Swallow God Supreme

Chapter 3719 The Second Plan

Chapter 3719 Third Plan
The Lord of Shadows used the way of shadows, completely disappearing, and became nowhere to be found.

"Block this space."

A deep voice sounded, and at the same time, eight shadows stepped out of the void, sealing off the entire space behind Qin Chen.

The Shadow Lord's concealment ability is indeed superb, but the shadow can use the crowd tactics to directly block a space.

After all, their task was to escort Qin Chen, not to kill the Shadow Lord.

They have plenty of time to spend with Lord Shadow.

But Lord Shadow has no time.

His mission is to kill Qin Chen before he finds the altar of the demons.

The Lord of Shadows pushed the way of shadows to the extreme, and he was wearing a cloak of invisibility, even if he walked past people, it was impossible to find it.

It's just that the people surrounding him now are not ordinary people, but shadows.

Although Lord Shadow was arrogant, he didn't dare to be careless. He carefully wanted to pass by a shadow and continue to follow Qin Chen.


However, he still underestimated the insight of the shadow, only found him in an instant, and launched an offensive against him.

Lord Shadow was furious, gave up hiding, and struck out with one palm.


Blood bloomed in the darkness, and the shadow was killed by the shadow lord.

Shadow is good at assassination, head-to-head confrontation, shadow is at an absolute disadvantage, and any strong man in the imperial realm can kill them.

Fortunately, Lord Shadow no longer hides, and intends to use the most direct method to deal with this group of shadows first, and then pursue Qin Chen with no other distractions.

He is good at tracking, and he is confident that he can get rid of these shadows in a very short time, and then track to Qin Chen.

One shadow was killed, and the hearts of the rest of the shadows trembled, but they worked extremely hard to maintain their composure.

They are different from normal people, hiding in the shadows all the year round, naturally they developed a strong friendship with each other, even better than family affection.

But they are the most professional killers in Metaverse.

The most important ability of a killer is not only the ability to assassinate, but also the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and make the most correct choice in the face of any situation and environment.

All of this requires an absolutely calm and calm mind.

"The third plan."

One shadow rushed towards Shadow Lord, and the other shadows tried very hard to keep calm, but their hearts still couldn't help trembling.

Lord Shadow didn't know what the 'Third Plan' was. Seeing the other party rushing forward, he sneered and slapped it out.


Not surprisingly, the shadow was killed by the Lord of Shadows, but before he died, the shadow cut open the space, revealing the empty space.

"Out of control."

Lord Shadow sneered again and again.

"Get in."

A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind him, no, to be precise, it sounded from the empty space behind him.

Lord Shadow suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and only then did he know why this shadow knew that there were tigers in the mountain, so he went to the mountain with tigers.


Lord Shadow was directly dragged into the void by a shadow hiding in the void.

The empty space is the home field of shadows.

Lord Shadow immediately wanted to tear open the void space and return to the outside world.

But how could the shadow make the Lord of Shadows get what he wanted?

The so-called "third plan" is to obliterate the enemy at all costs.

Even at the cost of life.

Lord Shadow wants Shadow to see what it means to be a real top killer.

But at this time, Lord Shadow saw the madness of the shadow.

Don't die at all.

The empty space is full of space disasters, and every space disaster makes Shadow Lord tremble with fear, feeling that death is beckoning to him.

But every shadow can remain extremely calm without changing expression.

Because, here is as familiar as their home.

A space storm rolled towards Lord Shadow.

The power to destroy everything made the Shadow King's complexion change drastically.

"You have to remember that the person who kills you is called a shadow."

A shadow surrounded the Shadow Lord and dragged him directly into the space storm.

Lord Shadow yelled, "Madman, let me go."

A shadow appeared in front of Lord Shadow, and a knee bump knocked him into the space storm.

The Lord of Shadows and that shadow disappeared together in the void, leaving no blood behind.

This is the space catastrophe, destroying everything without leaving a trace.

This is the shadow, who is ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to himself. In order to kill the enemy, they will do whatever it takes. They told Lord Shadow what a real killer is.

"Qin Renjie encountered obstacles again, so he hurried over."

There are shadows dealing with Lord Shadow, and there are shadows continuing to escort Qin Chen. At this time, Qin Chen encounters obstacles.

Standing in front of Qin Chen was a world lord of the upper demon world, the world lord Xiangfeng.

Xiangfeng Realm Lord's body is of wind attribute, and he is extremely fast, catching up to Qin Chen all the way, like a big eagle soaring in the sky, and killing Qin Chen.

The strength of Xiangfeng World Master is stronger than that of Heavy Ax King. He reached the late six-star Demon Emperor, and the moment he swooped down, Qin Chen's whole body became tingling and his muscles tightened.

This is the body's instinctive reaction when it encounters extreme danger.

But a voice rang in Qin Chen's ear: "Qin Renjie doesn't have to have other distractions, leave it to the shadow."

A shadow pierced through the empty space and attacked Xiangfeng Lord from the side.

Faced with the shadow's assassination, the Lord Xiangfeng didn't dare to be defensive, and with a single palm, the shadow turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Both Qin Chen and Mu Xiaoxian felt very uncomfortable.

In order for them to reach the Altar of the Demons, these people who gave their lives, they don't even know each other's names.

And Qin Chen can't turn back.

He could only watch helplessly as the other party was killed, because once Qin Chen turned around, he would have failed these people's sacrifices.

This is only what Qin Chen saw, and there are many things Qin Chen didn't see.

These people, whose father, whose child, and what family they were dependent on, died for Qin Chen's escort.

But no regrets.

Because whether it was them or Qin Chen, they all had a common goal in their hearts.


"The shadow has arrived."

Several shadows simultaneously assassinated Lord Xiangfeng from the void.

"Found the Altar of the Demons!"

The power of the soul detected the altars of the demons that were running wildly and the demons that were infusing a large amount of blood meteorites.


Qin Chen dragged Mu Xiaoxian through the ground at the fastest speed, approaching the altar of all the demons.

Behind him, two more shadows were killed by Lord Xiangfeng.

"The third plan."

Shadow launched the third plan again, at the cost of his life, dragging Lord Xiangfeng into the void.

"Hurry up."

Qin Chen was extremely anxious.

Because even if it is a breathing time, accidents may happen.

So many people went forward to open the way for him. The burden on his shoulders was heavy, but he had to carry it.

(End of this chapter)

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