me go, maybe there is still a way out, otherwise, you will only end up being caught in a pot."

The other party didn't take her words to heart. Perhaps they had listened to this kind of threat too much, and they had already become numb to it.

The two didn't say anything, turned and left.

Ye Mingyan looked at these people in the room, wondering if these were all there, they looked very embarrassed, the most important thing was that they were full of despair and fear.

This can be regarded as a good deed for her, the signal has been sent, Qin Xiuheng and the Zhou family should be on their way, and soon, they will be fine.

"You were all captured by them?"

She asked on purpose, and she didn't care if these people answered or not. The main reason was to let the Zhou family on the other side of the signal know the situation here.

People like great grandfather, knowing this situation, will never let the Chen family go.

The children and girls around were afraid to speak, Ye Mingyan could only comfort him: "Don't be afraid, my family will find them soon, and these traffickers will not end well."

"You should think about it first, what will happen to you!"

As soon as Ye Mingyan finished speaking, Tang Xinran's proud voice came in.

(End of this chapter)

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