Just now, when Qin Chen discovered this group of Huolang people, he also found a figure hiding behind them.

Reminiscent of what he heard from the middle-aged man of the Huolang tribe, 'Our goal is to test their strength, not kill them', Qin Chen felt that this matter was not that simple.

Sure enough, during the whole battle, the people in the dark did not show up, but observed secretly, and even took out a pen and paper to record on the spot.

This scene was all seen by Qin Chen's ultra-distance vision.

Even what he recorded, Qin Chen could see clearly.

It was something similar to a strategic report, analyzing the overall strength and quality of the battle group.

People with outstanding strength such as Weng Hequn will make special comments.

"Sure enough, the first time we stepped into the Birch Mountain Range, we were already being targeted by the Fire Waves. Moreover, the Fire Waves were quite cautious and did not act rashly. By testing our strength, we could make a more accurate strategic judgment .”

It wasn't until the middle-aged man announced his retreat and blew himself up that the dark man's eyes were bloodshot and he hammered the ground hard before leaving.

His mission has been completed.

"This strategic report must have been sent back to the Fire Wave Clan. In the next time, the Fire Wave Clan will definitely make a comeback, and at that time, it is very likely that they came to destroy us."

Qin Chen originally wanted to intercept him, but after careful consideration, he chose to let him go.

If they were stopped, the Huolang clan would definitely feel suspicious when they learned that the man in the dark hadn't returned.

Just to be on the safe side, Qin Chen stopped a retreating member of the Huolang clan and tortured him severely before the other party revealed his purpose, which was consistent with what the middle-aged man said, they were here to test.

This is why Qin Chen never showed up.

Qin Chen could of course kill all of these people, but then what?Qin Chen will be recorded in a strategic report, and the Huolang clan will only send a more powerful team to come.

At that time, the casualties will only be more severe!

On the contrary, it is wisest for Qin Chen to hide, let the Huolang clan make a mistake in judgment, and wait until the most critical moment to take action.

Weng Hequn shouted: "You are confounding right and wrong! As the husband's leader, shouldn't you lead us to charge into battle?"

Qin Chen said coldly: "Compared to rushing into battle, ensuring your safety is more important. Although to be honest, I really look down on you, but you are my soldiers after all."

Weng Hequn roared: "So how are you ensuring our safety? By running away?"

Qin Chen's eyes were sharp: "You can stay angry with me, but don't forget! I'm the boss! You contradict me again and again, and I forgive you, so I don't care about you. If you keep messing around, get out of here immediately. !"

"Whoever has any objections to me, refuses to accept me, after the combat mission is over, I welcome you to report me to the Battle Court of Hundred Families!"

Too hypocritical!
Qin Chen wanted to explain to them, but judging from the emotional state of this group of people, he knew that no matter what he explained, it would only be an excuse if it fell into their ears. In this case, Qin Chen didn't bother to explain.


At the bottom of a canyon in the Birch Mountain Range, this quiet canyon is the command center of the Fire Wave Clan. …

The man in the dark carried a strategic report and returned here as soon as possible.

"How many people died?"

The head of the Huolang family is an old man who is leaning on the scepter of Emperor Qingjing, his face is wrinkled and covered with black spots.

All around him are the top powerhouses of the Fire Wave Clan, including the famous 'Nine Fire Peaks'.

"A preliminary estimate is that 230 people died, of which [-] died by self-explosion."

The man in the dark took off his special restraining cloak, revealing a pretty white cheek, it was actually a woman.


Beside him, a middle-aged man in a red robe with a pattern of flaming mountain peaks on his chest smashed the stone table in front of him with a fist, showing anger.

Among the Huolang tribe, there are only nine people who can have the flame mountain pattern on their chests, and they are the Nine Great Fire Peaks.

The higher the number of fire peak layers, the stronger the strength.

This flaming mountain peak has only one layer, and he is the ninth flaming peak among the nine flaming peaks.

Although he is listed at the end, he is still a warrior and hero in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Huolang people. In the Huolang tribe, apart from the Hulang patriarch, the nine Huofeng people have the most say.

"They are all good, and the Fire Waves will never forget them. They died for our Fire Waves, and our Fire Waves will also be proud of them."

The head of the Huolang clan took out a roster, on which were written one name after another, all of them were members of the Huolang clan who died in battle.

The woman respectfully completed this roster, and recorded the names of the dead Huolang people in the eucalyptus.

Afterwards, Huolang patriarch and the nine Huofeng bowed towards the roster, and the atmosphere was extraordinarily solemn and solemn.

"How about the opponent's casualties?" Huo Lang patriarch asked again.

The woman replied: "Only seven died."

The leader of Huolang opened the strategy report: "One middle-level dao god, six lower-level dao gods, fourteen near-gods, danger level, level two..."

"I go!"

The Ninth Fire Peak invited the battle.

The leader of Huolang pressed his hands and signaled him to be calm: "Why didn't the report indicate who the leader of this battle group is?"

The woman replied: "Because I can't judge, this battle group, as if there is no leader, was in chaos at the beginning, and then gradually improved. The person in command is called Kong Zhi. I checked, and he is not the leader. "

"No husband?"

The Huolang patriarch frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong.

Ninth Huofeng said: "The patriarch is just a husband leader, even if there are omissions, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Over the years, he has killed four husbands.

Huo Lang patriarch pondered for a moment, and said: "This battle group is not strong, so we should use the shortest time to extinguish them. The ninth Huofeng, the eighth Huofeng, the seventh Huofeng... you three Huofeng led a team Thousands of clansmen must kill them all within two days."

Ninth Huofeng was surprised and said: "Patriarch, a hundred-man battle group, and they are all new fighters, so there is no need to dispatch three Huofengs?"


The Sixth Huofeng spoke, with a cold voice: "Patriarch, I beg you to go with me, in order to be safe."

Ninth Huofeng said: "You think highly of them, don't you?"

The ninth, eighth, and seventh fire peaks are all middle-level Taoist gods, and the sixth fire peak is an upper-level Taoist spirit.

Such a lineup can fight against a thousand-man battle group.

The Sixth Huofeng said coldly: "Have we suffered too many losses at the hands of this group of warriors? Have you forgotten how your previous generation died?"

The Ninth Fire Peak of the previous generation died of underestimating the enemy.

Huolang patriarch said: "Alright, the four of you go together, we can make a quick battle and avoid accidents with reinforcements from the rest of the wargroup."

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