Swallow God Supreme

Chapter 3909 Maoshan Eight Peaks

Chapter 3909 Maoshan Eighteen Peaks

The Sword Saint Mansion is not too far from Maoshan.

Standing at the foot of Maoshan, Qin Chen looked up.

At this time, the sun was setting, and all the afterglow of the setting sun in the sky was sprinkled on the top of the mountain, reflecting the wonderful golden color.

There are clouds and fog on the top of the mountain, and the golden afterglow adds a sense of sacredness to the already hazy beauty of the mountain top.

One mountain is connected to another, and the mountains are overlapping. With Qin Chen's eyesight, they can't see the end at a glance, but because of this, the faint outlines of the mountains at the end of the line of sight are more majestic and majestic.

It is autumn at this time, and the afterglow of the setting sun merges with the yellowed flowers and trees. Looking from a distance, one can't help but marvel at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

"What a nice view."

Qin Chen had seen many beautiful scenery, but he was still affected by the Maoshan in front of him, and he was a little absent-minded for a while.

The head of Qingliu said: "My Maoshan is built on the mountain. There are [-] peaks in total. Among the [-] peaks, each has its own opportunity. It is the greatest reliance and wealth of my Maoshan."

"Except for the 'Mother Peak', you have the right to freely set foot on or choose to live in any of the other seventeen peaks."

"The first peak of Maoshan Mountain we are about to set foot on is called 'Feiye Peak'."

The Maoshan disciples guarding the gate of Maoshan saw the first seat of Qingliu, and they all saluted one after another. From the corner of their eyes, they glanced at the three disciples with white belts following behind the first seat of Qingliu, feeling surprised in their hearts.

No matter which sect it is in, the first person is the real person in power, and it is naturally surprising that he would personally lead the three white-belt disciples.

However, curious in their hearts, they didn't talk too much, but secretly remembered the faces of Qin and Chen.

"call out!"

The first time he set foot on Feiye Peak, a flying leaf shot towards him like a dart, which surprised Qin Chen slightly.

However, Qin Chen just used his movement slightly and dodged it: "Could it be that the entire Feiye Peak is full of this kind of flying leaves?"

The leader of Qingliu said: "That's right, the deeper you go, the more flying leaves, and Feiye Peak is the best place to practice body skills."

Qin Chen became interested.

"On weekdays, when I practice agility, I can only rely on refining wind attribute crystals or wind-type original treasures, etc., and I can't really improve agility through practice."

"But Fei Yefeng just made up for this shortcoming."

"If I practice in the depths of Feiye Peak, with the help of wind elemental crystals and other foreign objects, it is not impossible for my movement skills to reach the world level."

At this moment, Qin Chen could vaguely understand why Qingliu said that the eighteen peaks of Maoshan were the greatest wealth of Maoshan.

Feiye Peak is just one of the eighteen peaks of Maoshan.

The rest of the mountain peaks must have their own merits.

This gave Qin Chen the urge to visit all the eighteen peaks of Maoshan, and to see what is the mystery of these eighteen peaks.

"I practice in Maoshan, and I pay attention to the word 'fate'. Therefore, Maoshan never teaches people to practice, but it can be practiced everywhere. There are many strong people living in the eighteen peaks of Maoshan. If there is a destiny, you can naturally meet together. .”

"And if you don't have a predestined relationship, then don't force it, let things take their course, cause and effect, everything has its own destiny."

If there is a destiny, they will intersect together!
Qin Chen nodded secretly.

Meng Daojun, Ye Wutian, and Lin Songyun and others all met by fate, and they have their own destiny.

Everyone will have their own way to go, and it must be different from others!
To cultivate in Maoshan is to fully believe in the cause and effect of the Dao, and the nature of the world.

Qin Chen has practiced in many sects along the way, but Maoshan is undoubtedly the most special.

Here, everything is optional, everything is resigned!
Standing on Feiye Peak and looking into the distance, the three brothers and sisters all felt that a mysterious veil was waiting for them to be revealed slowly, and they would write their own stories here.

"You can move freely now, and the Seventeen Peaks are free to rush. Remember, it's okay to exchange ideas, but don't be cruel and put the other party to death."

"In addition, if Maoshan disciples want to go down the mountain, they must pass the 'Facing the Wall and Enlighten the Mind' and become a 'Blue Ribbon Disciple' before they can go down the mountain. Otherwise, they can only stay in Maoshan for the rest of their lives. "

"There are still four years left for the Eight Schools to discuss Taoism. I hope that you can be on that stage, and let the whole Chongqing world know your name, and let the whole Chongqing world know that although my Maoshan has encountered a catastrophe, it is still Maoshan!"

What kind of thing is it that made a former eighth-rank sect, a fourth-rank sect, fall into a third-rank sect?
Qin Chen knew that a great event must have happened in Maoshan many years ago.

However, Qin Chen was thinking about another thing at the moment.

Facing the wall and understanding the heart, you can go down the mountain only when you rise to the blue belt!
"For me, it is extremely urgent to find the truth of the Dao and eliminate the sequelae left by using the God Swallowing Seal."

"And the information my mother revealed to me is that the 'Great Scholars' in Yujie have a great truth, and I must go to the Great Scholars as soon as possible."

The truth of the Dao can reverse the rules of the Dao and the cause and effect of heaven and earth. It is absolutely supreme, and I am afraid that everyone will be tempted.

But, no matter what, Qin Chen was going to visit the Great Scholars, so he couldn't sit still.

After Qingliu left first, Qin Chen said: "Teacher, senior brother, I decided to face the wall and realize my heart. I have something important and I need to go down the mountain."

Qin Chen wanted to know the mysteries of the Eighteen Peaks of Maoshan, but it was even more urgent to find the truth.

"Go down the mountain right after going up the mountain? Why don't we go together?" Ye Wutian said.

Qin Chen shook his head: "No, what I want to do can't be done by a large number of people. I can do it by myself. Besides, improving strength is the most important thing."


Mengdao Jun yawned and felt that he was about to fall asleep again: "Wutian, let him go, everything has its definite order, isn't this the belief that Maoshan believes in."

"Teacher, big brother, this time... I really appreciate it."

Qin Chen hesitated for a while, but finally thanked him sincerely.

"We three brothers, needless to say these." Meng Daojun waved his hand.

"Yes, junior brother, if it weren't for you, how could we have come to such a special place." Ye Wutian said.

Qin Chen didn't say anything more, and kept all these in his heart.

Facing the wall and enlightening the heart, it is here at Feiye Peak.

"I don't know why you have to face the wall to realize your mind before going down the mountain?"

Qin Chen was a little puzzled: "Could it be that there is some great mystery in this face of enlightenment?"

But when Qin Chen reached the place where he faced the wall and realized his mind, he was extremely astonished, even dumbfounded.

An ordinary broken wall stood in front of my eyes, covered with weeds and moss, I don't know how many broken walls like this can be found in the mountains.

At this time, there were more than 100 white-belt disciples, and Qin Chen also saw blue-belt disciples sitting in front of the broken wall. Some were sweating profusely, some were frowning, and some were covered in blood.

(End of this chapter)

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