People are full of pirates

Chapter 10 Assessment of Temporary Changes

Chapter 10 Assessment of Temporary Changes

Aokiji bowed his head slightly and remained silent.

He was a witness and a participant in the massacre that happened in O'Hara more than four months ago.

The kind of "burning justice" that was like a raging fire in his heart, gradually faded away after this action, and even his whole temperament began to change from fighting spirit to laziness.

Zefa could clearly feel the changes in his disciples, but he couldn't comfort him directly—how should he explain the hidden secrets of the Demon Slaughtering Order this time?What position should we stand on to explain?

He also disliked many things like Aokiji, but Mary Joa was pressing on his head, Zefa knew for a long time that some things, let alone a lieutenant general of the headquarters, even if he was the youngest admiral in the navy, he would still Powerless to change.


Zefa let out a long sigh, and said in a low voice after a long time, "I can't teach you some things, I just hope that you can still abide by the justice in your heart no matter what others are like, no matter how you are in the boot camp. …”

"Recently, there are not many tasks in the headquarters. It is estimated that you are not in the mood for the time being. What kind of battle are you going to participate in?"

He looked at the green pheasant, frowned for a while, and suddenly said, "That's it, the batch of freshmen I'm bringing with me should almost arrange an actual combat assessment."

"I originally wanted to take them out in person. Now that you're back, I'll leave it to you this time. I can just take a break for a while, how about it?"

"Leave it to me?" Qingzhi finally raised his head this time, his expression a little stunned.

"Ha, that's right!"

Zefa patted him on the shoulder and laughed, "Don't think too much, just take it as a holiday for yourself to relax, although you've had too many holidays in the past few months, making someone extremely jealous."


Aokiji hesitated for a moment, and finally, under Zefa's expectant gaze, he took a deep breath and nodded seriously.

There are smart people in the room, and he can probably guess Zefa's painstaking efforts.

——It is nothing more than letting myself relax and spend some time with these younger generations. Maybe from these children who are full of passion and enthusiasm for the future, I can regain my original intention of defending justice and let myself get out of this period of confusion and pain. trough period.


Aokiji looked out of the window in confusion. The white flag of the fortress of Marin Fando was still fluttering in the wind.

Does this method really work for him today?


In the spacious indoor venue, more than [-] recruits from the elite battalion of the headquarters gathered here to conduct physical confrontation training in groups.

It is now nine o'clock, and the daily training in the morning has been going on for a while. As the chief instructor, Zefa has not shown up for a long time, but he sent someone to bring unexpected news.

"Tomorrow's assessment has been cancelled?"

Nuoxia was in a group with Xiliu, and they used the six styles to learn from each other. After hearing the news, they couldn't help but stunned, "What's the situation, has Teacher Zefa asked for leave for a few days?"

"To be precise, it's not a cancellation, but a delay."

On the opposite side, Shiliu was smoking a cigarette, and while deftly using shaving to avoid the bamboo sword chopped by Nuoxia, he said solemnly:

"When I was having dinner in the morning, I heard that Teacher Zefa was discussing with the generals of the Warring States period. He seemed to want to hold an actual combat test to let us recruits see the world. It is estimated that he has been preparing for this in the past few days."

"That's it."

Nuo Xia suddenly realized that this group of recruits had been in the camp for almost a year, and it was a bit boring to just conduct an assessment in the headquarters every month. He felt that it was indeed a bit boring, and it was almost time for a real battle.

"Is there any more detailed gossip?" he asked again, "For example, what pirate group is the target? The New World or the first half of the Great Route?"

"I don't know, but you think too much about the new world."

Shiliu said angrily, "No matter how you say it's an actual combat, it's just an assessment. With the overall strength of us people, if we go to the new world to perform tasks, even if there are instructors to protect them, there will inevitably be major injuries. At that time, Teacher Zefa But I can't explain it to the headquarters."

"Eighty percent of them are the pirates in the first half, and they're the ones that have just entered the great route not long ago."

Shiliu took a deep breath and put forward his own point of view, "But it is also possible in the four seas. After all, there are still many suitable targets in these places, oh, of course, except your hometown of Donghai."

Among the four seas, the pirates in the East China Sea are the least popular. This is a consensus that the world knows.

In the rest of the sea area, there is no shortage of big pirates with a reward of [-] to [-] million. Only the East China Sea, I heard that the highest bounty is only [-] million Bailey.

"The truth is sometimes really hurtful, Shiliu."

Nuoxia looked sad and said in a heavy tone, "You still need to change your temper. Besides, there are no pirates with high bounties in the East China Sea. Isn't it a good thing to stand in the position of our navy?"

Shiliu laughed, too lazy to talk, and instead asked casually, "Speaking of which, you seem to have been looking forward to this assessment since the morning?"

"When I first heard that it was cancelled, I was a little disappointed. Why, this time I have the confidence to advance some places?"

"Have it?"

Nuo Xia laughed dryly, and muttered in her heart - how could he even see this guy, did he really act so obvious?

Shiliu's guess was really accurate. Since he obtained the system yesterday, he has indeed been looking forward to this assessment.

Relying on the newly comprehended intermediate paper painting skills, as well as the increased two points of stamina, it may not be possible to win the first place with a blockbuster, but it should not be a problem to enter the top [-].

The position of a thousand-year-old fifty-year-old has long been tired of sitting crooked, and it is time to move forward!

But the plan could never keep up with the changes. He had already figured out how to sway first and then raise during the assessment, and perform a perfect script of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, to harvest the surprised eyes of the soldiers in the same period.

As a result, I waited until today, but it came to me like this?
This is not the case!

"Still distracted?"

When Nuoxia was absent-minded, a low voice suddenly came from behind her ears.

But it was Shiliu, who had been directly in front of him the previous second, but he didn't know when he circled to the back right, pointed a pistol, and went straight to his shoulder.

Naturally, the blow was strong, and even if it hit, it was at most a skin injury, but the speed was not reduced at all, and it was already close to the surface of Nuoxia's skin in an instant.

Got it!
Shiliu's eyes were calm. In his opinion, Nuo Xia, who showed her flaws, had no time to react, and the next moment she had to jump on the spot with her arms in pain.


Just between the electric light and flint that the finger gun was about to hit, Nuoxia turned her back to his body, slammed to the left, twisted at a very strange angle, as if it merged with the surrounding airflow, it was so extreme that it could no longer be used. Dodge the blow to the limit.


Shilu suddenly took a breath of cold air.

His eyesight is very strong, and from the subtle air flow from his fingertips, he can naturally tell that Nuo Xia's reaction is definitely not a blow-up, but a performance of the home art of paper painting.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

When Nuoxia turned around, he found that Shiliu looked at himself up and down as if he was looking at a monster, "Tell me, who are you, and are you pretending to be Rossi? When did you become so skilled in paper painting?"

Nuoxia was silent for a long time.

"...Still that sentence, Shiliu, to be honest, sometimes he really hurts people."

(End of this chapter)

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