People are full of pirates

Chapter 102 "SMOKE" [24]

Chapter 102 "SMOKE" [24]

The death of Messiah marked the final conclusion of this battle.

The Hawkeye Pirates, who were already at a disadvantage, completely lost their fighting spirit after witnessing the death of their own captain and fell into a complete defeat.

And when Nuo Xia, who took the time to come, fell from the sky and joined the battle, this process was further accelerated.

Without the restraint of an opponent of the same level as the eagle-eyed Messiah, he was like a unparalleled man, rushing into the chicken cubs, and never encountered decent resistance at all.

The pirate who offered a reward of millions may have been decapitated before he could even see his sword;

Even those cadres who offered a reward of [-] to [-] yuan could only last for one or two rounds before being ruthlessly killed in seconds.

to the end.

The generals of the G2 branch, including Major General Buma, were stunned to find that they seemed to have nothing else to do.

Just follow Nuo Xia, who swept across the enemy at the speed of light, and clean up the battlefield.

Victory has never been so easy.


About two or three hours later.

After cleaning up the warships on the battlefield, in the darkness, they officially began to turn around and head back to the island where the G2 branch base is located.

On the empty deck.

Major General Buma leaned against the moonlight, with a cigar dangling from the corner of his mouth, looking towards the direction of the cabin, with a strange expression on his face.

That he a monster?
Just now, she witnessed Nuo Xia who had just returned to the warship. After a brief wash, she rushed into the training room energetically, closed the door, and started the penance in hell again.

Is there really no need to rest?
Boulma glanced at Hechuan Xiuma not far away. The latter was exhausted after fighting hard for several hours. Now he was lying sprawled on the deck, soundly asleep.

She fell into deep thought.

Both are geniuses who came to experience in the elite camp of the headquarters, and they are all disciples trained by Mr. Zefa himself. Why is there such a big gap?
"Major General."

The voice of the adjutant suddenly came from behind, and she turned her head quickly, "What? Is it about those children?"

When boarding the ship and returning to the voyage, she ordered that she should do her best to rescue the children who were sealed in the freezer, and if there was any progress, she would report back as soon as possible.

"Yes." The adjutant nodded, "Those children don't seem to have been frozen for a long time. So far, after Dr. Rhea's full treatment, more than [-] people have regained consciousness and woke up, and there are more than [-] people. I am also gradually recovering my body functions.”

"And the rest..." The adjutant looked up at her, finally sighed, and didn't have the heart to continue.

Major General Boomer exhaled a puff of smoke and remained silent.

According to her previous statistics, there are a large number of freezers that have been fished out, more than one hundred and ten.

The adjutant only talked about most of the situation, and the remaining thirty or so people deliberately concealed it, and the result can be imagined...

"Damn pirates."

After a long time, Major General Buma snuffed out the cigarette butt, and said in a low voice, "Let's go, take me to see those children."

"Yes, Major General."

The two entered the cabin, walked through the long corridor, and finally stopped in front of a door at the end.

Boulma opened the door and walked in. There were a large number of hospital beds and some temperature recovery equipment inside. Both the doctors and the logistics staff who came to help were busy with their feet on the ground at the moment.

Some of the children on the hospital bed were still in a coma, and some had woken up, but their spirits were not very good, their complexions were weak and pale, and it was difficult for them to even sit up.

Some female logistics staff who came to help were sitting on the bedsides of these children, carefully feeding them hot water and warm porridge.

Witnessing this scene, Major General Buma, who was originally depressed, finally felt a little relieved and his mood improved.

She looked around the entire room, suddenly seemed to notice something, was slightly startled, and her eyes fell somewhere by the wall.

There, standing there was a strange boy about fourteen or fifteen years old, who was concentrating on helping the logistics staff on the side, feeding water and porridge to the children who had just woken up.

The boy has a white cropped hair. Although he is wearing a jacket and leather pants and is dressed maturely, he is only fourteen or fifteen years old from his appearance, and he is still a half-grown boy.

His face was pale and bloodless, and it was obvious that he had just been rescued from the freezer. His mental state was not good, but his small face was full of determination, and he was busy tossing and turning between the beds.

Major General Boulma watched quietly for a while, his eyes showing appreciation.

"Hey, little guy."

She walked forward slowly, squatted down, and said softly: "You should go and rest, we still have enough people here, no need to help."

"I just want to do my best, sir." The white-haired boy shook his head lightly, without stopping what he was doing, "Please rest assured, I have always been in good shape and can hold on."

He spoke firmly, and that expression reminded Boulma inexplicably of Nuo Xia on the battlefield before, so she smiled, rubbed his little head, and stopped persuading him.

The adjutant beside him handed over a statistical form at this time, and Boulma looked at it, which recorded the brief identity information asked from the children who woke up, and each had corresponding photos.

The purpose is to allow the Navy to quickly help them contact their families and send them back to their hometowns.

On the top of the first page is the photo of the white-haired boy. Major General Boulma fixed his eyes on it, and whispered the words marked below:
"Donghai, Luoge Town, Smoker..."


An empty training room.

Nuo Xia did not immediately start hard training, but sat in front of the iron wall, silently sorting out her thoughts, counting the gains from this battle.

First of all, of course, is the military exploits.

In this battle, he not only defeated Hawkeye Messiah himself, but also beheaded more than ten pirate cadres with bounties of more than [-] million Baileys, three of whom had more than [-] million Baileys.

Undoubtedly, he should be the first to destroy the Hawkeye Pirates in such a short period of time.

The navy has a mature combat merit statistics system. Although there is no detailed quantification of how much bounty pirates exchange for how much military merit, there are a lot of past practices that can be used as reference criteria for judging.

Nuo Xia estimated that with his brilliant record this time, it was enough for a lieutenant colonel of the Navy headquarters to be promoted to colonel, and there was still some surplus.

In other words, even if he applied for graduation right now, he could be directly awarded the position of colonel in the headquarters. Considering the giant bear Sano he defeated before and his amazing performance, it is not impossible to even be appointed brigadier general.

"If in the next two months or so, there is still a chance to meet a few Hawk-eyed Messiah-level pirates, it doesn't need to be many, just defeat two or three more, and the quasi-position will be stable."

"And if on this basis, I defeat the pirate who offered a reward of over [-] million, then I have the qualifications to be appointed as a major general as soon as I graduate, just like Akainu Aokiji and the others."

The plan is indeed very good, but...there are so many big pirates of this level around the G2 branch, and he caught them all by coincidence?

"There's still not enough time..."

Nuo Xia rubbed her face in distress.

Well, let's put it aside for now, anyway, in the next time, he has to continue to work harder.

After three months, Zefa will come to pick them up and return to the headquarters. Every minute and every second of the internship period is precious, and the efficiency of combat exploits must be fully utilized.

In addition to the military exploits, there are two gains this time.

The first one is the upgrade progress of Yong En's twin swords.

Nuo Xia didn't have the habit of holding hands with pirates. In this battle, regardless of whether the opponent was a fruit-capable user or not, he would kill him if he could, and make up his sword if he could.

If this is the case, those who can survive with a sigh of relief can only be said to be really lucky, and are eligible to be sent to the city of advancement to fencing with those prisoners.

 The second update, there are two more.

(End of this chapter)

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