Chapter 3755
From the time Emperor Order extended his hand to Jueying Siming, Jueying Siming, who was only four years old at the time, secretly swore in his heart that he would spend his entire life to repay this benefactor.

Later, Jue Ying Siming became a well-known Siming, the assassination technique hidden in the void space and the shadow that frightened the metaverse made Jue Ying Siming a taboo existence.

He did not disappoint Emperor Order.

No one would have thought.

In the winter of that year, this top killer who was famous in the metaverse was almost frozen to death.

Over the years, no matter what the Emperor of Order asked Jue Ying Siming to do, Jue Ying Siming never complained.

Moreover, Emperor Order never asked Jueying Siming to do things beyond his ability.

In the entire Xingji mansion, Jueying Siming is the most trusted person of the Emperor Xingji, and even the head of Wen and Wu are incomparable.

When Zeng He, Jue Ying Si Ming said to the Order Emperor: "Mansion Master, my life is yours, and you can take it away anytime you want."

The Emperor of Order severely reprimanded Jue Ying Siming, saying: "Your life does not belong to me, not to anyone, but to yourself. If you really want to repay your kindness, then protect your own life."

How could Jueying Siming not be moved in his heart, nodded and said: "En."

"Silly boy, you broke your promise. You promised me to protect your life."

The Emperor of Order's heart was bleeding, and his pupils were bloodshot.

The Human-God Bell and the Sage Bell hung on both sides of the Emperor Order, and the Emperor Order rushed to the Demon God of Bliss like lightning, and the Titan Spear in his hand burst out the phenomenon of "Di Liu".

The momentum of the "rumbling" overwhelming the world, the power of Diliu is incomparably terrifying, like a sea of ​​thunder rushing between the heaven and the earth.

The Bliss Demon God's eyes were full of coldness, who dared to take the initiative to make a move, who gave you the courage.


The Demon God of Bliss pushed the boat of Bliss out, and the boat of Bliss was like a storm, tearing apart the void, and also arousing the vision of the weapon, Emperor Liu.

The boat of bliss is like a gigantic ship advancing bravely in rough seas, and no one can stop its forward momentum.

It will crush, destroy, and turn everything that stands in front of him into nothing.


With a loud noise, the Bliss Boat collided fiercely with the Titan Spear. The Order Emperor was shaken back, and blood spewed out of his mouth.

The Demon God of Ultimate Bliss stood high above the sky, he didn't take a step back, but his arms trembled slightly.

With his power close to God at this time, no matter how much the Emperor of Order does, it will be futile.

"too strong."

Qin Chen looked up at the battle in the sky, the terrifying momentum had far exceeded Qin Chen's strength.

The void is constantly cracking and collapsing, and it is completely unable to bear this tyrannical force.

If the Emperor of Order hadn't controlled the three major artifacts, he might have completely lost his combat power at this time.

After all, no matter how strong the Emperor of Order is, he is still only an eight-star Dao Emperor.

Facing a close god, the gap is really too big.

Wen Fushou holds a pen in his hand, which is not extraordinary, but also very huge, as tall as Wen Fushou.

He was fighting against the Devil Emperor of Bliss.

The radical of the text uses the void as paper to write down a character of 'kill'.

The word 'kill' is scarlet, with savage handwriting and rage, smashing towards the Devil Emperor of Bliss, the roar trembled.

Immediately, Wen radical waved the pen in his hand and wrote a word 'bridge' in the void.

A sky bridge was condensed in the void. On one side of the bridge was the head of the text, and on the other side, it was connected to the Emperor of Order.

Wen Fushou stepped onto the bridge and ran towards the place where the Order Emperor was.

"call out!"

The Demon Emperor of Bliss turned into a streamer, and caught up with Wen radical in an instant, and a huge black magic hand held Wen radical.

His personal way is "the way of streamer", and his speed is his advantage. Although Wen radical is proficient in Confucianism, he can't get rid of him.

The head of the text department raised the pen in his hand and waved it in the sky, engraving a line.


There was a loud bang, and the black magic hand transformed by the Devil Emperor of Bliss was shattered. The head of the text did not get entangled with the Devil Emperor of Bliss, and continued to step on the flyover transformed by the word "bridge" under his feet, towards the Emperor of Order.

"Don't even think about it."

The Devil Emperor of Bliss caught up again and intercepted Wen radicals.

Although Wen Fushou is so powerful that even the Devil Emperor of Bliss cannot kill him, the Devil Emperor of Bliss is also not a soft persimmon.

It is absolutely impossible for the head of the text to help the Emperor of Order while trying to surpass him.

The body of Wu Fushou is extremely huge, his weapon is a pair of hammers, and he is fighting against the Black Corpse Demon Emperor.

"Clang clang clang!"

Wu Fu's attack was like thunder, and the double hammers hit the Black Corpse Demon Emperor continuously, splashing a lot of sparks.

As the strongest corpse refiner in the Yuan Realm, the Black Corpse Devil Emperor has refined countless corpses. Similarly, he regards himself as a corpse.

He fused every vital part of his body into precious metals.

Although Wu Fu is quite fierce, it is almost impossible to kill the Black Corpse Demon Emperor.

The three commanders of the Ministry of Military Affairs, Jueying Commander and Guanglei Commander, have fallen one after another, and now the Emperor of Order is also in crisis, and the head of the Military Ministry is extremely angry.

But the guy standing in front of him seemed to never know the pain, and never knew how to back off.

In the entire Zhixing Mansion, apart from the Emperor Zhuanji, the head of the text department and the head of the military department are the two strongest.

Even compared to the strong men of the Middle Ages like 'Ice Bone Sword Emperor', they are still weaker.

Even Qin Chen couldn't participate in a battle at the level of the Emperor of Order and the Demon God of Bliss.

Only the heads of Wen and Wu can help Emperor Order.

"Even if you lose your life, stop them."

The Demon God of Bliss has given death orders to both the Devil Emperor of Bliss and the Devil Emperor of Black Corpse, and what he needs most now is time.

The Emperor of Order couldn't last long.

As long as he could kill the Emperor of Order, no matter how much he paid, it would be worth it.


The Jade Butterfly of Fortune clasped the Emperor of Order, and the Emperor of Order quickly called back the two bells, and the two bells exploded, and the Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune hit the Emperor of Order, who was seriously injured.

Scarlet blood flowed from the Emperor Order's head, looking at the Demon God of Bliss, his eyes became determined.

"Everyone is born with his own path to go. Along the way, he will see many landscapes, and he will determine his own three views and beliefs."

"And my path ends here."

The voice of the Emperor Order sounded at the same time in the minds of the chief leaders of Wen Fu, Wu Fu and Shen Lingxuan, including Qin Chen.

Qin Chen's heart trembled, and he looked at Emperor Order.

"The rest of the way will be left to you."

Immediately after the words fell, the Emperor Order let out a long roar, and killed the Bliss Demon God like lightning, with the meaning of death in his eyes.

He really wanted to witness the scene of the human race defeating the demon race, but unfortunately, he couldn't see it.

The Demon God of Bliss cannot be defeated at this time, and it may be the best ending to die together.

(End of this chapter)

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