People are full of pirates

第110章 剑斩海王类【2合1,33】

Chapter 110 Sword Slaying Sea Kings [Two in One, 33]

"What did the girl say her name was?"

On the way back to the warship, the ghost spider didn't hear clearly, and kept asking Nuo Xia there.

"I don't know, I don't know, I'm not interested."

Nuo Xia was expressionless.

He was really not interested, to be precise, he really didn't want to have anything to do with that girl.


At first, he didn't have any impression just by looking at the face, but when the other party omitted his name in the self-introduction, he immediately remembered it.

——The colleague of Shiliu in the future, the warden of the advancing city, was petrified by the empress Hancock.

Judging from the performance just now, she is a 100% pathological slut with a tendency to shake M.

Boys need to know how to protect themselves when they are alone. For such an unpredictable guy, it is better to keep a little distance.

The ghost spider who couldn't satisfy its curiosity curled its lips, showing a bored expression.


The warship left the island and chased towards Sentin Island.

The so-called Sentine Island is actually the island where the Alabasta Kingdom is located, with a population of more than [-] million. Looking at the entire great route, it is also one of the few super large islands.

It takes at least five days of sailing to reach the sea area where Nuo Xia and the others are located.

Ghost Spider asked someone to bring the sea chart, and after observing it for a long time, he gave his own speculation, thinking that the target of the Max Pirates was not Sentin Island, but the town of Picardo in the middle.

It was an illegal area with prosperous black market trade, where many pirates would cash in the looted property, and then spend their days and nights in the town, spending money like water.

They often go in with a lot of money, empty their pockets, and donate all the money they robbed to the black businessmen in the town, who are always beating workers.

"Reasonable." Nuo Xia nodded, "So how soon can we get to Picardo?"

"It's almost before dawn." The ghost spider thought for a while, "Our boat is fast, if the other party doesn't get too far away, maybe we can bump into them on the road tonight."


Nuo Xia waved her hand casually, turned around and walked to the cabin, not sure if she was going to train or talk to Shia, "Just call me when we get there."

"This guy……"

Looking at the back of Nuo Xia going away, Ghost Spider muttered, "I really don't treat myself as an outsider."

Obviously he is both the captain and the senior, how come he looks like a subordinate in front of the other party?

This guy is always polite and impeccable in dealing with people at the beginning, but once he gets to know him well, his nature will be exposed immediately, and he will not be polite to you at all...

But the ghost spider also knows.

Regardless of his future achievements, just because of Nuo Xia's current strength and the achievements he has made in battle, if he immediately applies for graduation, he can at least be awarded the position of brigadier general.

And I probably have to hang around in the position of colonel in the headquarters for a few years, and work through the qualifications before I can hope to be promoted.

That is to say...

As long as that kid is willing, he can really become his superior at any time, maybe he will become his immediate superior directly.

After all, looking at Mr. Polusalino's attitude, it seems that he really hopes that Nuo Xia can stay in the G2 branch. If he is transferred to the G2 branch after being awarded the title, he will definitely raise his hands and feet and welcome him warmly.

The ghost spider sighed faintly.

The most depressing thing in the world is this.


That night, around seven or eight o'clock.

Nuo Xia, who had finished his exercise, just walked out of Shia's room when he felt a violent bump and shake on the board under his feet. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Enemy attack?"

His complexion changed slightly, and he rushed to the deck immediately. After getting out of the cabin, he found the ghost spider standing in front of the railing with an ugly face, looking at the sea in the southeast direction from afar.

The rest of the soldiers on the deck were even more flustered.

"what happened?"

Nuo Xia then looked over there, and found that the sea surface hundreds of meters away was actually bubbling and bubbling, the waves were gradually getting rougher, and a huge figure could be seen vaguely entrenched in it.

"Too bad luck!" Ghost Spider choked out his cigar and cursed, "Damn it, it's his mother's sea king!"

Almost at the moment when his voice fell, the figure dormant under the sea suddenly broke through the waves!

It was a monster that was [-] to [-]% similar to a giant python, with a cold light shining in its inverted triangular eyes, as if staring at its prey, and looked down at the people on the deck of the warship.


It spits out snake letters gently, with a slender and huge dark blue body, every time it moves around, it will cause the surrounding seawater to surge violently, and the scales on its body are densely arranged, reflecting a cold luster under the moonlight.

"It's at least two to three hundred meters long..." Ghost Spider's eyes were gloomy, "Although it can't be compared with those big guys in the windless belt, they can barely be regarded as small and medium-sized sea kings, but this size is no longer something we can resist It's..."

Damn, how could you be so unlucky today!

It's not that he hasn't encountered Sea Kings before, but every time he bumps into them, they either happen to pass by and are not interested in warships, or they are far enough away that they can be avoided after being detected in advance.

But this time, he bumped into him head-on at night!

It's too late to even escape!

"I can only fight to the death."

The red hair behind the ghost spider stretched out like spider legs, each holding a sword, then he turned his head, gritted his teeth and said:

"The lifeboats are all ready, we have to cooperate and try our best to delay and stop this guy, and buy time for the rest of the people on board to escape..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that Nuo Xia, who was standing behind him just now, had disappeared without a trace.

What about people?

While he was in confusion, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded from above his head.

The ghost spider raised its head subconsciously, only to find in astonishment the next moment that Nuo Xia actually rose into the sky on moon steps, silently drew his sword in the night, and slashed at the sea king!
"Hey, you guy!"

The ghost spider's eyes widened, and he couldn't help shouting anxiously: "This is not the time to be brave, kid! That's a sea king, you will die!"

Nuo Xia in the night sky also heard the roar of the ghost spider, but he didn't look back, still staring at the sea kings below with piercing eyes, grinning with a fighting spirit.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

——Who is dead, but it is not certain!

It has been more than a month since he stepped into the realm of swordsman, and his swordsmanship realm has improved a lot. He has been able to perfectly integrate the weapon color with the lunar eclipse, and he has long wanted to find a reasonable target to try his skills.

However, the pirates he encountered in the past period were of average strength, and they were all things that could be dealt with with a single shot.

Now that he finally met one, and his body was moderate, he was too excited for such a good opportunity, so how could he back down just like that!
Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, the sea kings, like giant pythons, finally noticed the movement above their heads.


It raised its head and narrowed its eyes to look at Nuo Xia for a moment, then vomited the snake letter, then roared ferociously, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Nuo Xia on the head!

"It came just right!"

Nuo Xia let out a low cry, his mind condensed, and the wind sword and Yazakana sword were almost simultaneously covered with dark armed colors.

The blade of the sword fell, and the brilliance, as bright as a silver moon, burst out suddenly at this moment, dazzling and dazzling, it was actually the small half of the night sky above the general ship, reflecting it as if it were daytime!
The majestic sword energy whizzing out was covered by this brilliance, and at a terrifying speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, it spanned hundreds of meters of sky, and slashed towards the blood basin of the Neptune below!
The deafening explosion suddenly resounded across the sea at this moment, and when the glare gradually dissipated, everyone on the warship, including the ghost spider, regained their vision.

It was found that there was a cross-shaped wound on the head of the Neptune, which ran through both cheeks and cut off the letter of the snake. Large strands of dark blue blood gushed out like a fountain.

The Neptunes, who are like giant pythons, are suffering from pain and have fallen into a state of rage, with their tails constantly sweeping and stirring.

Even if they were hundreds of meters apart, everyone on the warship could feel as if they were being sucked into an ocean storm, constantly shaking with the violent vibration of the hull.

And above the sky.

Seeing that his sword qi had successfully caused huge damage, Nuo Xia had no intention of stopping and holding back his hands. He used both red and white swords, and the offensive was almost wave after wave.

The gongs and drums were tight and tight, and the Sea King was not given the slightest chance to breathe and fight back.


After nearly half an hour of fierce fighting.

The Neptunes, who were like giant pythons, struggled to no avail, and finally let out a desperate wail. Their bodies crashed into the sea, and the dark blue blood kept floating up, without any life anymore.

And the life and death crisis faced by the entire warship, hundreds of sailors on and off, was also declared resolved.


Only then did Nuo Xia return to the warship on moon steps. As soon as he stepped on the deck, almost all the naval soldiers gathered around, and a burst of earth-shattering enthusiastic cheers erupted from the crowd.

"As expected of Mr. Nuo Xia!"

"Even the Neptunes can defeat... simply, simply too strong!"

"If only I could have half of Mr. Nuo Xia... no, even a fifth of it, that would be great!"

The ghost spider's reaction was also not much better. The cigar at the corner of his mouth fell to the ground, and he was looking at himself up and down with a monster-like gaze.

"Hey, hey, don't make such a fuss, right?"

Nuo Xia walked through the crowd, walked up to the ghost spider, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "It's just an ordinary sea king, there are many strong people in this department who can kill it in seconds, you have graduated for several years, Don't tell me you haven't seen this kind of scene."

"Nonsense, of course I have seen..."

The ghost spider retorted subconsciously. He had followed Lieutenant General Sakaski on the expedition, and had witnessed the latter turn a sea king into a grilled fish with a light punch.

But, can this be the same?

"How old are you, you haven't graduated yet..."

Looking at the smiling Nuo Xia, he didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only sigh melancholy, "The future is really limitless. I always feel that there will be a place for you in the general position in the future."

"Of course, it's one of my dreams."

Nuo Xia laughed loudly, not concealing her ambition at all, "And when the time comes, I will also break off the leg of the guy next to me!"

The ghost spider can't understand this.

"Forget it, let's continue on our way." The ghost spider didn't take it to heart, and turned to ask the adjutant under him, "How is it, there is nothing wrong with the hull?"

He originally asked casually and habitually, but unexpectedly, the adjutant actually said with a sad face: "There is a problem, Colonel..."


"The boatman came to report just now, saying that the blood of this sea king is corrosive to a certain extent. There is an area on the bottom of the warship that has been stained. It has shown signs of damage and needs to be repaired immediately..."

"How long will it take?" Ghost Spider's expression darkened again.

"Conservatively, it will take at least seven or eight hours..." The adjutant said cautiously, "That is to say, for safety reasons, we have to anchor for the time being and wait until dawn to set sail again..."


Now it's not just the ghost spider, but Nuo Xia on the side couldn't calm down anymore, and couldn't help but said, "We need to repair it until dawn? Then when we arrive at Picador Island, wouldn't the Max Pirates run away long ago?"

"Maybe it's not that bad..." The ghost spider just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Nuo Xia angrily, "Where do you get your confidence? Do you think that your luck today is not bad enough?"

The ghost spider choked immediately, and silently closed its mouth.

"It's troublesome..." Nuo Xia paced back and forth, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly turned to ask the adjutant, "Are there any speedboats with their own power among the lifeboats equipped on warships?"

"There is one, but the space is very small, and it can only squeeze two people..."

"Enough!" Nuo Xia's eyes lit up, and he ordered, "Please release this speedboat, and also, give me a copy of the record pointers of Picador Island and Sentine Island."

His words are almost more effective than ghost spiders on the warship. The lieutenant with the rank of major, without saying a word, immediately turned around and followed suit.

"Where are you going to make a fuss?" The ghost spider frowned after savoring the taste, "You don't intend to leave us and go alone, do you?"

"Bingo!" Nuo Xia looked at him with a smile, "Why, now, are you still worried about my strength?"

"Of course not..." Ghost Spider shook his head, and suddenly felt a little bit pained, "It's just that, wouldn't I lose my share?"

He has been holding back for a long time, hoping to have a good time in this battle.

"No." After reacting, Ghost Spider immediately said, "I have to follow."

"What a joke."

Nuo Xia gave him a blank look, and pointed to the speedboat that had been released below, "It's only that big of a place, don't you know how much it weighs? With you on it, can the speedboat go faster?"



--- Shia's diary---

A month has passed, but I still haven't been able to take the last step with Nuo Xia.

He promised me the rest, but this one he insisted would take a while.

He also said.

There is no need to rush to finish some things overnight. When the time comes, you can do them every night.

opportunity?What is meant?
I'm confused.

 Ladies and gentlemen, this is really the third watch. I finished writing in one breath and didn't separate from the middle...

  Good night, tomorrow we will continue to start with the third shift, so we will return one update every day, and strive to complete the owed update as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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