Swallow God Supreme

Chapter 3357 Lan Yu

Chapter 3357 Lan Yu
A fiery lion stepped into the scorched and dilapidated ruins.

The Fiery Lion exudes a strong aura, and every time it takes a step, the ground will tremble, but there is a young man sitting on it, so that it does not dare to fly around.

Qin Chen looked ahead, feeling very heavy.

Human corpses can be seen on the ground at any time, many corpses are incomplete, stumps and broken arms are scattered everywhere, and blood invades the soil, turning the soil into blood soil, emitting a pungent smell.

This area was originally supposed to be a small town, and it was built very large, but everything disappeared.

Half Emperor Yuqing said disdainfully: "I didn't expect that the human race could hold on to Lanyu for so long, but it was all in vain. The demons completely invaded Lanyu, it's just a matter of time."

Qin Chen asked: "Have you made a rough count of how many people died in Lan Yu?"

Half Emperor Yuqing said: "The human race guarding Lanyu is quite desperate, but can it change the facts? At least 80 million human races died at the hands of our demons."

80 million people!

Qin Chen's heart was trembling.

How many families will be broken?How many relatives, wives and children will there be?How many human races will there be, heartbroken?
They had a very good life!
"If you want me to say, 80 million human races are too few, and more people should die! They should die!"

Behind Half Emperor Yuqing, a commander of the Jinyi Guard of the Eastern Palace said bloodthirstyly.


Qin Chen rolled over from the Blazing Lion, and kicked the commander's right arm with his right leg like a whirlwind.


The commander's right arm was broken, and he was kicked out, smashed into a huge boulder, and lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

The Jinyiwei army of the Eastern Palace stopped.

The commander held his painful right arm and looked at Qin Chen: "What does Su Mohou mean by this?"

Qin Chen said indifferently: "You think that the human race is something you can kill if you want, and you are so stupid to despise the human race!"

In fact, if he hadn't wanted to hide his identity, Qin Chen would have directly killed people just now, including Half Emperor Yuqing next to him. They had killed too many human races and needed to be paid in blood.

"The human race is indeed not weak, but our demon race is stronger!"

Half Emperor Yuqing waved his hand, signaling Jin Yiwei to move on.


"I found the Jinyiwei in the East Palace of the Temple of Ultimate Bliss ahead!"

In a relatively intact courtyard three hundred miles away from Qin Chen, there are human warriors gathered.

The human warriors who sit in this other courtyard come from the dark hall.

The dark hall is proficient in heresy, and is good at inquiring, so that the East Palace stationed in Lanyu has been discovered by the dark hall in advance.

"Who is the leader? How many people are there? Which powerful fighters are there?" Xie Donghuang asked three times.

Pirate Xiaoyao is also beside him. This time, he and Pirate Xiaoyao led the dark hall to enter Lanyu to fight against the Palace of Bliss.

For the rest, Xunzhou's high-ranking forces like Sixiangmen, Fozong, and Land of Shengnian have also sent troops to assist the Palace of Order and guard Lanyu.

They can no longer be refunded!
The more people retreat, the more human races will die!
"The leader is a new Demon Lord from the Demon Palace of Bliss, named 'Su Jingchen', accompanied by 'Half Emperor Yuqing', one of the three deputy palace masters of the East Palace, three command rooms, and an army of two thousand royal guards .”

Even the many information teams in the Palace of Order cannot match the detection techniques of the dark hall, and the information obtained from the investigation is very accurate.

"Su Jingchen?!"

This name caused Xie Donghuang and Pirate Xiaoyao to react greatly.

Pirate Xiaoyao clenched his fists tightly, and there was an astonishing killing intent in his eyes: "Brother Xie, I must kill him! Must!"

It is not a secret that Su Jingchen, the queen of the Demon Palace of Bliss, killed Qin Chen.

Pirate Xiaoyao was heartbroken for a time.

And why not Xie Donghuang?
Qin Chen helped him and was kind to him.

"Brother's biography, Xie's biography, according to the information we have, this Su Jingchen is very powerful. After all, he can kill Qin Chen, he must not be a good person."

"No matter how strong I am, I will kill him!"

Pirate Xiaoyao showed determination to kill.

Xie Donghuang gave an order: "Pass the order, the team will move forward, and the little demon and I will sneak attack Su Jingchen in advance, trying to kill him, and capture the thief first."

Xie Donghuang was not much calmer than Pirate Xiaoyao. Even though he knew that it would be very dangerous to act early with Pirate Xiaoyao, they couldn't wait for a moment knowing that the 'murderer' was right ahead.


"It's too quiet here, it's not normal to be quiet."

The army marched to a mountainous area with complex terrain, and the experienced Half Emperor Yuqing felt that something was wrong.

From the corner of Qin Chen's eyes, he looked at a mountain peak on the left.

"call out!"

A purple-blue lightning shot suddenly from behind the mountain, even faster than ordinary lightning, piercing through the space like thunder.

Not only that, there were three lightning bolts following the lightning bolt, blocking Qin Chen's escape route.

A Jinyi guard of the Eastern Palace exclaimed in surprise: "It's all right, the sky is so clear, how could there be a flash of lightning suddenly?"

Half Emperor Yuqing looked in his eyes: "What a fast arrow! Among the human race, there are extremely few archers with such superb archery skills!"

"With the addition of arrows, there are three hidden weapons, throwing knives!"

"It's the Thief Little Demon and Xie Donghuang from the Dark Hall!"

"Good come!"

Half Emperor Yuqing wasn't worried at all, instead he became excited.

"These two are the direct disciples of the Lord of the Dark Hall, and Xie Donghuang is a legendary saint seedling. It is said that the human race has the idea of ​​including him as a 'legendary'!"

"You dare to sneak attack us, you really want to die! Su Mohou, kill them!"

Qin Chen took the initiative to meet him, Half Emperor Yuqing sneered: "What an idiot, I don't even know Su Mohou's strength!"

He felt that it was too stupid for Xie Donghuang and Pirate Xiaoyao to choose to surprise Su Jingchen.

Su Jingchen will definitely be able to kill both of them and add another record.

That purple-blue lightning bolt was actually an arrow shot by Xie Donghuang, named 'Lightning Blood Dropping Arrow'.

It's just that because the speed is too fast, ordinary people can't see it clearly. It's an arrow, and they mistake it for a bolt of lightning.

Moreover, the lightning dripping blood arrow is not only fast, but also extremely sharp. More importantly, the arrow is smeared with poison, which is very deadly.

And the three lightning lights are a hidden weapon made by the Pirate Demon, called the 'Dianmang Shadow Flow Knife'. The biggest feature is that it is extremely fast, just like the lightning dripping blood arrow.

Both of them are very clear that the most important thing in a sneak attack is to be surprised, so they use the fastest tricks.

"Su Jingchen, even if I risk my life today, I will kill you!"

Pirate Xiaoyao tried her best, and before the Dianmangyingliu Knife could touch Qin Chen, she threw out another 'nine-hole pear blossom needle' like a rainstorm.

The needle was still burning with demonic flames, which was the "extremely terrifying demonic flame" obtained by the little robber in the tomb of the half-faced demon god.

(End of this chapter)

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