Reborn 1990 Little Koi Doctor

Chapter 714 Yan Family Visits

Chapter 714 Yan Family Visits
In the following words, Qin Xiuheng said a little coldly, and there was also a hint of command-like toughness in his voice. He knew Qin Feng's ability too well. fell into this field.

The Qin family is a big family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Qin Feng has been cultivated according to the heirs in the family these years. Do you really think it is so easy to deal with?
If it were really that easy, Ouyang Lu wouldn't have been dealt with by Qin Feng so easily back then.

After listening to Qin Xiuheng's words, Ouyang Lu's hyperactive head finally sobered up a lot.

"I see, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

After instructing Ouyang Lv, Qin Xiuheng let his people on Hong Kong Island keep an eye on this matter, so he was relieved.

With Qin Feng gone, it would be much easier to deal with his second uncle. He knew that his second uncle had an illegitimate child, so with Qin Feng gone, there was almost no possibility of Qin Liyu's death. The illegitimate child was his hope.

Therefore, it is best not to deal with this person in the Qin family. Big families are most afraid of fratricide. As the future head of the family, it is best not to let the family catch too many handles.

There was a lot of commotion in the Zhou family this time, and the whole capital was panicked. Once Mrs. Zhou got angry, the matter would not end easily.

It is precisely because of this incident that more people know about the Zhou family's children. In the past, only at the Zhou family's banquet, people in the top circle had seen Ye Mingyan and Ye Mingyang and others. There are more people in the know.

Naturally, it reached the Yan family's ears.

When Xu Lingling heard the news, she was shocked!
Zhou family!

Zhou family!

It turned out to be the Zhou family!
The son she gave birth to is the eldest grandson of the Zhou family!

No, it should be said to be the fourth generation. Mr. Zhou lived a long life, and the Zhou family is now four generations under one roof.

And her son is the fourth-generation eldest grandson of the Zhou family.

The great grandson is also similar to the grandson.

Xu Lingling didn't expect that after going around for decades, she had been pursuing fame, wealth and status all her life, and at her age, she would still have such good luck!

The last time Tang Jingyun married into a wealthy family on Hong Kong Island, she thought that the biggest opportunity was nothing more than this, but she didn't expect that there is an even bigger one now.

Tang Jingyun has already married to Hong Kong Island, and now she is the only one in the capital, the Zhou family!

That's the Zhou family!
Xu Lingling was so excited that even the entire Yan family was so excited, she quickly prepared a generous gift and went to visit Zhou's house.

The old man of the Zhou family is still angry at this moment!
As a result, the Yan family bumped into each other like this.

"Which Yan family?"

Mr. Zhou was very confused.

The housekeeper took a look at the expression of the old man Zhou, and said frankly: "It's... the Yan family that Ming Yang's mother remarried. Well, they didn't know about the last kinship banquet, but this time...knowing about our Zhou family's relationship, they will...the old man of the Yan family, Mrs. Xu, the mother of Young Master Mingyang, and her husband, come to visit you!"

Mr. Zhou was in a daze for a long time and did not speak.

The butler has been waiting. He has been in the Zhou family for so many years, so he naturally knows why the old man has been silent.

Probably did not expect it!
Surprised by the stupidity of some people.

"Is that... the woman who abandoned my grandson for many years in order to live a good life?"

The butler nodded.

Mr. Zhou laughed angrily, "Fortunately, my eldest grandson is like a member of our Zhou family. He was not influenced by this woman when he grew up in Ye's family. If he grew up in her hands, he would be so stupid!"

The housekeeper smiled, "Master, Master Mingyang is your great-great-grandson, not your great-grandson."

Mrs. Zhou: "..."

The old man was a little uncomfortable. He had been thinking about his grandson all these years, and he dreamed of holding grandchildren, but who knew that so many people would suddenly come here in the end.

The eldest grandson is already very old, he can't hold it, and it doesn't meet his expectations at all.

Or those juniors are cute, little boys, little girls, well-behaved, cute and pretty, how pleasing to look at?
He felt weird when he thought of his elder grandson.

"Whether he is a great-grandson or a grandson, they are all grandchildren anyway."


The old man was in a bad mood and was angry with that woman for abandoning his grandson. In the circumstances back then, if he really wanted to remarry, he didn't force it. But a mother, who doesn't care about her child, now posts it when she knows he's developed. Mr. Zhou do not like.

"Go and drive them away and warn them not to appear in front of my eldest grandson, otherwise, I will clean up the entire Yan family together."


The butler withdrew and went directly to the gate to dismiss the Yan family.

At this time, the members of the Yan family were still waiting at the gate.

Looking at the big yard in front of them and the strict management, their family was very excited. This is their status!

If the Yan family can establish a relationship with the family here in this life, it will be smoke from the ancestral grave. Many years ago, they were very dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law, and they have always disliked her all these years. Encountered such an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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