Chapter 96

Xie Qinshan and Zhou Yun didn't expect this situation, so they had no face to stay and ran away.

Grandma Ye cried very sadly, and the neighbors helped her into the house to comfort her.

Qin Xiuheng hugged Ye Mingyan with a smile in his eyes, "Don't cry!"

Ye Mingyan was still smoking, and she didn't want to, but she cried so hard just now that she couldn't hold it back.

"You let me slow down... uh..."

Qin Xiuheng: "..."

Although he could see that this little girl was acting, Qin Xiuheng still knew in his heart that what Ye Mingyan said was the truth, and the injuries he suffered in the past were all real.

His little girl, in the future, can't let her be wronged again.

After a farce, the Ye family quickly recovered, but Xie Qinshan's actions today made Ye Peiling feel defensive.

Back then, Xie Qinshan really thought that he had drained the things in her hands, but in fact, there were too many treasures in the Ye family!
She still has a lot in her hands, and there is a group hidden in this house.

I don't know if it will lead to disaster.

Her two sons were gone, which always made her feel unsafe.


The place for Qi Songyan's house has been selected. Qin Xiuheng has gone through the formalities and took his uncle Ji Xian to see the place in the morning.

At noon, Ji Xian ate lunch at Ye's house, and went home in a hurry in the afternoon. He had already figured out the amount of work, and went back to call the workers.

Qin Xiuheng took a bank card to Ye Mingyan, "Yanyan, there is 3 yuan in it, which is for your master to repair the house, and you are responsible for allocating it."

"Ah?" Ye Mingyan was stunned, asking her to do such a thing?

Qin Xiuheng smiled and said: "That's right, I'll give it to you. 3 yuan is enough. The house is relatively big. Here are the drawings."

Qin Xiuheng showed Ye Mingyan the blueprint.

This house is indeed quite big, with front and back yards, as well as some pharmacy rooms. There are wells in the yard, and there are flower gardens and medicine fields.

"Even if it's so big, it won't cost 3 yuan, which is too much!"

Qin Xiuheng approached her and smiled, "I'll give you a chance to pump more oil, do you think it's too much?"

Ye Mingyan: "..."

Qin Xiuheng rubbed her head, "You will spend a lot of time in the village in the future, so go and win over a group of people who will maintain your home. I told your little uncle that there is a lot of work to be left to the people in our village. You can see the distribution yourself."

"I just want everyone to know that my money is only for you, and you can only earn my money from you."

Ye Mingyan: "..."

Her little body jumped off the stool, came to Qin Xiuheng's side, hugged his arm and shook it, "What do you want to eat at night? I'll make something delicious for you."

Qin Xiuheng was happy and thought for a while, "Is that so! Then I have to think about it, is there any more sour plum soup? I'm thirsty!"

"Yes, come right away!"

Ye Mingyan hurriedly served him sour plum soup, such a good boss must be coaxed.

Early the next morning, the little uncle came back and brought more than a dozen workers. The Ye family also arranged for fifteen people to work on the construction site.

The big workers were paid five yuan a day per day, and a total of five people were eligible. The remaining twenty were paid three yuan a day, and the remaining few were purely chores, and were paid two yuan a day.

In this way, the price is still very high in rural areas.

Ji Xian never expected the salary to be so high.

"Yanyan, the price is a bit high, it's still so hot today, you can't work all day long, so you're going to suffer too much."

Ye Mingyan smiled, "It doesn't matter, little uncle, it's because it's too hot, so you work harder. Of course, the wages will be higher. By the way, the meal is served here at noon, when you ask everyone to come. Everyone has their rice bowls ready, and they have vegetables and soup every day to ensure they are full.”

"Still serving meals?" Ji Xian was shocked.

"Of course! The people in your village are so far away from their homes that they can't run back during the noon break, right? On such a hot day, just find a place in the village to take a lunch break."

"Don't worry, little uncle, Brother Qin gave enough money, and the materials are handed over to you. This is the list. Even if you use it well, it's my master. Don't say that Brother Qin has paid, even if he doesn't, I will Take the money for the master to use the best, I can't do this conveniently, little uncle, please trouble you!"

Ji Xian took the list and looked at the content on it, he didn't know what to say.

well!The rich man's world, he doesn't understand!

Hurry up and call people to work.

On this day, Qin Xiuheng and Qin Shi next to him brought two super large packages, all of which were medical books that Qin Xiuheng found for her, Ye Mingyan's eyes lit up when he read it.

"It's all for me?" The boss is really nice.

Qin Xiuheng smiled and said, "Why not? You can keep these and look at them slowly when you have time. There is also a box of medical handbooks handed down from generation to generation by the Qin family, which will arrive tomorrow."

"By the way, I got you a set of pharmaceutical tools, and there are many kinds of medicinal materials. It will probably not arrive until tomorrow. In the future, your master will teach you, and you can try it yourself."

Ye Mingyan was stunned, "Did you still buy me medicinal herbs?"

"Of course, how can a medical student do without medicinal materials?"

Ye Mingyan was holding a thick medical book, it was not beautiful.

She was able to get her all the medical handwritten notes of the Qin family. Such a gift is not something you can get casually.

"Brother Qin, thank you!"

Recently, I became addicted to rubbing the little girl's head, Qin Xiuheng stretched out his big hand again and rubbed the furry little head, "Don't be so polite with me, I'm going to leave for two days, leave Qin Shi for you, and come back in a few days. look at you."

Ye Mingyan was taken aback, "Are you leaving?"

Inexplicable, so reluctant.

Everything that has happened since the rebirth is different from the previous life. Qin Xiuheng appeared in her world so suddenly. Now that she is used to it, she is really reluctant to let him go suddenly.

Qin Xiuheng smiled, "What? Are you reluctant to leave?"

He said it casually, but unexpectedly, the little girl really answered.


Qin Xiuheng: "..."

He looked at the little girl for a while.

A very beautiful little girl with big watery eyes, standing there obediently at the moment, staring at him with big eyes, full of reluctance.

His heart was instantly infinitely satisfied. It seemed that he already had a very important place in the little girl's heart.

This is good!

Qin Xiuheng was in a happy mood, "I will go out to do some errands, and I will be back in a few days. I will not leave until your master settles down. I will give you a gift when you are officially apprentice."

Ye Mingyan's eyes lit up, "What!"

Qin Xiuheng said mysteriously, "I'll tell you later."

(End of this chapter)

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