People are full of pirates

Chapter 105 The daily life of the husband and wife who are crazy about fighting

Chapter 105 The daily life of the husband and wife who are crazy about fighting
Half past six in the morning.

The warship departed from the port on time and sailed to Phuket Island, [-] kilometers southwest, to expel the Cheese Pirates entrenched there.

The team was led by a young branch colonel named Stieres.

This seemed to be the first time he led a ship to perform a mission of this level alone. He was full of fighting spirit and eager to try, and the desire for battle in his eyes was almost overflowing.

"Thief hahaha, are you two recruits from the headquarters who came to my ship for training?"

He leaned on the railing, lighted a cigar smartly, and grinned at Nuo Xia and Xi Ya who had just boarded the boat:
"I must be very nervous now. After all, the enemy is a big pirate with a reward of more than [-] million Berries."

"But don't worry! With me, Colonel Steeles, there is absolutely no chance for him to hurt you... Cough cough cough cough!"

Seeing Shi Tieleis, who was coughing violently due to choking on the cigar and nearly passed out, Nuo Xia helplessly helped his forehead.

"...Colonel, has someone reminded you that it is best not to cross your lungs when you smoke a cigar for the first time?"

"Cough cough, cough there still such a thing?"

Shitieres was so choked that tears came out, "But it's not the first time for me, I'm obviously very experienced, less... less underestimate people!"

Even though being handsome was exposed, the young Colonel Stieres still struggled to maintain his pride.


This pride is destined not to last long.

When the warship arrived at Phuket Island and witnessed Nuo Xia rushing into the pirate group and killing them like a god descending from the earth, Shi Tieresi's eyes almost popped out.

——Are you kidding me, such a fierce guy is actually just a recruit?

He followed Nuo Xia's butt all the way, every time he made a move, he was one step late.

I can only watch helplessly as the various pirate cadres, no matter whether they offer rewards of several million or [-] to [-] million, have no power to resist in front of this monster recruit, and all kinds of tricks fly out screaming. .

In the blink of an eye, the pirate stronghold was completely cleared, and they were killed directly in front of the captain of the cheese pirates.

There's nothing wrong with me the whole time.

"..." Shi Tieleis stood alone on the street, holding his saber, at a loss for what to do.

This time he really wanted to smoke a cigar silently.


The captain of the Cheese Pirates, named "Cheese Monster" Wallace, has a bounty of 5600 million Baileys. He is a Superman with cheese fruit ability. He is a bald fat guy with a height of [-] meters and a weight of [-].

With this body type, it's hard not to doubt whether he uses his fruit ability all day long to feed himself by self-produced and sold.

"Ho, ho... ho."

There were no living subordinates around, Wallace looked at Nuo Xia who was approaching with a blank face, backed away step by step to the corner with sweat profusely, and screamed in despair:

"You...don't come here!"

Why did I look like a villain, Nuo Xia rolled his eyes, and didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, he dodged to the top of the opponent's head, let out a low shout, and the red and white swords slashed down at the same time.

It's now!

Wallace, who looked cowardly and fearful just now, suddenly had a ferocious face, stomped his feet, and summoned a large amount of cheese that had been ambushed in advance from the gap in the floor tiles under his feet.

Thick and dense cheese poured out of the ground, boiled and condensed, and swallowed the wind sword and the Yazakana sword in an instant, making the two swords fixed and sealed in midair.

"Did you carelessly underestimate the enemy? Now that you don't have a sword, let me see what you can use to fight me!"

The fat on Wallace's smiling face trembled wildly, turned into a semi-fluid arm, wrapped in a large amount of cheese, and slammed towards Nuo Xia, roaring in his mouth:

"Remember, cheese... is power, kid!"

Seeing the rushing flow of cheese, Nuo Xia didn't show any panic on his face, but gave Wallace a strange look.

"Shave" was launched instantly, he easily dodged the opponent's attack, and appeared on the top of Wallace's head, while extending his hardened right arm, his fist clenched suddenly.

"Who says I can't kill people without a sword..."

Under Wallace's horrified gaze, he grinned mercilessly, and with his fists shining with jet black luster, he slammed the opponent's door swiftly and neatly.

"Hey, I'm a fist of justice, Fatty!"

The ground suddenly opened a huge pothole several meters wide. Wallace lay on the bottom of the pit with his head sunk into his chest cavity.


It took the navy less than an hour and a half from landing on the island to leaving the island.

Except for cleaning up the battlefield and organizing the finishing work, Shi Tieresi, who had done nothing, returned to the deck in a daze, and commanded the warship to return to the voyage in a dull manner.


What's the point of being a navy, and what's the point of being a captain?

A young captain full of fighting spirit was hit so hard and turned into a salted fish who lost his dreams.

Nuo Xia didn't realize this. It was dusk and the sunset was gorgeous. Even he couldn't bear to let down this beautiful scenery. He was bored in the training room and couldn't get out once he got on the ship.

Instead, he stood at the bow of the boat with Shia in his arms, blowing the sea breeze, rubbing his ears and temples together, and kept warm for a long time.

The picture is quite visual, and it is hard not to worry about whether the warship will hit the glacier in the next second.

Colonel Stieres, who managed to calm himself down, saw this scene as soon as he turned his head, and turned back to his body with a numb face, and silently lit the cigar that he had only smoked before.


In the following days.

In this way, Nuo Xia, accompanied by Shi Ya, continued his high-intensity daily battle exploits.

His luck seems to have been really good all the time. He doesn't have to wait too long for a vacuum every time. He often just returns to the port of the G2 branch and can set off on another warship a few hours later.

The difficulty of the missions he received fluctuated. The target bounty ranged from [-] to [-] million to [-] to [-] million, and the captains he rubbed against the ship also had different ranks, ranging from colonel to brigadier general. And there are.

But no matter what the situation was, Nuo Xia's fierce and invincible performance made each combat mission end quickly, and the captains who led the team were stunned.

Over time, at the end of the month, his name finally began to gradually spread in the G2 branch.

At the beginning, it was only limited to the small circle among the senior generals.

But later, as the news fermented more and more fiercely, tens of thousands of marines in the entire G2 branch knew that there was a strong man who came from the headquarters and was hunting and killing the surrounding sea with unprecedented efficiency. Thieves.

down a month.

Among the pirates planted in his hands, there are already more than [-] pirates with a reward of more than [-] million, and there are countless little ones underneath.

This record is simply appalling. When Instructor Brandon got the detailed record report from the female staff officer, he stayed for a long time before recovering.

Even Huang Yuan, who faintly heard about this from his subordinates' discussions, glanced at the performance report when it was coming, also widened his eyes, and fell into a long silence...



———Shileu’s Diary———

It has been a week since I came to the G6 branch.

I still missed those two guys, until I met that girl...

Well, is this what it feels like to be heartbroken?
I've always been absent-minded these few days, I can't even practice swords, and I feel that my whole body is a little abnormal.

After all, normal people don't know how to keep diaries.

 I went to the hospital to check my intestines today, and I came back very late, and I could only type while standing. I will try my best to write, and I can still do it in two updates.

  In addition, the last chapter still did not hide, and I was caught by the crab for a while, I have already posted it in this chapter...

(End of this chapter)

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