Swallow God Supreme

Chapter 4057 Magic Flute Emperor Divine Envoy

Chapter 4057 Magic Flute Emperor Divine Envoy

Qin Chen tore off Xia Qianliang's Emperor God pattern hidden on his heart, and combined it into the holy eye pattern.

"You have obtained two thousand points of holy power."

"You got the new achievement 'Eliminate the traitor'."

Qin Chen was a little surprised.

How did Holy Eye know that Xia Qianliang was a traitor?

"Could it be that my every move is under the watchful eyes of the Holy Eye?"

Qin Chen actually had this idea a long time ago, but now he feels that the possibility is extremely high.

It is certainly a good thing for the Holy Gate to distribute holy power and encourage all martial arts to kill the Emperor God Clan.

However, the Holy Eye is like an eye of the Holy Gate. Anyone under this eye will have no secrets to tell, which makes Qin Chen feel a little uncomfortable.

Everyone has their own little secrets in their hearts, and no one wants their secrets to be peeped at.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it. The Holy Gate just hopes to protect all martial arts families more comprehensively through this method?"

Qin Chen shook his head and glanced at the virtual holy monument.

Name: Su Jingchen.

Identity: White-robed holy envoy.

Currently available holy power: [-] points.

Accumulated holy merit: [-] points.

Achievements: Decapitate the envoy of Emperor Yinjing, decapitate the envoy of Emperor Huangjing, counterattack from the jedi, fight with one against ten, kill and kill, eradicate traitors, six out of seven.

In the Cangjiang Chamber of Commerce, Qin Chen spent all his holy merit. That is to say, Qin Chen gained a total of [-] holy merit during his trip to June Mountain.

"Becoming a blue-robed envoy is just around the corner," Qin Chen said happily.

There are two conditions to become a blue-robed holy envoy.

First, get seven achievements.

Second, the holy power has exceeded [-].

One of the seven achievements, Qin Chen has one left, and the second one has broken [-] holy merits, Qin Chen has [-] points left.

Very close!
"The blue-robed holy envoy will be able to open the 'holy message column' to obtain more convenient information and the right to know."

Qin Chen flipped through Xia Qianliang's belongings.

Among them, the most valuable are two tickets worth 40 Xiaosheng fruits in total.

There is also a yellow medicine bottle with the words "immortal pouring" pasted on the bottle, which is a kind of drug.

Xia Qianliang's assets far surpassed that of ordinary Daoist gods.

Qin Chen suddenly stared in one direction: "Come out, I found you."

A pure and sweet figure came out, with a smile on his face, he said: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe that a Dao Emperor could kill a Dao God."

"It seems that the Taoist God I sent out to hunt and kill you in the Great Confucianism before also died in your hands."

"Watching me kill him, your heart is really cruel."

Qin Chen stared at the sweet girl in front of him, but his eyes were full of murderous intent. Qin Chen would never forget the death of Senior Brother Xiaoxi.

When he was fighting Xia Qianliang just now, Qin Chen's attention was all on Xia Qianliang. It wasn't until just now that Qin Chen discovered Qi Xi who was hiding in the dark.

Hidden so deep!

Qi Xi said with a smile: "When he dies, he dies. People die every day in this world. Who can change this natural law? What I care about is what kind of means you have. It's a pity that this guy is really useless. You seem to have reservations, and you haven't been able to see all of you."

As if, in her eyes, Xia Qianliang was just a pawn.

Qin Chen said: "Don't talk nonsense, you asked me to come to June Mountain Villa, you didn't come to observe me secretly, did you?"

Qi Xi smiled: "Of course not, I'm here to answer your questions, let me see your ice stone."

Qin Chen took out the ice stone, but did not hand it over to Qi Xi, and said, "Should you reveal some information to me, why would I give it to you?"

Qi Xi smiled and said: "Are you sure you don't want to give it? This ice stone is not a good thing for you. It is a hot potato in your hand."

Qin Chen sneered and said, "Isn't it because you want this ice stone that you asked me to come?"

Qi Xi's snow-white chin lightly nodded, and said: "It's easy to talk to smart people, yes, I want this ice stone."

"Actually, it's okay to tell you, this ice stone is actually a piece of soul fragment of a 'Magic Flute Emperor God Envoy' from the lineage of our Emperor God Clan."

Magic Flute Emperor Divine Envoy!
Qin Chen's expression froze.

The most powerful existence Qin Chen has come into contact with so far is the Great Sage Realm powerhouse.

According to the division of the emperor's envoy.

Generally speaking, the strong man in the Great Sacred Realm is the 'Heijing Emperor God Envoy'.

And the Divine Envoy of the Magic Flute Emperor is above the Divine Envoy of the Heijing Emperor.

The name "Magic Flute" is taken from the history of the Emperor God Clan, a patriarch of the Emperor God Clan who is famous through the ages.

Qin Chen didn't expect this ice stone to be so big. Suddenly, he said: "That is to say, the blood-red killing world is actually the soul world of the magic flute emperor envoy."

A strong man who surpasses the great sage, even if it is a piece of soul fragment, also claims to be a soul world.

What Qin Chen fell into at that time was the soul world of the envoy of the Magic Flute Emperor.


Qi Xi couldn't help applauding. He only revealed a little information, and the other party understood it all.

"This magic flute emperor's envoy, named 'Red Blood Demon Flute Emperor's envoy', he held the 'slaughter source', and was crushed by a strong man who held the 'frozen source' from the martial arts back then. Turned into a large number of fragments, dead without a whole body."

"It's just that, even after so many years, the frozen source still hasn't melted, but instead preserved the soul fragments of the Red Blood Demon Flute Emperor's envoy."

No wonder I couldn't break this ice stone even with the destruction thorns!

Qin Chen was stunned.

No wonder it can be broken!
This ice stone was created by a frozen source saint who surpassed the great saint. I don't know how many years I have to practice to reach that state.

"This piece of soul fragment is useless to you. On the contrary, you will be dragged into its soul world from time to time."

"But for me, who also practiced the "Emperor God's Spirit Training Method", it is like a treasure."

Emperor God's Spirit Training Technique!

Qin Chen knew about it.

The Elemental Sutra, the Emperor God's Enlightenment Dao Jue, and the Emperor God's Spirit Training Technique are all one of the foundations of the Emperor God Clan.

Forging the mind is a skill that soul array masters and spirit masters must practice, otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate souls at all.

Every spirit training method is quite rare and precious, and the Emperor God's spiritual training method is famous among all the spiritual training methods.

"It seems that Qi Xi is really valued by the Emperor God Clan, and he can practice the Emperor God Spiritual Training Technique. It's no wonder that at such an age, he can cultivate into a first-rank intermediate soul master."

Qi Xi looked at Qin Chen with a pair of bright eyes: "Now all the doubts in your heart should be solved, shouldn't this soul fragment belong to me?"

Qin Chen said: "You have a soul fragment of the magic flute emperor's envoy in your hand, plus mine, maybe you can get part of the inheritance, which is not a small benefit, I can give it to you, but you have to take the treasure Exchange with me."

Qi Xi laughed and said, "Take a piece of hot potato to me for a treasure, you really know how to do business."

(End of this chapter)

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