Chapter 710
The following things developed almost as Ye Mingyan expected.

Although Tang Xinran didn't want to admit it, how could a young lady like her survive the Zhou family's interrogation?

The person behind it was quickly revealed. The only pity was that Tang Xinran himself did not have any solid evidence to prove that the person behind it was Qin Feng.

But it doesn't matter, Ye Mingyan didn't expect to get full evidence at the beginning, she just needs to let her grandfather know that it is Qin Feng, and Qin Xiuheng will do the rest.

This time, no evidence will become evidence.

As for Chen Yingjie's side, things got a little bigger.

What he did was so heinous that there were still people in the imperial city doing such things, and there were still people doing things for him. This violated the bottom line of Mr. Zhou, and strict investigation is necessary.

The kidnapping was tied to the children of the Zhou family, so the old man's anger can be imagined. In addition, the old man originally wanted to scare the chickens and monkeys. This time, the movement was bigger than Ye Mingyan expected.

The Chen family was uprooted, and Chen Yingjie would definitely go to jail, but on the surface of the Tang family, it was not so serious.

The Tang family did not participate in the human trafficking, but Tang Xinran did it because of his personal grudge against Ye Mingyan, so the Tang family would not be so serious.

But if the Zhou family wanted to deal with people, they would naturally investigate the Tang family thoroughly. Tang Xinran's case had nothing to do with them. They also committed a lot of other things.

The Tang family panicked for a moment, so they would naturally turn to Ye Mingyan and Tang Jingyun for help.

After Ye Mingyan told Tang Jingyun about the matter, Tang Jingyun fell silent.

After waiting for a while, Tang Jingyun said, "Since your great-grandpa ordered the investigation, it is not something you can change, nor can I change. Just leave it alone and let your great-grandfather handle it."

"If they hadn't committed heinous crimes, it would be impossible for the entire army to be wiped out. A family is so big, it is impossible for everyone to enter, and it is impossible for everyone to commit a felony and spend a lifetime in prison. The sentence can be whatever they want Well, let them pay the price."

"Yanyan, mother is very happy now. With you children, your father is back, and your grandparents are very good to mother, and mother is really satisfied. On the side of the Tang family, my adoptive father and mother are about the same age. Well, it would be great if I could be lenient to them, and my mother would subsidize them so that they would not live on the streets or be poor in their later years, and it would be a repayment for their kindness in raising me."

"As for you, don't worry about it at all. They have nothing to do with you. You don't have to show mercy to those who want to hurt you. You can listen to what your great-grandpa will do."

Ye Mingyan nodded, "I see, I will call you when there is a result."

Next, Ye Mingyan didn't pay attention to the Tang family. He just found his elder brother and talked about the second elder of the Tang family.

"These two old people, if they haven't committed any major crimes, they can just let it go and deal with the rest. The two old people raised my mother, and this kind of nurturing grace exists after all. My mother Said that if they didn't do too much, she would support the two old people, and she would not care about the rest of the Tang family."

Ye Mingyang nodded, "That's fine. The biggest problem in the Tang family is your nominal uncle. The two old people are not too big a problem, especially the old lady, who has no power at all, so naturally she can't do too many heinous things." It's a matter, I know it well, you don't have to worry about it."

With so many people in the Zhou family and Qin Xiuheng around, Ye Mingyan really wouldn't let Ye Mingyan worry about these things.

Ye Mingyan still went to school as usual, but at this time, some students in the school looked at her differently.

The recent turmoil caused by the Zhou family is not small. The Tang family is better, but the Chen family is more unlucky. It bears most of the firepower of the Zhou family. The entire Chen family was uprooted, including all the families related to the Chen family. got involved.

Those behind the scenes who made things easier for Chen Yingjie were caught out, and almost all of them ended up being uprooted. In order to protect his own children, Mr. Zhou was really cruel.

This was the first time that someone in the capital attacked the Zhou family's children, and he just wanted to scare those people at once, otherwise, there would be restless people in the future.

The Zhou family, which had kept a low profile for so many years, suddenly became high-profile. It was really high-profile. The Zhou family was the Zhou family.

The more the Zhou family paid attention to this matter, the more miserable Qin Feng's side would be. Perhaps he, who has been shrewd all his life, never thought that he would capsize in the gutter.

However, the fact still happened.

Qin family
After the incident happened, Qin Feng and Qin Li have been paying attention to the trend of this incident. This is their biggest mistake over the years, so they will naturally be very careful.

However, the behavior of the Zhou family made them more and more uneasy.

Qin Li hurried over to look for his son that day, "The situation is not right, the traces have not been cleaned up, you should leave quickly."

Qin Feng is not reconciled, he has always been ahead of Qin Xiuheng, obviously the long house has always been weak, their second house went abroad with them, and their strength has not been lost at all, leading the long house for so many years, why should he leave now?
"Father, something is wrong. There should be no evidence from the Zhou family."

Qin Li sighed, "So what if there is no evidence? As long as the Zhou family knows it well, this is the Zhou family, which is different from the Qin Xiuheng we dealt with. As long as the old man of the Zhou family doubts you, you will never have a bright future in the Qin family. "

"This is not fair!"

Qin Feng endured it for many days, but no matter what, he couldn't accept that he ended up like this. If Qin Xiuheng spent a lot of effort and fought him upside down in the end, he lost, maybe he could feel better in his heart.

Why did Qin Li think it was fair?

But it's just because he was born later than his eldest brother, so he doesn't have any share in the inheritance of the family. Obviously his son was orthodoxly trained by the Qin family, but because he is not the eldest son and grandson, he has to give way to Qin Xiuheng.

The Qin family of a family of medicine would let a person who knows nothing about medicine be the head of the family, which is outrageous.

"At this time, it's not the time to talk about fairness and injustice. Ye Mingyan has returned to the Zhou family well, and Qin Xiuheng will not let this opportunity to plot against you. He will definitely try his best to involve you. On the other hand, I naturally hope that you can get out, otherwise Ye Mingyan won't be able to sit back and relax when he marries in."

Qin Feng was not reconciled, "What Tang Xinran did has nothing to do with me at all. I have dealt with all the people who should be dealt with. It is impossible for the Zhou family to catch anything. Qin Xiuheng is so obviously using the Zhou family. The family is so obedient?"

(End of this chapter)

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