Swallow God Supreme

Chapter 4777 Tianchi

Chapter 4777 Tianchi

Qin Chen looked around.

He thinks it is more appropriate to call it 'Tianhai' here.

This Tianchi was so big that it was beyond Qin Chen's imagination.

A disciple of Buzhou Mountain spread out irregularly like dishes soaked in a cauldron.

"You only have a quarter of an hour, you must abide by the rules, otherwise you will be forcibly expelled and blocked, and you will not be allowed to enter Tianchi to practice again."

After checking Qin Chen's jade badge, the personnel in charge of guarding Tianchi leaned Qin Chen's jade badge against a nearby bluestone.

When the identity jade card was handed over to Qin Chen, the fifteen-hour countdown had already started on the identity jade card.

Time is precious, Qin Chen rushed directly into Tianchi with a whoosh.

Looking at the edge of Tianchi, I don't feel anything yet.

After entering Tianchi, Qin Chen felt that a special substance was continuously getting into his body.

"This is, pure meta-matter?"

Qin Chen knew about Tianchi.

Moreover, the pure element matter in Tianchi is only a trace amount.

Only in the 'immortal pool' cultivated by the mountain guards, the pure element matter contained is relatively rich.

Of course, the more abundant ones are the ones that produce pure metamaterials, pure metaspace holes.

"It's no wonder that there are so many people in the heavens refining the 'Pure Yuan Holy Body'. After absorbing these pure Yuan substances, it is almost easy to refine them into the Pure Yuan Holy Body."

Pure Yuan matter, after all, is not exclusive to Buzhou Mountain.

Qin Chen activated the Art of Swallowing God and Enlightening Dao, and a small amount of pure Yuan matter surged towards him.

Soon, the water around Qin Chen formed a whirlpool.

Qin Chen originally thought that the pure primordial matter could help him strengthen his holy power.

It was later discovered that not only the holy power, but also the soul power and sanctity can be enhanced.

"This Tianchi is so friendly to someone like me who cultivates soul power, holy power, and holy nature!"

Qin Chen was surprised.

Even dark energy cannot enhance soul power and sanctity.

Of course, there are no other uses of dark energy, and pure metamaterials have no advantages and disadvantages.

It's just that this made Qin Chen very interested in competing for the Tianbang, becoming a mountain guard, and competing for the pure yuan space.

Not to mention Xianchi and Chunyuankong holes.

If he could keep cultivating in Tianchi, Qin Chen felt that his strength would definitely be doubled.

Qin Chen never felt that the quarter of an hour was so short.

However, after the countdown on the identity jade card became zero, Qin Chen did not dare to challenge the rules of Tianchi, and left reluctantly.

"Although I only practiced for a short quarter of an hour, my holy power has probably increased by a small tenth, my holy nature has increased by about two hundred Hertz, and my soul power has also increased significantly."

"Challenge! Without further ado, start the Tianbang challenge now!"

On the way back to his cave, Qin Chen came to the Heaven List, looking for suitable candidates.

And he found out.

This day list is actually a powerful holy weapon.

There is a spirit inside.

Qin Chen was able to communicate with Qi Ling and learned about the disciples of Tianbang.

Soon, Qin Chen chose one.

The 8th and [-]th place in the Tianbang, Moxuan Mountain.

The reason why he was chosen was because Qin Chen was more confident in dealing with Mo Xuanshan as a third-rank great sage.

After all, a challenge requires chips, and this is Qin Chen's first challenge, so it is natural to make sure nothing goes wrong.

After making the selection, Qin Chen found the cave in Moxuan Mountain according to the guidance of the spirit of Tianbang Qi, and leaned his identity jade plaque in front of his door.

The identity jade card immediately popped up an idea into Qin Chen's mind.

There are three items that need to be filled in by Qin Chen.

One, the date.

Second, chips.

Third, personal information.

Qin Chen set the date in ten days.

He intends to use this time to study the mountain spirits.

As the bargaining chip, Qin Chen used Chunrui Huaxin.

It is also a holy medicine, Chunrui Huaxin is supernatural, Qin Chen has been keeping it and not directly throwing it into the God swallowing universe to turn it into dark energy.

Soon, the identity jade badge was automatically reviewed and passed.

"You have successfully made an appointment to challenge the 772th place on the Tianbang list. The outer disciple 'Zhu Rou' is waiting for the other party to accept your challenge."

Qin Chen was stunned.

Zhu Rou?

Isn't it Moxuan Mountain that I'm challenging?

Looking at the serial number of the cave, Qin Chen's mouth twitched.

Got it wrong!
Moxuan Mountain is next door.

Qin Chen was very helpless.

I didn't expect such a funny oolong incident to happen.

No way, the challenge has been issued and cannot be withdrawn.

Qin Chen had no choice but to challenge the Tianbang with Moxuan Mountain next door. Fortunately, the date was also set in ten days.

When the time comes, come one after the other.

The chip Qin Chen chose was also a spring pistil flower heart.

It is worth mentioning that.

If the challenge loser fails to take out the corresponding chips as promised, according to the gold content of the chips, it will lose the right to freedom for a period of time and obey the orders of the winning party.

simply put.

If you lose, you have to admit it, and follow the agreement.

If you deny it, you will be enforced, your right to freedom will be abolished, and you will be someone else's marionette.

Therefore, basically no one will act arbitrarily.

After two challenges were issued.

Qin Chen returned to the Tianbang and communicated with the spirit of the Tianbang again.

Later, it was learned that this Zhu Rou, who was cultivated as a fourth-rank great sage, had been cultivating in Buzhou Mountain for more than 50 years, and he was regarded as a senior outer disciple.

"That's it."

Now that the matter is over, Qin Chen no longer thinks about it.

Returning to his own cave, and entering the God Swallowing Crystal, Qin Chen summoned the mountain spirit, the violent flame sheep.

Running the Mountain Spirit Jue and using the soul power to control it, the violent flame sheep let out a bleat like a violent bull, and spit out a large stream of magma-like heat.

"Mountain Spiritual Skill 'Flame Flow'."

Qin Chen urged the violent flame sheep again, and used another kind of mountain spirit skill to contradict him.

I saw the Violent Flaming Sheep suddenly acting like a madman, the energy in its body went berserk, and the two fiery red horns seemed to be burning, and it rushed forward madly.


The void vibrated, and a hole was pushed out by the violent flame sheep.

"Fortunately, I can control it. It is indeed very violent, but because of this, this is just a confrontation with the newly introduced mountain spirit skills, and it also exploded with terrible lethality."

After the mountain spirit parasitizes the saint, it actually strengthens the saint's own strength to a certain extent.

And the strength of this enhancement depends on the mountain spirit itself and the mountain spirit skills.

"Lamb, come here."

Qin Chen waved.

The Violent Yanyang changed his berserk attitude and obediently came to Qin Chen's side.

"Do you want to master the mountain spirit skills of other mountain spirits?"

Qin Chen asked.

The Violent Flame Sheep was taken aback for a moment, then bleated, and then bleated a few more times.

"You mean, you want to master it, but you won't?"

Qin Chen read out its meaning.

The violent flame sheep bleated and nodded.

"Not necessarily impossible."

Qin Chen smiled slightly.

He recalled the three mountain spirits he met in the fishtail forest, the cloud, the thorny mantis and the dark tentacles, and decided to try the thorny mantis's mountain skill, Thorn Flying Spike first.

After all, the Thorn Mantis is the same damage attribute as the Flame Sheep, and the Thorn Mantis is one level higher than the Flame Sheep.

If Yanyang can really master the mountain spirit skill of Thorn Mantis, Qin Chen thinks that this should be a very interesting thing.

(End of this chapter)

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