People are full of pirates

Chapter 12 "Peach Rabbit" Gion

Chapter 12 "Peach Rabbit" Gion

The props brushed in the system mall, as expected last week, did not change their urination, and jumped back and forth between reliable and unreliable.

What's the deal with master gambling?He is a navy, and he is not a gambler who makes a living from it. He spends a huge price of [-] points to exchange it, unless he has water in his head.

Western economics is even more outrageous... Nuoxia directly ignored the latter two skills, and instead focused on the front props.

After hesitating for a while, he chose to exchange the "mandatory volume adjuster" and temporarily stored it in the backpack.

[Mandatory volume adjuster: Freely control the size of a sound source within a radius of ten meters, the longest effective time is 30 seconds]

[Item Features: Consumables, currently available times 5/5]

According to the remarks of the system, after use, a virtual remote control will appear in front of you, which can be adjusted arbitrarily between 0 and 100 by pressing on the sound source like when watching TV.

To be honest, he really couldn't think of the meaning of this thing for a while, but after all, it only needs 100 points, Nuoxia feels that it is no different from giving away for free, and it doesn't matter if you keep the dust, maybe it will be sent one day. come in handy.

For the remaining three items, if the effect of "Xiandou" is similar to the original version in Dragon Ball, Nuo Xia is quite envious, but the points required are too many, which makes it prohibitive.

So in the end, Nuoxia decided to focus on pursuing goals for the next week, focusing on "Swordsman Ryoma's Enlightenment Notes" and "Six Types of Shave (Intermediate)".

The kendo notes from the legendary great swordsman and "Dragon Slayer" Ryoma from hundreds of years ago are naturally worthless. Even if it is incomplete, it is definitely a dream treasure for a junior swordsman.

As for the intermediate "shaved", with the paper painting as an example, Nuoxia probably has a good idea of ​​its strength.

——As long as he can comprehend it, his proficiency in this physical art is enough to surpass everyone in the elite camp of the same period.

These are all good things that can directly increase their strength. The key is that the price is cheap enough.

It's just... I only have more than [-] points left. How can I earn points until there are no new side quests?

He fell into deep thought that night and couldn't think of a suitable solution for a long time. He tossed and turned on the bed until one or two in the middle of the night, before giving up the torment and deciding that it would be better to continue with the situation, and finally fell asleep.


The lack of sleep time and quality still had a slight impact on Nuoxia's resilience.

The next morning, when he got up for extra training, he clearly felt that his tiredness had not completely dissipated. It was not until he finished the extra training and filled his stomach in the restaurant that he barely recovered.

After he had packed up his plates, he hurried to the northeast corner of the port with Rosinandi and Shiliu.

There, there is already a standard warship ready to go, waiting for their elite recruits to participate in actual combat for the first time.

It has been a long time since I came out of the elite camp behind the fortress. After a few months, Nuoxia once again saw the majestic Marinfando Square. The warships with their flags and the towering forts were still so shocking and had a strong visual impact. Full.

Zefa stayed at the pier, greeting each disciple who came to gather, and watched them board the warship behind him.

But until the last person arrived and the entire elite battalion recruits were all in attendance, Zefa didn't mean to get on the ship at all. Instead, he turned around and waved to the deck of the warship with a smile.

"What... what do you mean?"

Luo Nandi was a little surprised and couldn't help but said, "Mr. Zefa, won't he come with us? Who will be in charge of this actual combat assessment?"

"I don't know."

Nuoxia shook his head. He was also very confused. He had the impression that Li Zefa had mentioned to their disciples that every previous elite battalion recruits went out to sea for actual combat, and this top naval force would personally stand in the line to prepare for the unexpected.

How did they make an exception this time around?

It's not just the two of them who have this question. On the deck of Nuoda, most of the more than [-] elite battalion recruits gathered are dazed, and there are whispers from time to time.

After a while, the warship officially left the port and set sail, standing on the dock waving to them and saying goodbye to Zefa, which gradually became a small black spot in the distance.

At this time, Nuoxia and the others finally had an answer to the confusion in their hearts.

tread, tread...

The sound of low footsteps suddenly sounded from above.

Everyone on the deck subconsciously raised their heads in response to the sound, and soon found two figures who slowly walked out of the cabin on the second floor and came directly under the mast at the top of the deck.

The person in front was wearing a black coat and a dark purple turban embroidered with a navy scale pattern. Under the tousled black curly hair, the ordinary facial features were unsmiling and grim.

The person in the back is tall and slender, a long-legged girl wearing a white justice cloak.

She has a beautiful face and calm eyes. The epaulettes and dresses on her body are basically pale pink, and even her lips are painted with cherry pink lipstick.

The drooping right hand was placed on his waist, quietly holding a surprisingly long and narrow blade.

"That is……"

After seeing the appearance of the two of them clearly, the deck was quiet for a moment, and then there was an exclamation.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan!"

"And Commodore Gion!"

"What... what's the situation? Are the two of them in charge of this actual combat assessment?"

Hearing the exclamations coming from below, Aokiji, who had a cold face at first, finally couldn't hold back any longer, sighed, and rubbed his brows helplessly.

"...Ah, I've already begun to regret that I promised Teacher Zefa last week."

He glanced at Peach Rabbit behind him, and muttered, "I really hate reading the rules or something, as expected, why don't you... Gion, you'll make it clear for me?"

"No way, little Kuzan."

Taotu had a smile on her face, but her tone was non-negotiable and decisive, "I'm just a hitchhiker, and the actual combat test has nothing to do with me."

Just know that.

Aokiji shrugged, looked back at the elite battalion recruits below, organized a little bit of language, and said:

"Although from everyone's reactions, you can probably see that many people know me, but after all, this is the first time we have officially met, so I'd better introduce myself briefly."

"Kuzan, the third-year students who entered the elite camp in 1492 are considered yours... um, how do you say it, seniors, seniors, that's probably how it happened, anyway, after graduation, it's not bad, and I'm currently in charge of the headquarters. position of the general.”

The bottom of Nuo Xia's eyes twitched slightly.

When he was in the elite camp, he was a genius that had been rarely seen for decades. He was only in his twenties now, and he was already a lieutenant general of the headquarters. Is this a good thing?
He was a little suspicious for a while. If he swiped the Aokiji himself with the detector, the displayed skill list would show something like "Versailles Literature (Master)".

"...In short, the reason why I came here this time is because I was entrusted by Teacher Zefa to serve as the chief instructor for this actual combat assessment, until you complete your tasks safely and return to Marin Vado."

On the high platform, Qingzhi glanced at all the recruits, stayed on Nuoxia's familiar face for a second, and then looked elsewhere as if nothing had happened, and continued to say slowly:

"As for the content of this assessment, it can be revealed to everyone at this time. The actual combat assessment target is located in the West Sea, one of the four seas, and the specific task is to restore an island under the control of the Pirates."

"This pirate group is called the Capone Pirates. The captain, Capone Beatr, used to be the head of the gangster family. He made a living by selling arms and people and had a certain say in the underground world of the West Sea."

"As for the bounty...I think about it, the headquarters just raised it once two months ago. At present, the bounty should be 5800 million Bailey."

(End of this chapter)

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