Swallow God Supreme

Chapter 3725 Formation Heart Protector Array

Chapter 3725 Formation Heart Protector Array

Why did the Demon Race choose to launch a general attack during the Demon Sealing Banquet?

It is because the Prisoner Demon Locking Sky Formation is the most vulnerable at this time, once the Prisoner Demon Locking Sky Formation is breached, the demons will be more than half successful.

Although the demons cannot resurrect the ancient demons in the Prisoner Demon Suotian formation.

However, a group of old devils who have unshackled their shackles can still cause great casualties to the human race.

What's more, the Demon God of Bliss did not die, and his clone survived to this day.

If he is allowed to find his true self, he will be able to rely on unstoppable power, not even the Emperor of Order can stop him.

It's just that the altar of the demons was accidentally breached, and it was almost impossible to break through the Prisoner Demon Locking Sky Formation.

The Bliss Demon God then resorted to tricks, intending to induce the ancient demons to explode themselves and blow up the Prisoner Demon Locking Sky Array.

Let them use their last remaining energy.

To know.

Once the Prisoner Demon Locking Sky Formation is blown up, it is very likely that even the Emperor of Order will be unable to resist the devastating impact, let alone the rest of the human race.

Although it is bound to accidentally injure the demons themselves.

However, the human race is fighting against the demons around the Prisoner Mo Suotian formation. Once the formation is blown up, the human race's casualties will inevitably be extremely heavy.

"Block the human race to me."

The Demon God of Bliss issued an iron order to make it impossible for the people to stay away from the Prisoner Demon Locking Heaven Formation.

In fact.

Even if the Demon God of Bliss did not give the order, the human race would not be able to stay away from the Prisoner Demon Locking Heaven Formation at all.

First, the charging has not been completed, and it is impossible for the Emperor of Order to leave.

Second, even though the altars of all the demons were breached, if only the Emperor of Order alone faced the entire demon clan's onslaught to attack the Prisoner Mo Suotian formation, the formation would be equally difficult to sustain.

"Old formation god, if the ancient demons in the formation self-destruct, can the Prisoner Demon Suotian formation hold up?"

Although the Emperor of Order is powerful, but he has a specialization in the arts, and when it comes to formations, he is naturally far inferior to the old formation gods.

The old formation said: "Half and half, and the God of Order and the two major chiefs who guard the formation, as well as the remnant spirits of the gods of our formation, will definitely disappear completely."

Half the chance!
The Emperor of Order didn't dare to gamble at all.

Once the bet is lost, the war is very likely to be lost.

"Is there any way to protect the formation? It's worth paying the price."

Emperor Order asked.

The old god was silent for a moment, and said: "There is another way."

"any solution?"

The old formation god suddenly shouted loudly: "All formation mages listen to the order!"

Naturally, his voice could not cover the entire Demon Realm, but a large number of formation masters surrounded the Prisoner Mosuotian formation, and conveyed the order of the old formation god in an instant.

The old array god is a well-deserved senior in today's Yuanjie formation, and he is the only descendant of the array god clan.

In ancient times, the great contribution of the array gods to the human race in the Yuan world was remembered and respected by all array mages.

Even though the formation masters from all walks of life gathered together at this time, they came from various sects, but a word from the old formation god could quickly bring their hearts together.

"In ancient times, the gods of our formation sacrificed their entire clan for the Prisoner Demon Locking Heaven Formation."

"At this moment, in the face of crisis, we must stand up, like the Zhen Shen clan back then, because behind us are countless people we love!"

"Jie, protect the sky formation with the heart of the formation, and protect the formation with the body!"

As soon as the voice of the old array god fell, he broke his right hand and pressed the ground, and blood gushed out to the surroundings like array lines.

Before the start of this battle, the old formation god called all the formation masters who could be named in Yuanjie together.

A total of 41 people.

Facing a living formation fossil like the old formation god, no one would refuse.

The old gods selflessly answered and taught them.

In addition, they also taught them a kind of formation, called the 'Heart of Formation to Protect the Sky Formation'.

This formation does not require formation foundations, formation flags, or formation patterns.

When hearing this formation for the first time, many formation masters felt incredible.

After all, formation base, formation flag, and formation pattern are the essential conditions for forming a formation. Without the three, how to form an formation.

After the old array god patiently explained, they understood.

The formation heart protects the sky formation, which is a formation made of life with the blood forming the formation pattern, the sentient beings as the formation flag, and the old formation god as the formation foundation.

This is a formation that will not be used unless it is a last resort.

At this time, it is the moment of last resort.

If they don't stand up at this time, countless human races will die.

When hearing the order of the old formation gods to form the 'Heart of Formation to Protect the Heaven Formation', some formation masters hesitated.

However, the old array god acted without hesitation and played a leading role.

It is absolutely impossible to form the heart-guarding array with only the old array god alone.

It takes everyone working together to form it.


A large number of formation masters, like the old formation gods, opened their palms, allowing blood to flow around the Prisoner Mosuotian formation, forming a bloody formation pattern.

Those array mages who hesitated a little were infected when they saw the array mages around them so unhesitating.

In the end, among the 41 formation masters, none flinched.

The formation pattern constructed by blood climbed up the Prisoner Demon Suotian formation like a spider web, enveloping the formation.


A mouthful of blood spewed from the mouth of the old array god, his face became extremely pale, his breath of life was weak, and he suddenly aged many years.

It seemed like it might fall at any moment.

Feeling weak, the old God couldn't open his eyes.

He looked around him.

The young formation masters were all doing their best, which made the old formation god feel a burst of inexhaustible energy suddenly surged in his body.

"Stop them."

Although the Bliss Demon God doesn't know the specific function of the 'Heart Protecting Array', he can guess that it will definitely be harmful to the demons and must be destroyed.


However, in the face of the attacks of the demons, each of the formation masters who formed the heart protection array was like a copper wall and an iron wall, extremely hard and impossible to break through.

At this moment, they are connected to each other, which is a formation, how can it be broken if it is broken?
"You sons of the demon clan, let you feel the power of the formation."

Some formation mages were as pale as paper, but there was a sneer on their faces, with a trace of pride. They were all members of the formation of heart protection, and the demons would never want to break through this formation.


Although everyone didn't know about the Heart of the Formation and Protecting the Sky Formation, but after seeing the state of each Formation Master, their expressions were pale, and some even bled from their seven orifices.

This made their hearts tremble, and this spirit was moving.

"That's it, is there a way?"

The Emperor of Order saw it more clearly than everyone else, and he could feel that the lives of these array mages were rapidly passing away.

This is a formation formed at the cost of life, just like the formation gods back then, they all sacrificed their most precious things in order to protect the metaworld.

(End of this chapter)

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