Swallow God Supreme

Chapter 4571 Emperor River Totem

I looked up.

Qin Chen saw an incomparably majestic statue.

The whole body of the statue is red, and it is obviously not a human race. It has six feet and four wings, and has no ears, eyes, mouth and nose.

These features are naturally extremely weird.

But appearing on this statue at this time, it makes the sense of evil and strangeness extremely strong.

"Dijiang! This is the ancient holy beast Dijiang!"

Qin Chen was shocked.

This is obviously just a statue, but it has an inexplicable charm.

It's like a Dijiang holy beast that has lived for tens of thousands of years is in front of him.

Look carefully.

Qin Chen discovered that it was because there was a totem on the statue of Dijiang God!
This totem is like being alive.

Possessing strong spirituality and verve, it fits on the statue of Dijiang, making this statue also have supreme power.

"It is said that the master of Lingkun once subdued all the top holy beasts in this sea area to Lingkunzong and turned them into 'totems' to protect Lingkunzong!"

"It turns out that this legend is true, and the totem in front of me must be one of them, Dijiang Totem!"

Qi Xi muttered to himself, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

The reason why she came all the way to the Endless Sea was because of a secret letter from Mrs. Chen of the Haoyue Clan.

In the secret letter, quite a lot of clues were revealed.

Maybe among those sea people, Qixi may not know about Lingkunzong.

"Is it the emperor river totem?"

Qin Chen's eyes showed fiery color, this totem must be a treasure.

However, Qin Chen was not in a hurry.

Today is a good time to kill Qi Xi, kill her first, and then seize the Emperor Jiang Totem!
Sensing Qin Chen's murderous intent, Qi Xi's face changed slightly: "Qin Chen, why are you staring at me? I let you die twice before!"

"What's more, at this time in this totem temple, the holy power is so strong, and there is even a killing intent, are you afraid of offending the statue of Dijiang and obliterating you?"

Qin Chen said coldly: "You forced my senior brother to death back then, and I killed you. One life for another, it's only right and proper!"

The moment he spoke, Qin Chen blocked the door of the Totem Temple.

Prevent Qi Xi from escaping from the temple.

"Can you show [-]% of your strength here? I have the relic of the great saint. How can you kill me?"

Qi Xi showed helplessness.

It is the holy magnetic field and the suppression of the holy power, and it is not easy to survive.

"You can only show [-]% of your strength, you are talking about yourself, right?"

Qin Chen took out the Lingkun treasure box and hung it above his head.

The holy power emanating from the statue of Di Jiang immediately became weaker.

Although they didn't completely disperse, it was hard to affect Qin Chen.

Just when he entered the Totem Temple, Qin Chen noticed the weakening of the Holy Power by the Lingkun Treasure Box.

This treasure box really has a very important role.


Qin Chen's aura exploded, and the astonishing fluctuations of the holy power raged.

For the first time, Qi Xi's complexion completely changed!
She had no idea that the Lingkun treasure box had such miraculous effects.

Otherwise, she would have held on to the Lingkun treasure box even if she had left behind just now.

In order to get the Lingkun treasure box.

She spent all her time in Mie Shen City, forging the clues of the 'Lingkun Holy Tomb', so that a large number of sea people poured into Mie Shen City to find the way for her.

Being cautious, she didn't show up until the last moment to get the Lingkun treasure box in the golden gate.

And there are countless Sea Clans who died in Mie Shen City and the white mist formation.

It was so difficult, but it was a good thing for Qin Chen, Qi Xi was naturally extremely annoyed.

Seeing the crisis, Qi Xi was ready to fight Qin Chen to the death, and even glanced at Dijiang Totem from the corner of his eye.

In this temple, if he can get the Emperor Jiang Totem, he will definitely have the initiative.


Qin Chen turned into an afterimage, the yin and yang sanctity in the holy body roared like thunder, and his figure rushed towards Qixi.

"call out!"

The sudden danger made Qin Chen's pupils shrink, and he immediately stepped back.

A sharp blood-red arrow passed through Qin Chen's position just now, and finally shot into the ancient floor tiles of the temple, causing the floor tiles to explode.

"The original holy skill killing arrow."

Qin Chen stared at it.

A man with a fierce aura and a stern face stepped into the temple.

Even though he was suppressed by the holy power, his aura had obviously dropped a lot, but the fluctuation of the holy power was still strong.

"The saint of the fierce sea anemone clan!"

Qin Chen judged the opponent's cultivation level and identity at a glance, and was surprised.

What surprised him was not his cultivation, but that someone came to the Lingkunzong site so soon.

After all, this place is extremely remote!
"Saint Qi, are you alright?"

Looking at Qi Xi, there was a strange look in his eyes.

Ever since Qi Xi came to the Endless Sea and was admired by the Son of the Golden Sunflower, he had never seen Qi Xi in such a state of embarrassment.

"It's okay, you came just in time! Hurry up and plunder the Emperor Jiang totem on the statue!"

Qi Xi changed his direction, blocked the entrance of the temple to prevent Qin Chen from escaping, and ordered the stern man to snatch the Emperor Jiang totem.

She is very clear.

In this temple, even Zhongsheng is still difficult to exert a strong strength.

The only way to win the Emperor Jiang Totem!

The cold and severe man is a second-rank Zhongsheng, an elder of the fierce sea anemone clan, who just happened to destroy a sea clan in a nearby sea area.

Seeing the frequent occurrence of visions in the disappearing sea area, he rushed over again and again regardless of the matter in hand.

He can cultivate to such a state, his eyesight is natural.

Seeing Dijiang Totem, greed appeared in his eyes.


The holy power of killing all over his body erupted, and he grabbed Dijiang Totem with the holy power.

Qin Chen didn't stop him, nor did he rush ahead of him, nor did he run away.

"Really cautious."

Qi Xi secretly complained.

Obviously, the cold and stern man was regarded by Qin Chen as a 'guinea pig'.

That's why he didn't act rashly.

"But once he successfully captures the Emperor Jiang Totem, you will have no chance!"

Qi Xi took the murderous intent in his eyes deep.

Seeing Qin Chen standing still, the cold and severe man sneered.

You do take your own risk.

But at the same time, as the first person to eat the cake, he can completely make the people behind just watch dryly.

Just when the stern man was about to approach Dijiang Totem, Shengwei seemed to become particularly terrifying.

His whole body trembled under the holy power.

His face was pale and he was dripping with sweat.

Sweat footprints on floor tiles.

Seeing that Emperor Jiang Totem is close at hand.

He gritted his teeth, as if some kind of secret technique erupted, and the breath in his whole body exploded, and he grabbed Dijiang Totem.


The moment the Emperor Jiang totem was touched, it seemed to come alive, and it let out a roar that shook the sky, and the entire totem temple trembled.

A holy shadow of Dijiang's holy beast rushed out from the Dijiang statue and hit the cold and stern man.

The man's complexion changed drastically in the cold, but it was too late to react.

As a result, the moment he was hit, his whole body collapsed, and blood flowed continuously, which was shocking.

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