People are full of pirates

Chapter 108 I won't be attacked by myself! 【23】

Chapter 108 I Won't Be Raided by Myself! 【twenty three】

The last reward that needs to be opened is random attribute points.

The blue dice began to spin rapidly again.

[End of ROLL point]

【Your charm attribute has been +1】

To be honest, even though Nuo Xia had already vaguely expected it in his heart, when he saw the dice stop and such a line of words pop out, he still felt a bit painful for no reason.

Yes, charm is indeed the most expensive, and this item is indeed the most profitable no matter from which point of view.

But can't you give me some suspense and surprises?

Every time is the charm, which makes the ROLL point become dull, and there is no fun for a dime. Hey!

After adding a little charm, Nuo Xia's current charm value has reached 14 points.

What is this concept?
Nuo Xia still remembers that he had only 12 points of charisma when he was in the actual combat assessment with Aokiji, but by virtue of the skill effect of "Grinning Tooth", he temporarily raised his charisma point to 14 points, and directly let Chef Vidona Mother fell on the spot...

Now under normal conditions, his charisma value is already on par with that at that time, whether there will be some uncontrollable situation in the future... Nuo Xia himself is a little nervous.

He searched for a long time in the training room, finally found a mirror, stared at the figure inside up and down for a long time, and finally turned his head away with a strange expression...

He began to understand why the later Empress Hancock became so narcissistic and pathologically virtuous.

Charm is a thing, the further you go, every time it rises, the impression it brings to people will be a qualitative improvement...

"Although my willpower is definitely stronger than Hancock's..."

He scratched his scalp and muttered depressingly, "But in order not to distort my personality and become a narcissist, in addition to brushing my teeth and washing my face, I should try my best to look in the mirror as little as possible."

If you really want to attack yourself, it will be a lot of fun.


early morning.

On the sea, the warship is sailing at full speed.

The sky was as clear as a mirror, and a news bird was spreading its wings. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small figure flying up, so I subconsciously slowed down.

As the distance got closer, it saw clearly that it was a cute little chubby pigeon, barely considered its own kind.

It's not as big as my own head, and I don't know how to fly to such a high place...

The chubby little white pigeon stopped in front of the news bird, pouted its beak towards the green cloth bag hanging around its neck, the news bird's eyes widened, full of doubts, you little pigeon, what do you want my newspaper for?
Don't say you can't understand it, if I give it to you, you can't fly with a newspaper...

Newsbird shook his head, no matter how anxious the little white dove was, it vibrated its wings and was ready to fly away at high speed.

Then it took a solid punch.

The news bird's eyes were full of gold stars, and before he could recover, he was stunned to see the little white pigeon forcibly snatching a newspaper and dropping a 30 Bailey coin.

Then swaggered away and flew towards the warship below...

Newsbird touched his swollen cheeks aggrievedly, feeling unacceptable.

It has delivered newspapers for so long, and pirates have never treated themselves like this, and today they were bullied by a pigeon?
He's obviously just a little kid, why is he so strong?


on the deck.

"Thank you, Xiao Luo."

Nuo Xia took the newspaper from the little white dove's mouth, touched the little guy's head with a smile, and let it bounce on his shoulders.

The cubs seem to be a little mischievous and naughty, and Dingchun is the same, he has long been used to it.

"It's rare to see you buying newspapers..." Shia was next to him, curiously leaning her head over, "Is there any big news?"

She watched Nuo Xia unfold the newspaper, and when she saw the headline on the front page was "The World Conference will be held early next year, countries are currently preparing for it", she lost interest and instead teased the little Luo on Nuo Xia's shoulder .

After all, she is a girl, so she has basically zero immunity to this kind of furry cutie.

Nuo Xia was also not very interested in the reports of the World Conference. After a quick glance, he turned directly to the second page. The content of this page was much more attractive.

It's about the newly joined Shichibukai.

Although the Qiwuhai system has been officially released for some time, it seems that it is not easy to find suitable candidates. Nuo Xia remembers that there were only three people in the first batch made public.

The youngest among them is the sand crocodile Crocodile who has been famous in the sea for breaking through the past few years. He once fought with the famous fighting madman Douglas Barrett on the Roger Pirates, and has never been able to tell the winner in many duels. .

The original bounty was also the lowest, only 8100 million Baileys. Nuo Xia reckoned that if the World Government's reaction was slower, and he was later recruited into Qibuhai, this number could easily double before the end of the year.

According to the report, there are two new Qiwuhais in this batch.

One of them, Nuo Xia, is very familiar, Moonlight Moria. In the photo, he is young and thin, with dark eyes, and he has not yet turned into the image of the middle-aged fat-headed fish.

speak up.

This guy used to be an ambitious madman, but since he was wiped out by Kaido's entire army in the New World two years ago, he fled back to Paradise in embarrassment.

It is said that he has not yet recovered from the blow, and is depressed, driving a broken boat all day long idly around, following the current situation and joining Qibuhai to dawdle, it does not surprise the outside world at all...

I don't know when I will enter the devil's triangle sea area, and start to take root there as a fat house, learning how to make things with the hands of the first emperor all day long...

The other one is very strange.

It was a young man with long blue hair, in his early thirties, with a face as sharp as a knife, handsome and masculine, with firm and calm eyes facing the camera, not like a pirate at all, but like a representative of justice navy.

The name indicated below is Nafiru Tali William.

The name looked familiar, and Nuo Xia carefully looked through the relevant reports below, and found that this guy was born in the Kingdom of Alabasta, and he was the nephew of the previous king...

Yes, isn't Naferutali the royal family name of the Kingdom of Alabasta?

Nuo Xia frowned and pondered. So, this man is the cousin of the next King Cobra and the distant cousin of Princess Weiwei?

The royal family of Alabasta was once a genuine Celestial Dragon. The ancestor eight hundred years ago was one of the twenty kings who founded the world government.

Even as a time traveler, he has always sneered at the theory of bloodlines, but he has to admit it.

From the point of view of this world, this guy's status is second only to Mary Joy's group of Bubble Bobblers...

How did such a guy somehow become a pirate, and even become a member of the Seven Martial Sea?
Nuo Xia glanced at the original bounty under the photo, [-] million Baileys, which is quite high in the first half of the entire great route.

That is to say, this guy is fully qualified to become Qi Wuhai, not because of his blood identity by the world government.

It's a pity that the newspaper didn't mention his past much. Nuo Xia's little curiosity soon passed away, and he didn't bother to ask the people on the warship, so he casually flipped through the pages behind him.

"Hello, Nuo Xia."

At this moment, a burly figure wearing a white cloak of justice came in front of him. Nuo Xia raised his head and showed a gentle and polite smile:

"What, is there something wrong, Senior Ghost Spider?"

 The second update is still written on my stomach, I should be able to sit down tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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