Swallow God Supreme

3956--Andrew Level 2 Knife Sect


"Since I know Yuanyang Shouqi, do you think Yuanyang Shouqi is still on Ning girl's body?"

"That is to say, Yuanyang's first chess is on your body now?"

"If it's really on me, what's the benefit to me if I mention Yuanyang's first chess at this moment?"

Qi Xi squinted at this old Taoist priest who was about the same age as his grandfather.

Jiang Guozhen is still old and hot, for a person as smart as her, at this moment, she can't guess which sentence of the old drunkard is true, which sentence is false, and what kind of tricks he is harboring.

Seeing Qi Xi pondering, a glint of sharpness flashed in the old drunkard's eyes, and he suddenly grabbed the underground river below.


The river was rolling and rushing, condensing into the shape of a long knife.

The drunkard old man grabbed the long sword of the river, and slashed at the master of the Haoyue clan who blocked his retreat: "Tian Dao Wu."

More than a hundred strands of Xingyi suddenly erupted from the river saber, causing the space to tremble endlessly.


A full 120 strands of Xingyi whizzed out, and there was a violent roar, as if the sky was falling apart.

"Bang bang bang!"

The masters of the Haoyue Clan who blocked the retreat were all knocked out one by one, and fell into the underground river in disarray.

There was even a weaker Haoyue Clan expert who was cut in two by the old drunkard's sword on the spot, and the underground river was stained red with blood.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the drunkard veteran quickly broke out of the encirclement.

Qi Xi's eyes showed a touch of surprise: "Second Grade Sword Sect?"

Xingyi reaches one hundred shares, and can be called a second-grade master.

Only the second-rank sword sect can display the five chapters of the heavenly sword.

However, even the first-class favored children like Han Yitong, Qi Xi, Ning Jiangtao, etc., are still far from a hundred shares of Xingyi.

Qi Xi would never have imagined that the old drunkard was actually a second-rank sword sect, and he had cultivated a full 120 strands of Xingyi.

It is even more powerful than the ordinary second-rank sword sect.

It's no wonder that those Haoyue Clan masters couldn't block this knife, even Qi Xi didn't dare to take it head-on.

"There are too many secrets in this old Taoist priest, we must keep them."

Qi Xi's reaction was very fast, almost the moment the old drunkard rushed out of the encirclement, he unleashed the third-grade Xuanhuang-level movement technique, and performed the fourth-grade movement technique inheritance, Lingtu Jump.


Qi Xi left an afterimage on the spot, raised the scepter of the cyan crystal fear element in his hand, and operated the elemental scriptures, bursting out five strands of the original power of fear.

A black skull was condensed on the cyan crystal fear element scepter, as if it came from a demon hell, it attacked the old drunkard.

Facing Qi Xi's blow with the scepter of the cyan crystal fear element, the drunkard veteran did not dare to be careless, but he did not dodge, but shouted: "Spiritual root solidifies the body."

The Jiugui Laodao is like an ancient, mysterious, and strong tree, and the tree body guards the Jiugui Laodao.


The black skull hit the old drunkard, knocking the old drunkard into the air, but failed to hurt the old drunkard.

"The holy power secret method 'spiritual root solidification' in Maoshan Shenggong "Maoshan Linggenjue" is indeed from Maoshan."

Qi Xi recognized the methods used by the old drunkard.

Mao Shanling is determined!
Maoshan Holy Merit!

In Maoshan, there are very few people who are qualified to practice Maoshan Spirit Root Jue, and almost everyone can represent Maoshan.

This made Qi Xi firmly believe that the drunkard old man must be a very great senior in Maoshan.

With spiritual roots solidifying his body, it was really difficult for Qi Xi to break through the defense of the old drunkard.

"Fortunately, I already have a backhand."

Qi Xi urged out his soul power, made a seal, and pressed it to the ground.


As if a tyrannosaurus rushed out of the underground river, around the entire Yuanyang Hall, an enchantment-like formation was born, forming a semicircle, covering the entire Yuanyang Hall within a hundred miles.


The Jiugui Laodao hit the barrier of the formation and bounced back dozens of meters.

"My square sky formation, unless it is a Taoist-level powerhouse, otherwise, it is impossible to break it at all."

"But in this underground river, it is impossible for a Taoist-level powerhouse to appear."

Qi Xi stared at the old drunkard who seemed to have become a fish in the net, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Little girl, you are really thoughtful."

The old drunkard did not expect that Qi Xi would arrange a formation near the Yuanyang Hall in advance.

Qi Xi is not only a soul array master, but also a divine array master.

You can arrange soul formations, and you can also arrange formations.

In fact, most soul array masters were formerly array masters.

Without the foundation of formation, it is difficult to become a tyrannical soul formation master.

Soul formation and formation, after all, lead to the same goal by different routes.

And the soul formation can be formed in an instant, which is more difficult to cultivate than formations of the same level.

This square sky formation is a god-level formation formed by Qi Xi in order to prevent people from attacking Yuanyang Palace and escaping.

At the beginning, the masters of the Haoyue Clan felt that this Fangtian formation was a bit redundant.

Even if a strong enemy really came, how could the enemy be able to escape with so many people on my side?
Facts have proved that Qi Xi's backup is very necessary.

The old drunkard was almost able to escape again.

"Old Taoist priest, can you explain your identity and Yuanyang's first chess properly now?" Qi Xi said.

The old drunkard smiled: "Little girl, if I want to leave, you really can't keep me."

Qi Xi said: "Could it be that you can still break free from the Yuanyang chess game?"

Qi Xi never believed it.

The Yuanyang Chess Saint was cultivated to the sky before his death, even if the Saint came, he would definitely be suppressed into the Nine Star Dao Emperor realm.


The space around the Jiugui Laodao suddenly flickered, like a drop of water falling into a calm lake, a ripple appeared in the space.

The next moment, the old drunkard really disappeared without a trace.

A large number of masters of the Haoyue Clan were stunned, rubbing their eyes, feeling dazzled, how could a living person disappear inexplicably?
"I see, he slipped into the void space, hum! He thought too simply of Her Majesty's Fang Tian formation, even if he slipped into the void space, he would not be able to pass through the Fang Tian formation."

Qi Xi stared at the place where the old drunkard disappeared, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Only she knew that the old drunkard didn't slip into the empty space at all, but used the space jump to jump out of Fang Tian's formation.

However, there is only one possibility to use space to this kind of situation, that is, the other party must have realized the origin of the space avenue.

The origin of the Dao of Space is one of the supreme origins, and only by comprehending it can one use the magical spatial ability, such as space jumping.

This time, after all, he let the old Taoist escape again.

"What is the origin of this old Taoist priest?"

Even Qi Xi couldn't help frowning at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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