Chapter 3649
The Devil Emperor of Bliss is currently being pursued by the three commanding officers and the two patriarchs of the demon clan.

He is too fast.

At this moment, he has already stepped out of the forest where the Yaodi Mountain is located, and came between a mountain and a river.

Behind him, the three commanders and the two chiefs of the monster clan had long since disappeared.

"The speed of the Way of Flowing Light is really too fast, even if I keep traveling through the void space, it is difficult to catch up with it."

Jueying Si Ming watched helplessly as the Devil Emperor of Bliss fled, but there was nothing he could do, so he couldn't help but sighed.

Only Jue Ying Si Ming could barely catch up to the Devil Emperor of Bliss.

Guang Lei Siming and Qin Wen have already been left far behind.

However, Jueying Siming alone cannot defeat the mighty Demon Emperor of Bliss.

Moreover, it is too much for him to constantly travel through the void space.

Those space disasters in the void space are not decorations.

Jueying Siming's face was a little pale, and his consumption was very high. If Jueying Siming continued to chase in this situation, if Jueying Siming was not paying attention, he might be hit by a space disaster.

Therefore, Jueying Siming has no choice but to give up the pursuit.


Guang Lei Siming and Qin Wen rushed here one after another.

"Or let him run away?"

Lightning let out a sigh.

Qin Wen glanced at the back, and said: "Sunshine Sunshine and Taiyin Youying are both stronger than us, but they are slower than us?"

Jueying Division ordered: "They are obviously intentional."

Guang Lei Siming frowned: "Deliberately? Why did you do this? We are now standing on the same front with them and killing the Devil Emperor of Bliss. How good is that?"

Qin Wen smiled and said: "It is indeed a good thing, but they don't seem to want this good thing."

"Let's go, let's go back to Yaodi Mountain. The Demon Emperor of Bliss has escaped, but those Demon Envoys of Bliss can't let them run away."

The Devil Emperor of Bliss stood in an empty space, looking in the direction of Yaodi Mountain, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"I will definitely make you pay the price."

This time, he personally came to arrest Qin Chen. Unexpectedly, Qin Chen was not caught, and all the Demon Envoys of Bliss remained in Yaodi Mountain.

There is a high probability that all the Demon Envoys of Bliss will suffer.

These Bliss Demon Envoys were created by him with a lot of painstaking efforts.

All of them were damaged today, so the Devil Emperor of Bliss was naturally extremely annoyed.

"Qin Chen!"

The Devil Emperor of Bliss read this name in his mouth, as if he wanted to bite Qin Chen into pieces, and he seemed to hate it very much.

After all.

If it wasn't for Qin Chen, none of this would have happened, and the Purple Demon Emperor would not have died.


Jueying Siming was right.

The scorching sun and the gloomy shadow of the sun deliberately slowed down.

They want the Devil Emperor of Bliss to die, but they don't want the Devil Emperor of Bliss to die in their hands.

Because once the Devil Emperor of Bliss dies in their hands, the Demon Race will definitely retaliate against the Monster Race.

For this reason, they would rather choose to let the Devil Emperor of Bliss go.

Otherwise, with their strength and the three commanding officers, it is very likely that the Devil Emperor of Bliss will not be able to leave today.

By the time Qin Wen and the others returned to Yaodi Mountain, the battle here was almost over.

On the ground, there was a mess and blood.

The Demon Envoy of Bliss was almost wiped out by the three major armies with very little casualties.

"Shen'er, let's go."

Qin Wen sent a voice transmission to Qin Chen, waiting for the sun to shine and Taiyin Youying to return, there might be another big battle.

Qin Chen took Qin Qi, followed Qin Wen and others, and quickly left Yaodi Mountain.


When Qin Chen stepped out of the range of Yaodi Mountain.

In his mind, a voice sounded.

"You'd better show enough value, otherwise, no one can save your life."

Qin Chen recognized it as soon as he heard it. It was the sound of the sun shining.

After all, it took a step back and did not stop Qin Chen, but it still had murderous intentions towards Qin Chen.

What it is worried about is what kind of consequences it will bring to Yaodi Mountain if it really forcibly kills Qin Chen.

And this will be directly linked to Qin Chen's 'value'.

Sun Zhuozhao knew Qin Chen very superficially.

Once it knows that Qin Chen's weight is actually not that heavy, it will definitely kill Qin Chen without hesitation.

Jiuyouhou's death, it must give an explanation.

"My value, you will see."

Qin Chen silently replied to Sun Zhaozhao in his heart.

On the road.

Qin Wen pulled Qin Chen aside.

"Demon Emperor of the Purple Array, did he die at your hands?"

Regarding his father, Qin Chen did not hide anything, admitting that the Demon Emperor of the Purple Array was killed by him.

Even though he had conjectured, Qin Wen was still surprised when he got the exact confirmation.

"How did you kill him?"

Qin Chen told what happened.

When Qin Wen heard that the Demon Emperor of the Purple Formation set up a killing formation at the level of a middle-grade emperor formation against Qin Chen, his breathing was stagnant.

Because even if he was trapped by the middle-rank emperor formation, it would be difficult to escape, let alone the opponent is the purple formation devil emperor.

But after hearing how Qin Chen induced the Purple Demon Emperor, how he killed the Purple Demon Emperor, and escaped from birth, Qin Wen sighed again and again.

"Shen'er, you have really grown up."

In Qin Wen's heart, he was quite proud. For parents, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing their children grow into talents.

"Don't tell anyone about this." Qin asked.

"I understand." Qin Chen nodded.

"The Devil Emperor of Bliss may have already guessed that the Devil Emperor of Purple Array died because of you. He didn't succeed this time and lost the Demon Envoy of Bliss. He will definitely try to kill you."

"And just the day before yesterday, I got news that there is an extremely powerful force hidden in Mishu Palace."

"Chen'er, you have to be very careful. It's best to stay in the Palace of Order and don't leave."

Qin Chen frowned: "Has a corner of the mysterious veil of Mishu Palace finally been unveiled?"

Qin Wen sighed: "It's not a small part, it just made us vigilant, and even so, there are still people who paid the price with their lives."

"Even suffered horrific torture."

The human race is still able to compete with the demon race so far, because there are batches of people who, at any cost, are not afraid of life and death, and carry forward for the human race.

Qin Chen said: "Father, I will be extra careful, but I have never been a flower growing in a greenhouse."

There is only one life.


If everyone regards life as the most important thing and hides behind, sooner or later, the human race will be crushed.

Qin Wen patted Qin Chen on the shoulder and said, "Well said!"

He was worried about Qin Chen, it was a father's instinct.

However, if the flowers in the greenhouse are taken outside, they will wither when the wind blows.

No matter what, those who carry forward the heavy burden cannot be allowed to sacrifice in vain.

Because they are exchanging their lives for the future of the entire human race.

(End of this chapter)

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